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Everything posted by JusLaugh

  1. This episode was equivalent to Star Trek doing an entire season opener about the red-shirts. Yes, I'm that old.
  2. I think we were supposed to notice some kind of sexual tension between Bull and the lady trial scientist, but I didn't get that at all. It just seemed like a petty rivalry and Bull is lucky his team is so competent. Also, since when does Bull not care about his clients? He barely gave those parents the time of day. This whole episode was just weird and lacked the closure that I am used to with this show. On a side note, and I know this is just my personal opinion, but I wish they would stop trying to make Bull sexy. Although Michael Weatherly is a good looking guy, it just doesn't work with the character and comes across icky, especially when the women swooning over him are 1/2 his age.
  3. When they were herding the walkers, I kept expecting Tara to say, "puppies and kittens" every time the herd would come into view. The Sunglasses/Licorice while counting down was very Z Nation like...I am in the minority, I guess, because I really like Tara. She brings a little bit of much needed silliness to this show. I knew they weren't going to kill Negan. It's too early in the season for him to die. Maybe the whole point of wasting all of those bullets was just to make a bunch of noise to direct the herd. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself.
  4. During the scenes in Greece, my Amazon Echo kept thinking someone was talking to her...she kept saying, "I'm sorry, I couldn't understand that." Was someone's name Alexa? So glad this show is back. I love it! Can't wait to see what amazing adventures are in store this season.
  5. I must have missed that. I thought she said she wanted to take them to her Mom's. That makes more sense.
  6. I really like this show, but something about it has always bothered me and I finally figured out what it is...It is really slow-paced compared to other shows I watch. Not much at all happened in last night's episode, but I was still glued to it. I don't understand the philosophy that the kids will be safer away from the white house. If the security is better at Grandma's house than the friggin White House, we are all in trouble. I'm not buying that Aaron is a bad guy.
  7. So...there I was, watching what could have been the best episode of Survivor, ever! ...the (whatever the Caleb stealing tribes name is...I call them the Dummies) tribe is out numbered, out manned, out gunned. OH NO! They are definitely going to need a miracle to pull this one out! Lo and behold they get their miracle in the form of their best puppet, the sneaky-snake Tai, finding a hidden immunity idol and revealing it to EVERYONE (which no one does without producer shenanigans). The Dummies could save their asses and pull off the biggest move in Survivor history. "Wow! this is going to be GREAT!" I told myself. They get to tribal council and it is very confusing and I can't follow what is being said, but it seems like the Dummy tribe figured out who the Sandra tribe is going to vote for and it's Culpepper! Yay! The Sandra tribe is in SO much trouble! they are going to lose the biggest threat in the game and their leader... I can't wait. What a smart move! And with all of that mouthing off she is doing and JT and Malcolm on board, she is gone for SURE! Greatest. Move. Ever. Or, Culpepper is gone, which is OK, too. Then, they start voting. I grab my popcorn. I down some water. The suspense is killing me.....then, Tai hands the idol to....Sierra? Okayyyyyy.... Then, they vote out another one of my cuties, Malcolm(b). FU Survivor
  8. JusLaugh

    S07.E02: The Well

    Since our group left the prison, this show has slowly gone down hill. Not in a "this is an awful show now" way, but it had lost some of that...(feeling?) that made it great. For example, on the way to Terminus, they tried to be artsy about each split-off group's story which had me doing a lot of eye-rolling. And last season, it seemed to me that TPTB were more interested in trying to fool the audience than simply telling us the story. I was annoyed with everything from the tragic walk of guts with Sam in tow, to the fake dumpster death, and especially with the head bashing cliff hanger. That being said, to me, this episode had that old time feel to it. I absolute love this new community that is thriving non-violently! Most of all, I love this new character Ezekiel! He is charming and street smart and most of all, he still has hope! Not the wool-over-the-eyes hope Deanna had, but real, eyes wide open I know the world is shitty but I just don't care, HOPE! You remember hope? That thing Dale had??? That thing Hershel had??? That thing they ripped away from us at the prison and never returned? Yay hope! Now I wan't to follow this group, instead of wrecking-ball Rick and the gang. I don't want to go back to the hopeless feeling of last week's episode. EVER! But, I know that TPTB feel the need to kill anything or anyone that gives us hope, so I suspect this old time feeling I just got from this one episode will be short lived. *sigh*
  9. I think "America" should have gotten rid of Mary Sarah and kept Emily. She is more unique has a lot more talent. Besides, I'm kind of bored with the "blonde country chick" this show keeps around every season. Owen was at the bottom because a big chunk of people can't relate to his style (same could be said for Emily) and the song choice was awkward. I think Adam should have him do some Tom Petty. I think he would do it well and most people have heard Tom Petty's songs so they could better plug in to the awesomeness Adam swears is in Owen.
  10. I don't often binge watch shows, but when I do, it's usually House of Cards. The Underwood's never cease to make my jaw drop with their schemes and plans. It's...just...so...deliciously evil that I can't stop watching. Beheading...wow!
  11. I predict that the death of Glenn will be the beginning of the end of this show. There are only 5 (or 6 if you count Morgan) original characters left and they kill one??? I suppose they are planning to get rid of Daryl next. Not as in touch with their fan base as they claim to be if you ask me. I think Glenn is gone but will show up as a walker and Maggie will have to end him. They are just toying with us by giving us some hope that he is still alive. They seem to like to crush their viewers like a bug every now and then.
  12. JusLaugh

