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This was actually one of my OG comp favorites. Hmmm - telling a story, then running a maze…? How location-dependent can that be?
I’d forgotten the season wasn’t over yet.
Wanna see one of the ultimate chauffeurs in cinema? Check out John Wood’s depiction of Fairchild the chauffeur in Sabrina (the 1995 remake with Julia Ormond and Harrison Ford); his portrayal defines the archetype.
Lacking any specific insights into this particular employer/employee relationship, I would assume this chauffeur’s tasks to be much like any other: drive the car, follow the boss’s instructions, and keep your mouth shut.
Don’t know about anybody else, but I’m pretty certain my available resources of functional brain matter are significantly reduced from days past - and when it comes to stuff I consider it important to retain in memory, old Survivor season cast rosters are right down there along with the precinct return numbers from the 1996 county dog catcher election.
Doubtful; while much of the cast is certainly of AI / AN / First Nations origins, most aren’t specifically Navajo and aren’t likely to be as fluent in the language of the tribe. Just looking at the top names in the series credits: Zahn McClarnon / Joe Leaphorn: Hunkpapa Lakota (tribal member) Kiowa Gordon / Jim Chee: Hualapai (tribal member) and Choctaw (ancestral) Jessica Matten / Bernadette Manuelito: Red River Métis (Canadian - tribal member) and Cree (ancestral) Deanna Allison / Emma Leaphorn: Navajo (tribal member) and Zuni (ancestral) So - short of some REALLY intensive time with a native Navajo speech/dialect coach, nobody besides Deanna Allison is likely to portray speaking Navajo fluently. In all fairness, though: it’s not like a bunch of bilagáana are likely to pick up on any linguistic hiccups with the Navajo portions of the script in any case…. 😁
I read several of them back in the early 90s. My job had me flying back and forth pretty frequently between home and Albuquerque, where Hillerman lived; Hillerman was big enough in New Mexico back then to warrant his own dedicated section in many of the ABQ airport bookstores, so I’d often pick up his books for downtime reading material on work trips. I’m currently in the process of rereading the entire Leaphorn / Chee series in chronological order of release, and I’ve found it pretty amazing (and more than a little disappointing) how few of his books are available in my local library system. I’m wearing out all of the secondhand book shops in my area for what they have - which ain’t much - and hitting up Amazon for the rest.
You and 99.5% of the rest of the population - including me. 😉
In that respect, Rachel’s approach for surviving that particular TC was akin to Ford Prefect’s plan when he and Arthur Dent got dumped out of a Vogon airlock into the vacuum of space: find a passing spaceship, and get rescued by it. In other words, pure luck. IMHO a significant contributing factor to Sol’s decision to use the advantage on Rachel was simply because: Sol knew nobody in the TC group would expect such an advantage to pop up out of nowhere, so its use would be a 100% total blindside. ”Immunizing” Rachel at that point would guarantee maximum chaos (and carnage) among the remaining TC candidates - and that thought entertained Sol and made him happy. Sol could exercise the advantage with complete anonymity, so its use presented 0% blowback to him. If any one of these 3 points had not been in play, I doubt Sol would’ve used the advantage - and none of them had anything to do with how superlative Rachel’s game was. Rachel simply got lucky - and that’s not a bad thing.
Well - there ya go then, and what a great illustration of one of the core tenets of the game: in the end, Sue’s absolutely abysmal management of her social relationship with Kyle cost her $50K. 😄
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Well, hey; if I could just wave a magic wand and get rid of all my IC competitors, I bet *I* would stand a lot better chance of winning too! 🙄
I just assumed Sue was a Lavern Baker fan. 😉 ETA: TIL that if you (a) have to go back and correct some dumbass stupid shit this *** editor stuck into your post and (b) you actually CALL it a *** editor in the ‘Reason’ edit field, it will censor your Reason:
Didn’t see Maddy signing anything in the process, and so long as Olympia remained lawyer of record for the defense (and signed as such on all court filings) I doubt it would be an issue - and as time passes, it’s even less likely to become one. There’s an adage in government circles which I suspect ports readily into the legal realm, if it hasn’t already: Truth doesn’t matter, documentation does - and in my experience the truthfulness of this adage only increases over time, as individual memories fade and the hardcopy record is increasingly relied upon as the definitive statement of past reality. 3-5 years from now hardly anybody present in the courtroom that day (outside of the defendant) will remember this case ever existed, much less that Maddy did the closing argument - and as time passes the likelihood of some future researcher uncovering this little nugget of knowledge decreases, unless they dig all the way down to the atomic level of the court reporter transcripts.
Swear to god, first time I read this I thought it said “Klingons”. 😆