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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Bulent is much less annoying alone. Nice job on the lizard and shoes. So happy he finds Seth. Hilarity will ensue. Seth's whining is funny as hell. Suze was doing almost all the work. She seems to fit in well with the others. She's not all bossy now that the others are worker bees too. I hope Wes and Gwen adapt well to the invasion, if Sara makes it....
  2. Poker game was a good diversion. What a bunch of idiots. It’s always messy when the guests bring locals back on the boat. And now they are like permanent guests for meals. So much extra work for Kiko and everybody. Alex and Hannah were amazing until 6 AM. Tender Cap’n Pete screws up the whole departure. Malia needs to fire his ass. It was said they were going to edit him out, but sadly he’s a huge source of dysfunction so TPTB couldn’t. They didn’t know the beach rules? No glass (or alcohol, ha ha) is the standard in the NE US. Or was it because of the wind.
  3. I'll never understand why they don't make shoes right away. I've badly burned the tops of my feet. Went walking in the surf before the lotion set and forgot to reapply. Not fun. Seth is still a slug and just gets dumber. Suzaaaane should turn around and put her feet in his face. Nice score on the feathers! He seems surprised she's leaving. LOL! Nice build by Bulent, but he's soo annoying, even alone. It's not your water. Ryan hit the impala, just not well, And then finds Gwen and Wes! And helps them get an impala! Impressive! I'm going to assume Ryan convinces the others to move. They should make a great "gang of five". Wait until the other three pains in ass show up... Nice snake kill under that tree.
  4. 1st Malia says something about Pete having more experience. He condescendingly offers "a few pointers." Malia says: Treat me like one of the "boys" Bad move. She calls them guys, then boys again asking about girlfriends. Daddy Pete was "young, dumb, and full of ***". Really gross to say to your new female boss. 1st sweetheart. She's unhappy in a TH. He makes another snide comment I missed, same TH frustration. Wash the boat, she says nice job guys. Tells Pete aside "when I need you to take over, I'll let you know." She briefly tells Hannah about Pete at bedtime. Pete screws up his bow line and leaves his post early. Sandy flips out. Malia firmly tells him to not do that. 2nd sweetheart doing jet-ski launch. She kind of gives him a look, complains in a TH. Rolling into episode 2. Second day of charter. Then, putting out the water toys, he calls her "Master", she says Malia is fine. More TH. Still no real push-back. More "boys" talk with Alex. Next day, something with the valves, Malia finally gets in Pete's face that she's the boss. No sweeties, but IMHO, she let him slide way too long.
  5. I think they are re-running the season opener - secret scene show in like 10 mins. I'll try to pay attention to Pete / Malia.
  6. Sandy gets more annoying every week. I feel bad for Jess. She seems to be really trying and Hannah just dumps on her. I get that she's stressed, but should tone it down a bit. Nice docking job. The weather is being very uncooperative. Nice tip! Bugsy. Bring on the drama! Hannah is crapping cupcakes. lol!
  7. Bulent is a moron. Seth is delusional. eta and a slug.
  8. Got a link? I can always use a good laugh 🙂 I'm 61. This crap hasn't been acceptable for a big part of my life.
  9. Lost in all the drama is how fantastic Kiko is, well except for his concept of time 🙂 They couldn't fire Pete (aka god's gift to the world) already down a stew.
  10. Dumbass Pete and Lara deserve each other. OK Malia, fire Pete so he can hook up with black widow Lara.
  11. Sandy is even more clueless than I thought.
  12. Shawn had an amazing cabin started, too. Really dumb losing his fire starter. I would take a new, trusty, bright orange BiC lighter if I could. You could really scald yourself in that "hot tub" with no temperature control.
  13. Glad the bad aloe won't knock Wes and Gwen out. Sad for Kate. I thought she would do well in the new tribe! She's not lazy. Makani is very strange. Bulent is as obnoxious as ever. Seth is a slug. Suzaaanne is a hard worker. I understand her concerns. Makani will probably help them, it she doesn't crash from lack of protein.
  14. I will never understand this 2nd vs. 3rd stew thing. Chief needs to call them both seconds, which means “You are equal, you do this , you do that. Now.” Lara somehow seems to think Jessica works for her. I’m not an orange juice fan, but I eat a whole orange every morning. The only way I can eat eggs is scrambled, dry. Some cheese in them is nice.
  15. In German, the "a" is always pronounced like "ah". The umlaut turns it into what would be a long "a" in English, like in "make" or "say". Whatever she is doing with that thing, it's not German 🙂
  16. I know 🙂 I've been to St. Kitts many times and that's just the way it is. Always a happy adjustment. (Bob Marley playing in my head. Don't worry, about a thing.......)
  17. A friend worked in Brazil for about 4 years. Told me that Brazilians have zero concept of time. Everybody is relaxed and nothing happens on time because there is always manana. Totally alien to US culture. I see that in Kiko.
  18. To throw this in while rewatching. Lara is just a pill. Is there beer? Yes or no! (I thought I saw a case of bud. Ewww.) She’s one of those, that no matter how you ask them something, they always take it a totally unintended way, then argue about what you asked. Stop it! Bosses change your duties all the time, snowflake.
  19. I had enough of Bulent after the first 30 seconds of him.
  20. Whiney dude whines his steak is dry! Boo blanking hoo!
  21. Not sure I believe in Sandy's, sudden growth of a spine, time will tell....
  22. What is behind Adam? Looks to me like an indoor swimming pool. So much for living in your van.
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