    S06.E02: JSS

    So THAT'S why they put the easily climbable angled supports on the outside of the wall, rather than the inside where they would clearly be more efficient. I've been wondering about that since the gang arrived in Alexandria.
  13. Ha ha ha. Kimmy Gibbler. Thanks, Boofish. I know my question seemed kinda snarky but that wasn't my intent. Hate watching is all over the place and a lot of fun sometimes, but it seems the negative comment with this show are more brutal than usual and I wanted to know why. I bet your answer pretty much sums it up for a lot of people. I totally get it now. TWD Creators do have a knack for forcing you to hold on when you don't want to...or even if you don't want to want to.
  14. Ha ha ha ha. Gave me a good laugh. Thanks!
  15. I thought it was a great season finale. I really like this show and am glad that it isn't like TWD. I wouldn't want same, same. I knew that Liza would be the first one to go since she was a fan favorite, so I wasn't surprised at all. Can't wait to see what they do with it next season. On a side note, It seems the obvious solution if you don't like this show is to not watch it. I don't understand why so many people would watch something that they hate and then spend the extra time to come here and post about it. What's up with that?
  16. He may be very self involved and manipulative in a manly-man way, but I don't care. Savage needs to stay around for a while to be my eye candy. After the personality outweighs the looks, they can cut him loose. But not 'til I say "when".
  17. I, too, am a part of this club--I really like the show. It is more of a TV drama right now than a gory zombie series like TWD, but I am getting a kick out of all of the characters and the situation. I think both Alicia and Chris are extremely angry kids who have no control over their lives and who's parents never listen to them. That is a recipe for a teen acting out. Add the boredom of the prison camp they're in and it is the perfect storm. Nick must be the luckiest junkie in the history of junkies. Love the new guy and hope the character is in it for the duration. Madison and Liza are both highly adaptable to any situation and very strong women. Salazar is bad ass! Travis...meh, but I am coming around. The one complaint I have is the way they portray the military. They use the premise of "just following orders" to justify their degrading attitude the writers have assigned this unit. Sorry, but one of the first things you learn in basic training is about lawful and unlawful orders and how not to follow the unlawful ones. Also, our military is not like the ones Mr. Salazar had experiences with. First of all, the US military is all volunteer, not thug-napped kids who have been brain washed to follow some doctrine. Second of all, those of us who have served took an oath to protect, not to destroy our own citizenry, so I don't like when apocalyptic writers portray the military as oppressive asses who just follow unlawful orders and mow down innocent civilians without question.
  18. I seem to be in the minority here, but I love this show. I think the characters get more interesting every episode and is building up at a good pace. I also think the acting is GREAT compared to TWD. I Like Madison. She is intellectually curious and goes out of her way to hold her emotions in check for the sake of her family. I also don't understand why people are so upset about her Liza snark. I would be a MUCH bitchier if my husband's ex-wife moved in to my house. Madison gets an A+ for handling the situation IMHO. I also like Alicia and Chris. They are both really smart kids who seem to have adapted to the situation better than any of their parents. I hate Nick. He is my least favorite character. I have lived with an addict before and let me tell you it is NOT endearing at all. They are charming, manipulative, selfish, and only interested in finding their next high. I don't find that fun, cute, or smart. The actor, however, is so brilliant in portraying it that I hope they keep him around. Maybe if the military really can force him to get clean, I will like him better, but for now...ick. I also think Liza and Travis are too naive and trusting to live long in the zombie world. Madison was right--It was all Liza's fault. She told the government goons about Nick. I get that she was just trying to help, but she was also trying to be accepted by the gov't doc. I also hate how Travis treats his son very dismissively. Travis is my second least favorite character. Then, after she watched them throw down Mr. Salazar who was just trying to stay with his wife, Liza hops on the convoy and abandons Chris without so much as an explanation of goodbye. What kind of parent willingly abandons their 15 year old son in the middle of an apocalypse? I really liked her up until this episode. Now, not so much.
