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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I think this series is quite refreshing so far. The gang of greenhorns should make for some fun disasters. So far we don't have any drooling men with raging hormones acting stupid with a bunch of catty women who are all backstabbing each other with an oblivious captain like in that last Med. season. If I wanted The Young and the Restless I would watch it. And imagine, a chef who wants to cook what the guests want and seems happy about it! Kate and Captain Lee certainly are going to have a tough season. Watching them break in these newbies has great potential. It can be easier to train people from scratch than dealing with know-it-alls constantly challenging you. (ahem, Fugs) Bottom line is they are in charge and have to get it done to get the tips. Sad about Niko's brother. I think he fell or did he jump? I got a little distracted.
  2. As she fights through the horrible pain from her "rough kneecaps"
  3. And to think that's the most interesting thing we have to look forward to (sigh).
  4. That was pathetic! This has got to be the dumbest cast ever. Xmas' smug little DRs were revolting. Honey; Paulsputin is playing you too. She got enough airtime tonight to move her to top of my very crowded hate list. Fly away Raven, fly away into a wind turbine. "Rough Kneecap Syndrome"? Total attention whore. Paul is so obnoxious, but he is hilarious bashing Raven and her bullshit. Alex's brilliance just keeps shining through. Offers to go on the block. She deserves Paul to blindside her. I was hoping she would get her fat ass stuck in that cabinet. I want somebody to do it to her and she literally craps her pants. I can't believe Josh has become my "favorite". He is still deplorable, just a skosh less than the rest of them right now. Alex is so stupid she still believes the plan is to backdoor Kevin. Thick as a brick. Jason's bulb flickered a bit, but I'm sure Alex will put it out. I hope Matt screeches like a schoolgirl for us when Jason shows up at the jury house.
  5. Long ago, I took a course on Mass Movements/Personality Cults and this really is textbook behavior by these people. The highlight was when we saw the film of the West Virginia snake handlers doing their thing, People who firmly believed that the righteous would not be bitten as they tossed these rattlesnakes around. (It's theorized they kept the snakes in the fridge before the event so they were basically asleep.) When the preacher got bit (to the delight of the audience), it did not make them realize it was all BS, it just confirmed how powerful the Devil was and that they had to pray harder. Preacher was shitting bricks, but kept the grift going, "protesting" getting the medical treatment that saved him.
  6. ROFL. Every state has it's own stars and it's own embarrassments.
  7. I hear you. I'm from NJ and know region bashing very well. It's silly. Those idiots from "Jersey Shore" were all New Yorkers! Cody (Derrick's stooge) was a Jersey Boy! Sadly, you now have Kevin "representing" Boston on national TV, like clueless Jason is representing Oklahoma. We Northeasterners gotta stick together :) And for fun, Mom is from Duck Dynastyland, LA and later Houston. Been there. Done that. Never again :)
  8. She could be torturing Cody, Elena and Mark instead of you right now. Suckers.
  9. She knew it was pointless to even try. She played nice just to get it over with.
  10. What are those furry things attached to Julie's arms? Oh Raven, you too are playing a very lying and dirty game. Pot meet kettle, honey child. "I never said that" whoops. You did Jason, but so what. This veto fight is hilarious. Matt is such a crying whining baby child. Defending the grifter he loves! Scumbag Paul sees an opportunity to rope in the dying girl for a nimber. Really Matt. Stop with the whole manhood bullshit. You are the biggest wuss in the house. I'm surprised he didn't stop for a bowl of cereal during his whine fest. Jason did well. He tries but can't keep his story straight. Alex being vile as always, refusing to back up her punching bag. So Paulsputin then sends his idiot flying monkeys after Kevin. It is truly disgusting how this miserable little troll is running this mess. Nasty XMas wants Alex out. Good. When is this thing over??? A slow motion train wreck I am compelled to watch. Jury house! Yeah! Elena looks good. Cody knows what's going on. Deadpan humor at it's finest. Mark is so cool. Always the happy puppy. Onward to the eviction. Go fuck yourself Matt. (You'll have to for at least a week.) I guess after all the blowjobs Raven deserved that tongue bath on live TV. I hope you are shunned in JH and choke on some Fruit Loops. Raven's speech was the ultimate of gross. That whole exit sequence was revolting. Matt grovels to Julie. Surprise! He wants in on the Arkansassy griftin' fortune. "Her first tattoo" Gag me with a spoon! Julie asked the obligatory questions and got exactly the answers she wanted. Snoooooze. 3 more weeks! 3 more weeks! 3 more weeks! I'm not sure I can handle all the excitement...................... Rain Delay? I assume Los Angeles could always use some rain in the summer but wow.
  11. A nuke is way overkill plus there's all that messy fallout. A cruise missile with old-fashioned TNT would be plenty :) Matt and his cereal are still evicted tonight?
  12. Good for Jason. He is now the one I despise the least. Alex is just a mean, nasty, stupid, obnoxious bitch. I would love to see Jason punch her back. Matt. Uggh. Raven. Double uggh. Jason was stupid telling her he would take her off, but hey, it's Big Brother. Things change all the time. He should have put up Josh or Xmas. Just a pawn, right? He shows glimmers of getting a clue sometimes, but it doesn't last. Wtf with Kevin and the toothbrush comb? That was creepy and weird. I never liked this veto. Making that mess a bigger mess is stupid.
  13. I just read her bio and it says she is a "two time Iraq contractor". If she was really in Iraq working with the military, she should know better than to have questioned Cody's service.
