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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Ha. It’s Schitt’s Creek, except without interesting characters.
  2. It’s going to be interesting if Cade doesn’t start to get his headship in a knot over being outshone by his “Little Mama.” They do like ‘em meek and adoring. His post about how Godly and Wifely and all-the-things-the-world-doesn’t-want-women-to-be she is still makes me gag.
  3. I’m going to guess Mahoney’s departure didn’t have much to do with extracurricular sexual activity...this crowd always blames the Other Woman or Satan anyway. Nor do I think they’d boot him for mismanagement of Covid rules...that seems to be a badge of honor among these chucklefucks. Either Mahoney tried to stage an internal coup of MacArthur’s headship and one of the co-conspirators ratted him out to the old man or he had been embezzling. You don’t mess with the money in the prosperity Gospel grift, ever. I worked for a narcissist tech billionaire at one point who often fired his perceived favorites just because they got cocky and/or failed to keep up with their ass kissing quota. And some days he’d just fire someone because they looked at him wrong. Sometimes he’d fire them, wait until they had new jobs, lure them back...and fire them again. Mostly he liked breaking people. It made him happy. The one thing I learned from that mess is that being filthy rich doesn’t make people happy...if anything, it makes them miserable and inclined to share that misery.
  4. Sephora Vuitton Vuolo Chanel Prada Vuolo Dior Hermes Vuolo (Hey, it’s all about the branding, right?)
  5. Having Lorelai finally tell Emily to STFU is one of the two best things that happened this week. Bravo! They have zero capacity for understanding any kind of life other than their own. They don’t seem to ever entertain the idea that a life that’s rich in other ways than money and status might be satisfying and rewarding. I have rewound Lorelai telling Emily to shut up, oh, maybe a dozen times. It was so satisfying that I am going to ignore the overused trope of Rory calling Logan’s “no strings” bluff...ummm hmmm. We’ll see. Logan just doesn’t share well with others... But hooray, Lorelai! Finally!
  6. Oh, sweetie. In codependency recovery we say, “You didn’t cause it, you can’t control it, and you can’t cure it.” His behavior is HIS responsibility, not yours, not ever. PLEASE call those numbers. They can help. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
  7. Google it... I have seen sites online that can send a prescription for UTIs even out of state. But whoever is managing your diabetes should be all over helping you cure this ASAP and they need to have it in your records regardless.
  8. I’ve only had one UTI and I never ever want to do that again. It was brutally painful, not least because I didn’t really understand what it was until I was peeing blood. (sorry for TMI). I am a worrier and I’d be very concerned about it becoming a kidney infection. The antibiotics worked great for me and for some things, for me, they’re worth it. Call your doctor’s office...tell them you’re having a UTI and ask if they can phone in antibiotics. With my HMO if you’ve had one before it’s one of the things they’re doing because of Covid. ETA: I just read that you have diabetes...honey, this is a potentially big ugly. Please get treatment!?
  9. THANK YOU!!! She was Ramona Nowitzski on Big Bang Theory. I knew I disliked her from somewhere!
  10. I’ve been out of town plus there have been Other Distractions so it took me a while to get back to Stars Hollow... 1) Poor Marty. Dumb Rory. Logan is going to mess with her head just because he can and because he’s a bored rich boy. Humans are just a giant ant farm for him to play with.* 2) Kirk needs to stop being in every other damned scene. He stopped being amusing a season ago. 3) JFC, who staged the L/L reconciliation scene? Judy singing, Rory has taken off chasing her inevitable heartbreak, Lorelai’s lonely evening...all good. Perfect setup. Then Luke knocks on the door, Lorelai opens it...do we get a moment? Locked eyes, full of longing and understanding? Hell, even a closeup? Nope. From the distant vantage point of possibly Babette’s front porch, all we see is Luke lunging at Lorelai with all the tenderness and emotion of an unneutered Great Dane that won’t stop humping the couch. And I LIKE Luke. Feh. * Who was that blonde girl at the Chinese restaurant who never ate anything? I swear I’ve seen her in something, but I can’t figure out what...
  11. Actually, that’s just so very sweet. You’re a lovely person.
  12. Oh, Lookey. I’m so terribly, terribly sorry. He was so much loved and I believe he knew that and I hope that might be some tiny, tiny bit of comfort in what you’re going through. He is okay now. You don’t have to agonize over whether he’s in pain or frightened or suffering emotionally because he knew the people who love him had to see him go. He’s at peace. I so wish I could fix this for you. I wish I had words that would help. I offer my favorite poem, just in case it brings a moment’s surcease... “The Peace of Wild Things” By Wendell Berry When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”
  13. My shoulders have relaxed for the first time in a long, long time. Me right now, except not nearly as pretty...
  14. We’re here for you @beckie, always.
  15. Nope, I thought the exact same thing. Come over here and sit with me!
  16. Ha. You and I are clearly of an era. The creepily cheery “Drop and cover” song still lives in my brain. Even as an eight-year-old I remember rolling my eyes over the whole idea. (Yes I was a very early eye roller...surprising no one here I’m sure!)
  17. @beckie, please call that hotline. You won’t even have to give them your name if you don’t want to. They have access to resources that can help you, even if it’s just someone you can call in real life when you need a human voice. What he did is NOT OKAY. Drinking is no excuse...the vast majority of alcoholics never hurt anyone but themselves. A big fierce hug, sweetie...
  18. I think he thinks he’s being funny. Such a hoot, that boy. 🙄
  19. No. Just no. I suppose if that’s some bizarre twisted internal family’s idea of a hoot that’s on them, but keep it to yourselves. Ain’t nobody else needs to see that, EVER.
  20. Well it’s easier when Jinger’s pregnant...because MOTY spent roughly two decades that way....
  21. Okay, hand on top of bump, trite, tedious but fine. Whatever. Hand waaay under the bump? Either she desperately needs to pee or she’s...entertaining...herself. Yawn to the whole thing.
  22. Yesterday I was driving through a smallish town which I will not identify because statistically they can’t all be religious fruitcakes and there was a gigantic sign outside of a small business screaming in all caps, “WEARING MASKS IS A SIGN OF THE BEAST!!! 666!!! JESUS DIED FOR YOUR DEVIL COVID MASKS!!!” Didn’t know whether to pull over and throw a mask at the door or just speed up. I chose flooring it out of there. Seriously???
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