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Everything posted by Crumpet

  1. That whole sequence was divine. My other favorite was when Britt asked Carly for examples of Britt acting fake, and when Carly immediately rattles off three or four, Britt has to try to talk over her again. Too funny. I can't stand Britt. And Jillian needs to calm the f down. And I will kind of always love Carly for not bowing down and tearfully apologizing to Britt, even when the live audience seemed against her. I also noticed Kaitlyn's mush-mouthed weirdness. I expect her to be the Bachelorette, and ugh, whatever. I can't really think of who would be better but there are a lot who would be worse.
  2. I thought Whitney and Becca looked awful during the rose ceremony. I understand they tied their hair back because of the humidity but neither style looked good. As others have said, Chris's sighs, pauses, and giggles make him insufferable. No inflection. No emotion. Super boring. I can't bring myself to care who he chooses.
  3. From Chris's People blog, "What you didn't get to see was that, during our date, Becca's horse went rogue and galloped down a hill past mine. Her horse ran into my leg and nearly knocked me off!" Chris is an awful, awful, awful Bachelor.
  4. According to a poster on the A.V. Club, on the iTunes version there is an extra scene where Ilana says she didn't want to have to explain her relationship with Lincoln to her relatives, but he sent an Edible Arrangement.
  5. I'm suspicious of Ashley's recollection too. She's obviously immature and looking for any reason not to like some of the other contestants. (I like how she switched from "I don't like Whitney" to "Whitney doesn't like me!!!!" in her conversation with Mackenzie). True. She also looks like the teacher when she's with these women. I don't mean that as a put-down, she and Chris are well-matched. But since so many of them are so young, her maturity and age are really apparent when she's sitting in a group.
  6. Yeah he was really beaming at her, and her at him, when he gave her the rose on the group date.
  7. I never really liked Josh either, so I didn't care about their relationship...so I thought. But LOL to the news because that was a pretty fast demise.
  8. I get so uncomfortable watching this show now that I almost can't deal with it. Danielle and Mohammad are a complete fast-forward for me, and Jason and Cassia made it there this episode. They just make zero sense.
  9. The total population of Nicaragua is something like 6 million. So I doubt Yamir is really cleaning up financially, and since boy bands in general have short shelf lives, he might not be giving up too much in terms of future success by leaving the country. But it's his choice so I don't fault Chelsea for wanting to move back to the U.S. Danielle stated, out loud, that she was 41 years old and 15 years older than Mohammad. So if she's now claiming it's TLC that got it wrong...yeah, not quite.
  10. I'd think that someone newly diagnosed with HIV would need to see doctors to undergo further tests and start a treatment plan, which would take away one of the big elements of being in the BB house (isolation from the outside world). Plus the previously mentioned psychological impact. And if you're really in a relationship I can't imagine staying in the house where you'd be unable to inform your partner (and if you gave others the permission to inform, that you'd actually want to do that and not be able to answer his/her questions directly).
  11. I know! And I like their revisionist history on why everybody hates Juan Pablo. It's not because he didn't propose or say "I love you." There was that little conversation with Clare where it became very obvious that he's just a dick.
  12. Pretty sure all of the weddings took place on March 14.
  13. She wasn't "crazy" on Bachelor Pad, from my memory. She did fall for an asshole, but that hardly makes her unique on that show, which is basically all about humiliating its participants (especially, IMO, the women).
  14. Then, to paraphrase another post on this thread, "I like Corey, but them's the breaks when you choose to procreate with an irresponsible douchebag." I don't feel sorry for him at all, and his whine-session with his wife about not court ordered child support not being fair because the more money you make, the more you owe, was ridiculous.
  15. It sure looked like it to me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed.
  16. LOL panthergirl13. That would have been amazing. Me too. I just cannot deal with his...I don't know...face. Combined with his clichéd words and cheesy grin, it's too much. Not even Grumpy Cat could get me to watch their interview.
  17. Arie freaking showed up at Emily's house after her season ended, that's way more stalker-ish than trying to talk to Andi on the phone or flying to a television show taping to see her. And I liked Arie! He was definitely hedging for awhile (to the point where I was saying, out loud, OH JUST SAY YOU HAD SEX!), and I also think he just wanted some type of acknowledgement that Andi did have feelings for him at some point. She wasn't giving in at all, so that's when he dropped the bomb. Now I know a lot of revisionist history goes on after every season, but I couldn't believe Andi was denying pretty much everything (and considering that Josh is good at revisionist history too, maybe they will make it after all) because, I mean, hello. They were hot and heavy on some dates. When he "suprised" her she could have told him to go back to his room.
  18. Yaaaaassss. Finally something actually interesting happens on one of these shows! Below the belt, my ass. He tried to talk to her off camera and she refused, so whatever. She made the choice to sleep with him, not on camera, but while filming a TV show.
  19. Thanks for mentioning, I forgot about this element too (as an aside, I find these videos one of the most cringe-worthy parts of the entire show, and that's saying something). Josh mentions baseball in his first sentence! I can't. He also sounds like he's selling their relationship as if he's on an infomercial. But I wonder if the reactions they showed were her actual real-time reactions, or if they played with the editing.
  20. Totally. It seems like half the things he says could be found on motivational posters. There's no there there. I also find him the least attractive of the final four guys, that manicured look doesn't do it for me. But yeah, he's got this in the bag. I do find Nick endearingly awkward, and liked how he pulled her away from the lights and the cameras (sort of) to finally spit out that he loves her. I did find it interesting how she let him founder so much on the beach though. He was obviously uncomfortable and trying to spit something out and she didn't throw him a bone at all.
  21. I wasn't feeling the love for Chris's family. They seemed fine but laid it on a bit thick for me between his mom exclaiming about how she would babysit their kids and his sisters emphasizing how successful he is. But I'm also not a fan of his looks or his role as the leader of the "We Hate Nick" club (or the plane flying the banner, cheesy). I couldn't last more than a couple of minutes watching the date with Marcus. He was so obviously going home that it made me uncomfortable. Now...the Murray family. WHAT A NIGHTMARE. That date reminded me of the line from Beaches, "But enough about me, let's talk about you. What do you think of me?" Big news will always be overshadowed by what's going on in the QB's life. And Josh's excuse for why he doesn't play baseball anymore is just laughably deluded.
  22. He was supposed to say yes. No one would have known, and even if they released the results, he could just say it was wrong. But Chris is, of course, there for the right reasons, so it's OK. In this way, Andi's season is reminiscent of Emily's to me. The guys standing around looking like they're freezing and the bachelorette wrapped up in sweaters and coats.
  23. I don't find Chris attractive at all, and his voice bugs me. All the guys who chimed in during that verbal non-smackdown sounded really stupid. So I was totally on Nick's side. That being said, I doubt he gets the final rose. They're showing him talking about his certainty way too much. But I do see some chemistry between him and Andi, and there's only one other guy there that she shows the same type of attention to (Josh, ugh,). Marcus is cute but has dead eyes. The only time he had a little life in him was the bumper for last week's episode.
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