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  1. I’ve probably mentioned this on here before, but whatever: there’s a quote by George Carlin which has become one of my ruling guides to life the past 15-30 years. I used to find cause to reflect on it every couple of months or so, but these days it seems I’m considering it at least once a day - and like most of Carlin’s material it sounds like a joke, but isn’t: Think about how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of em' are stupider than that.
  2. In any organization attempting to make some pretense of a secure facility, putting identifying information on the keys to the front door is generally frowned upon. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for so eloquently encapsulating my biggest problem with this series; the total implausibility of its primary premise. 🤬🤬🤬 (I’ve tried to write the same post several times myself, but they all keep turning into the Great American Novel….)
  3. Can’t pinpoint it at present, but I’m pretty sure it’s happened before - just not on Day One.
  4. Too late; my house, last night. 😁
  5. Sai strikes me as the sort of person whose intense focus could flip to paranoia at the drop of a hat - a trait which has been the death knell of many a Day One alliance. Frankly, to me one of the pre-season teasers was so off-putting I almost considered skipping this season. My wife got to watching, though, so…. 😄
  6. Don’t feel bad - so did everybody else. 🤣
  7. TPTB should really do a better job of keeping their priorities in order…. 😁
  8. Nice to know Kathy Bates and I have at least one thing in common…. 😄
  9. 100% agreement, if for no other reason than you can’t tell me if Elijah was like any other normal human sending a flirtatious text he wouldn’t be checking every 5-10 minutes for a reply - and had opportunity each time to notice his “mistake” - especially after an hour or more has passed without a reply. Purely MHO but (a) I don’t think Elijah is anywhere NEAR as okay with this breakup as he lets on, and (b) I also suspect this whole “I want you back / no I don’t” schtick of his is demonstrative of a really nasty mean streak which (to date) he has been hiding VERY well - from us, anyway.
  10. But… but… what’s wrong with some basic lounging attire? 😂
  11. Don’t know about Mia Sara, but Jeffrey Jones (Principal Ed Rooney) might be available - and with this cast, I think he’d be STELLAR. 😄
  12. One potentially significant point on this: be it intentional or accidental, Ellie’s OD happened before the judge had formally transferred custody to her parents - so unless Ellie was already certain before the fact there was zero chance of her retaining custody, her OD was most likely unintentional.
  13. It’s become one of the show’s running jokes that firemen have a pronounced tendency to fixate romantically upon Elsbeth - presumably on account of her hair inspiring incendiary associations…? Elsbeth’s own reaction to such displays generally appears to be bemused frustration, which gives the definite impression Elsbeth has gotten (a)very used to this behavior over the years, and (b) pretty skilled at deflecting such attention - but it is also worthy of note Angus is the first firefighter Elsbeth hasn’t immediately rejected out of hand as a romantic prospect.
  14. Correct - but other than that first “let’s meet Shae” intro episode for her character, how any of Shae’s subsequent appearances have so much as alluded to her participation in a jury evaluation/selection process? Purely conjecture on my part, but I suspect (a) “jury consultant” was simply the shoehorn TPTB chose to insert the character of Shae to the law firm’s operational environment, and (b) Shae’s actual significance to the story line will unfold in areas well outside her proscribed professional role - which is what seems to be playing out.
  15. That is Shae’s job title, to be sure - but insofar as TPTB have taken painstaking measures to demonstrate on multiple occasions, Shae’s actual job duties go far beyond just that. Every use we’ve seen the firm make of Shae to date has been as human lie detector, and has been focused more in the meeting room than in the jury box. Personally I suspect Shae’s true role in the firm is more “fixer” than jury consultant, regardless of how she’s listed on the org chart.
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