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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. That Bible waver podcaster pinged my gaydar big time. He wouldn’t be the first closet case to have a beauty queen wife and a ton of kids.
  2. He might as well wear a giant tee shirt that says, “If you even make eye contact I will God bother you until you run away screaming.” No wonder he doesn’t have a job with actual, you know, people.
  3. Next up, the snakes crawl out of the cargo hold...
  4. Nysha, Amazon has some ant traps that work great with sugar ants. I feel your pain...we had a long cold wet spring and since we have an air exchange vent in our wall (as required by local code) some kind of ant apparently used the wall above it as a great warm place to colonize. A month ago all the new winged ants hatched...and instead of going out the way they came in, they were emerging everywhere. We spent ten days vacuuming flying ants off the windows. And screw the county...that vent is now blocked. 2020. Gawdamighty.
  5. I’d love to comment, but I have a pain in my Breastplate of Righteousness and my Belt of Truth is in the shop.
  6. Ijustwantsomechips, the sad truth is that nobody can push our most painful buttons like family. Even my mother, as sweet as she was, could still really hurt my feelings at times because she thought I should have done “more” with my life; mostly because that was one of my father’s favorite topics where I was concerned. She said it again a few weeks ago...this from someone with severe dementia. It hurts and I am really sorry this is all happening to you. Sometimes I think families do this as some weird way to blow off steam, like they’re mean because they can be. Or, especially with a topic as emotionally loaded as motherhood, it can bring out some weird ugly female competitive thing. Dunno. You know you have the right to set boundaries, yes? “Mom, we’re going to change the subject now.” And if she won’t, leave the room. You feel how you feel and they can either respect that or step off. I’m really sorry, sweetie.
  7. So I watched the first half of the first episode and gave up, because it was like an infomercial for Icky Super Christians and honestly, if I had just had back surgery and that Faux Sincere Aromatherapy woman toodled that cart into my room, I would have thrown her oil-peddling behind out the door. I did feel for that mom of the autistic teen. That’s really rough and I can’t blame her for trying anything and everything. Does it get any better? I get they’re trying to present a balanced viewpoint but everything I saw was all happy happy and sniffing this cures brain cancer. I was getting a headache from eye rolling.
  8. My understanding is that the Idol machine owns your behind for at least a year to capitalize on the usually temporary fame. Then the singers usually get dumped and if they’re lucky, some other label picks them up. Given the state of the music industry, the best bet for money seems to have been touring, usually as an opener, but now with Covid? Gabby and Cade aren’t getting big money, even if she had a zillion downloads.
  9. Not sure she’s made that much...initial record company contracts are usually pretty shitty. Unless she hits it big enough to where she can dictate the terms, I doubt they’re rich or even particularly comfortable. She and RFP may have some mutual parasitism happening...if Gabby can sell her music to a bunch of Jinger followers and RFP can pick up some of Gabby’s for those super-riveting podcasts, it’s a win/win. Eyeroll. Okay, FFG, enjoy. I still love you.
  10. I’m too tired to look it up, but Punchable Aunt Cade posted a long screed about how Biblically correct “Little Mama “ (his pet name for her...subtle, no?) was in taking care of him, being humble, and being “so much more than just a singer.” I’m paraphrasing some of it, but it was patronizing headship bullshit and it made me gag. I hope she yanks him up short, announces he’s going to be a STAH father or GTFO, and enjoys her career. And I despise country music.
  11. Guess their faith wasn’t strong enough...or there was sin in the camp...OR MAYBE THEY JUST ACTED LIKE ARROGANT MORONS. Wow I fear for that poor baby...
  12. Doesn’t he sound like just all kinds of whoopin’ stompin’ good times... RFP, it ain’t happening for you. You’re too boring, too uncharismatic, and too middle-aged; you don’t know what it means to do anything in any kind of actual depth; and face it, times (and attention spans) have moved on. Time for Plan D, if you have one...and you’d better.
  13. That is sooooo cool. I’m envious of both of you. French and Italian are two languages I can happily listen to for hours, even only understanding one word out of ten.
  14. Well, Scarlett45, your sense of humor is what’s going to get you through all this, I’m sure. I am dealing with paperwork and trying to help wind up my mother’s estate, which is insanity and I’m not even the executor, my BIL is. Everyone I deal with seems hellbent on keeping her money in their financial institutions until it’s pried out of their cold dead corporate claws. And my sister and I are beneficiaries, so this isn’t even probate stuff. It does lead to some darkly funny moments... for example, we received a condolence email from one of her investment places. It began, “Dear Barbara,” which is her first name. It went on to offer her their sincere sympathies for the loss of...her. The real kicker? It was dated two weeks after her death. And they have the death certificate. On my third attempt to find a customer service rep at her state IRA service company who had four working brain cells, I called, some guy answered, I told him why I was calling, he asked for “the deceased’s” full name, social security number, etc. All fine. Then he says, “And is your mother there on the call with you?” I managed to keep it to, “she’s been dead for two weeks, which is why we’re talking,” instead of, “are you fucking kidding me?” It’s been a character-building exercise, that’s for sure... 🙄🙄🙄
  15. Political Science 101...nothing unites like a common enemy, ergo, create one. I don’t know how long RFP is going to be able to keep tiptoeing along the top of that Us Versus Them fence.
  16. It’s not about winning the case, it’s about the publicity he’d get for filing it. Nobody does the Persecution Sniffle like a wealthy old white fundie misogynist.
  17. And I’m cynical enough to believe they’re shrugging and assuming the church is probably in some of those wills, anyway.
  18. Ginger90, I didn’t know you did home health care. You guys are THE BEST. My mom was in Assisted Living and the hourly staff there were so incredibly sweet to her. It takes such patience and compassion. We donated part of her trust to go specifically to all of the hourly employees there after she died...we could never have done for her what they did. You all rock.
  19. There’s only one teensy tiny problem with MacArthur’s stunt...Covid doesn’t care who you are, how many people kiss your ass, or what book you wave around...it just wants a nice cozy respiratory system in which to have lots and lots of little Covids. It’s quiverfull that way. And these little Covids “leave and cleave” spectacularly well. So probably it’s wrong of me, but I hope Covid latches on to MacArthur first. Exploiting people’s faith for money and power is bad enough...putting them at risk for a terrible disease is even worse.
  20. MacArthur is seven kinds of asshole.., What virus? I would bet major money his ass kissers were required to be there.
  21. Glad you had some good news, Zoomama, and that you feel somewhat reassured. Sending a big hug and hope that this is just one of those things where life likes to terrify us for no good reason
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