  14. Thanks for that belly laugh. I needed it :)
  15. I thought Raven was in charge of the sucking off in that house. The DR should remind them they can torture Cody, Elena and Mark more if they evict Raven this week :)
  16. Matt and Raven are incredibly annoying. Either one can go next week. Save Kevin. He's less offensive. Nice of them to combine many of Raven's ridiculous "stories" to call her out. Then showing her good tricks with the disappearing limp and the random accent mumbling or whatever that was. Actually, they are all incredibly annoying. All idiot members of the Cult of Paul. Funny nobody wants their crappy temptations.
  17. Not a chance. Fat men shouldn't wear tank tops either.
  18. I know :) It's this streak of masochism that just won't quit.....
  19. Bye Mark. I see being off the grid for a few days I didn't miss a thing :) Thanks for the updates!
  20. I guess i'm scarred for life seeing "Willard" and "Ben" when I was 14.
  21. I'm not afraid. I just don't want them around. Maybe seeing "Willard" and "Ben" when I was 14 scarred me for life :)
  22. She's going for Miss Congeniality. The competition is "stiff".
  23. I found this "short" history of all the changes and add-ons since the beginning in the comments: http://bigbrothernetwork.com/big-brother-19-spoilers-apple-tree-twist-arrives/ We are frogs and the water is boiling :) "How the game evolved with SeasonTwist/Changes: Season 1 Original Format Season 2 Head of Household☆Jury☆Food Competition☆12 Houseguests Season 3 HOH☆Silver Power of Veto☆Jury☆12 Houseguests☆Food Competition☆Previously Evicted House Guest Season 4 Golden Power of Veto☆ Food Competition☆Diamond Power of Veto☆The X-Factor☆Event Ordering☆13 Houseguests Season 5 13 players☆ Double Eviction☆Project DNA☆Food Competition Season 6 14 players☆ Double Eviction ☆Secret Pairings☆Previously evicted houseguest☆Food Competition Season 7 14 players☆ Double Eviction ☆Food Competition☆Returning Players☆Coup d'Etat (not used)☆Fan Favorite Award☆Fans vote for houseguests to enter the game Season 8 Double Eviction☆America's Player (America's Eviction Vote)☆Rivals☆14 Houseguests☆Food Competition Season 9 16 players☆ Double Eviction☆Previously Evicted Houseguest☆soulmates☆Fan Favorite Award☆Food Competition☆four nominees☆Power Couple Season 10 13 players☆ Double Eviction☆America's Player (America's Eviction Vote)☆Fan Favorite Award☆Food Competition Season 11 13 players☆ Double Eviction☆Coup d'Etat☆Fan Favorite Award☆returning player☆Have/Have-Not Competition☆Clique☆Pandora's Box Season 12 13 players☆ Diamond PoV☆Double Eviction☆Have/Have-Not Competition☆The Saboteur☆Pandora's Box☆Fan Favorite Award Season 13 14 players ☆Have/Have-Not Competition☆Double Eviction☆Dual PoV☆Dynamic Duos☆Golden Key☆America's Vote☆Pandora's Box☆Returning Players☆Previously Evicted Houseguests☆Fan Favorite Award Season 14 16 players☆ Double Eviction☆ Returning Players☆Pandora's Box☆Fan Favorite Award☆Day One Eviction☆Reset Button☆Coach☆Coaches Competition☆Hit The Road competition Season 15 16 players☆ Have/Have-Not Competition☆ Double Eviction☆Fan Favorite Award☆Three individual nominees☆MVP' (America's Nominee)'☆Elissa Slater being related toRachel Reilly☆Previously evicted houseguests Season 16 16 players☆ Double Eviction☆Previously evicted houseguests☆Fan Favorite Award☆Team America☆Battle of the Block☆Double HOH☆HOHs aren't always safe☆Rewind Button Season 17 17 players☆ Double Eviction☆Previously evicted houseguests☆Fan Favorite Award☆Battle of the Block☆Double HOH☆HOHs aren't always safe☆Project DNA (Twin Twist Only)☆Big Brother Takeover☆BB Fast Forward☆The Last Laugh☆Gronk Party Week Season 18 16 players ☆Previously evicted houseguests ☆Fan Favorite Award☆Returning Players☆TeamsCo-HoH☆Double Eviction☆Three individual nominees☆Paulie Calafiore being related toCody Calafiore and Tiffany Rousso being related toVanessa Rousso☆Battle Back Competition☆Round Trip Ticket☆America's Care Package☆Roadkill Competition☆Hit The Road competition☆Day Two Eviction☆Two competitions to return to the game BB Over the top 13 players ☆ Returning Players ☆America's Care Package ☆America's Nominee☆ America's Eviction Vote ☆Double PoVSafety Ceremony ☆America's Have-Nots☆ No Jury Since Debut ☆America Chooses Winner ☆Double Eviction ☆Project DNA (Secret Siblings Only)☆Hit The Road competition ☆Co-HoH☆ Fans vote for houseguests to enter the game Season19 17 houseguests☆ Returning Players☆ Previously evicted houseguests ☆Fan Favorite Award☆ Den of Temptation ☆Battle Back Competition☆ Day One Eviction☆Big Brother Swap☆Pendant of Protection☆Ring of Replacement☆Halting Hex☆Temptation safety competition ☆ Apple tree temptation." Whew! "Kasey" put a lot of work into this.
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