  19. ME TOO! While watching TWD, I am always alternating between yelling "Take a bath!" and snarky comments like, "Oh, look. There's a house. Bet they might have some clean clothes in there. Maybe something with some color." Now, I get to yell at a whole new non-hygienic show with beige clothing. Ugh. Nick's filth made me so disgusted that I made it clear to my husband last night that if any of our kids come home to go through withdrawals, they will NOT be touching my furniture until they take a damn shower. Zombies, or no zombies. I can't believe Madison didn't insist that shower and change be the first thing he do. Don't get me wrong, I can understand not bathing when there isn't water or the opportunity but that is so not the case here and most times it isn't the case on TWD. Do they even have any women on the writing staff on these shows? My guess is no.
  20. Where to start...let me just say that I thing this season was rigged from the beginning. They had some really good singers at the beginning and I had such high hopes. What they ended up with was: Sawyer-he seems like a good kid, but he has little or no range and all of the songs that he sings sound the same regardless of Genre or beat. I did catch the emotion everyone was talking about in one song he sang, I guess. Meagan-good singer, but her voice was too nasally for my liking and she seemed by her "home town" presentation to be a bit of a name-dropper. Joshua-I'm not sure how good of a singer he is because his voice is so soft I could never hear it over the instruments. Koryn-Her voice is strange and the song choices for her were mostly awkward. I think she was the most improved of the 4, though. Don't get me wrong. All 4 are vey talented, but I didn't think any of them were that spectacular. It also kinda seems like they were pre-selected because they had the best chance of making a break-through post-voice. I find it hard to believe we viewers would vote them as the final 4 out o all of the great talent presented this year, although I cold just be in denial. That being said, congratulations to Sawyer. I hope I am wrong and he becomes a superstar.
  21. Who's going to die next is very predictable on this show. Characters are dead if they fall in to one of these categories: 1) They are the voice of reason. 2) They are a black male and another black male (Morgan) is getting ready to appear. 3) They are egotistical or have a crappy attitude toward our group. 4) They start to show signs of real hope, are naturally kind, or make future plans. Darryl will probably die next since he showed some hope in last week's episode. I constantly find myself wondering why they couldn't allow just one good and hopeful person to live. Though an overall good season, there have been too many deaths within the group and Rick has gone from strong leader to creepy stalker guy. I hope they change course with his character soon, because this direction seems contrived. The character of Abraham has been growing on me throughout this season, but I never really cared one way or another for Eugene until this episode. Now I really like both of them. I hope Rosita gets a chance to show herself soon, too. I can't believe the priest did that. That is lower than low. I wonder how Maggie/Deanna are going to handle that information.
  22. I feel like the show started in mid-season. Maybe the writers assumed the average viewer would watch long enough to catch up. I'm not one of those viewers. I just don't get it.... Why didn't they show the story from the beginning when everyone disappeared, introduced us to the characters in the direct aftermath so we knew who they were. Maybe they could throw in a bit of info about what they were going through for the last 3 years so we are able to relate to them and show us how the "not a cult" was formed and why the Chief's wife is there and THEN jump 3 years later. I spent most of this episode wondering why those kids were stalking that poor woman when they knew she lost her whole family. I also was wondering why Liv Tyler wanted in the smokers club so bad. The writers never really told us and she has a beautiful voice. Why would she want to ruin it? I think two episodes of this show is enough. It's just not for me.
  23. Me, too. I have watched this show since it came out and am still enjoying it. I don't ever worry about where the story is going because they always go some whacky unbelievable direction I never expected. It's part in the charm IMHO. My favorite part of this episode was where Sam and Alcide met in the woods after they had both shifted, had an awkward naked discussion about what they were doing there, then shifted and took of together. Ha ha ha. I am going to miss shirtless Alcide. *sigh* I also liked how Pam was once again able to find just the right angle (Sara Newland) to push Eric forward. I just love Pam! Like many viewers, I was disappointed the way the show handled the whole Tara death and believe her mother probably killed her. I just don't think we are totally done with that storyline yet, even if she did meet the true death. Can't wait to see what they do with it.
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