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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. (Insert screeching brake sounds here.) Hold up. Not only does he have you shopping for him, cooking for him, checking his meds for him...but he invites guests? So you’re an unpaid housekeeper, nurse, cook and personal shopper? GIRL????!!!! DTMF.
  2. What part of “asymptomatic carrier” do people not understand? JFC. It’s making me stabby. And it’s hard enough to get in the holiday mindset this year...for the first time in my life, it all just seems like too much trouble to bother.
  3. Two HOAs?? Yikes. Let ‘em talk. I’m sure the worst gossips will come charging in to help the poor “victim”...and then they’ll start to understand what you’ve dealt with.
  4. This times a zillion. He’s a jerk.
  5. I just never want to have to stare into the haunted eyes of an exhausted, heartbroken medical professional and say, “Well, we were really careful, most of the time.” The virus doesn’t hand out gold stars or extra credit for wearing a mask or avoiding crowds or not eating with friends for weeks or months. It just waits for that one time the rules get relaxed...”just a little.” And it waits...and it’s very, very patient.
  6. THANK YOU. It was driving me crazy.
  7. You are not wrong. Sigh. 1) I am not impressed by the actress playing the role of Luke’s daughter. She’s overly precious. They would have done better with that character being more like Luke. 2) Where have I seen the actor who’s the editor-in-chief of the Stamford Daily News before? It’s bugging me. 3) Sniveling, whining, floundering Christopher was bad. Somehow, “I’m filthy rich!!!!” Christopher is worse, and I didn’t think that was possible. 4) Lorelai spent most of the Christopher scene fiddling with her engagement ring, yet somehow Mr. “It’s All About Me!!!!” didn’t notice? Feh. Stupid show.. ETA: I forgot one happy thing...Michel going bonkers over Rory’s return was adorable. I love his cranky French ass.
  8. @Lookeylou, that was somewhere way past beautiful. It’s so well-written, so heartfelt, and so terribly sad and so grateful at the same time. I feel as if I know him. He was right, you know. You were a great mom and you’re still being one. My heart goes out to you through these bleak days.
  9. This summed it up pretty well last spring and it’s even more applicable now... Stay the fuck at home
  10. I like how you think! I was highly displeased to discover that, even though I have kept up with all my workouts, apparently my stress snacking this fall did bite me in my enlarged butt. I swear at my age all I have to do is glance across the room at a Trader Joe corn chip and I put on a pound. It’s not like I went bonkers, either. I am bitter. Back to my personal austerity program. Sigh.
  11. Ha, loving some of the comments.. ”sweet, but maybe more helpful if you put camera down and let her grab a cup of water or restroom break.” ”My husband would take the night shift when our daughter was born and had me get some sleep 💕”
  12. Hey, that’s what we’re here for. If it’s any consolation, today while putting together our December grocery order I asked Mr. Wiser to put bottled water for my Aerogarden on the order. He then proceeded to cross-examine this request in detail and at length in the way that only a Y-chromosomer can and I very nearly threw an iron candlestick at him while hissing “JUST ORDER THE FUCKING WATER.” I managed not to, but it was this close. And he’s a lovely person. Mostly. So I get it, I really do.
  13. Royal Caribbean canceled all their cruises through February. I suspect RFP’s gig will be toast.
  14. Personally, I’m of the opinion that unless it’s one of the original authors, another apostle, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, or the father, son, or the Holy Ghost standing there in a celestial sunbeam and holding a Sharpie, NOBODY should be signing Bibles. NOBODY. It’s sacrilege. This coming from a card-carrying atheist, no less!
  15. Fair enough. Let’s just say it would have been an extra added bonus...and yet he failed while the dumped and married Dean “succeeded”...and then that idiot decision pretty much blew up Dean’s life. Honestly, ASP is kinda dark and twisted for what on the surface is a fluffy, feel-good kind of show.
  16. The car accident wasn’t necessarily his fault. All the other punk bullshit...stealing stuff, torturing Dean for fun, being a creep-ass boyfriend to Rory, and worse, being a complete asshole to Luke, who took him in, fed him, and gave him a job...if he hadn’t been such a smarmy little thug asshole, the town might not have been so judgmental about the accident. He earned what he got. And I believe that if Rory hadn’t been the Stars Hollow Princess he never would have pursued her in the first place. He was dying to deflower the Stars Hollow good girl because it was a giant middle finger to the town.
  17. Well, I’m a bitch, but I say she goes to school. Otherwise, wait until she finds out she has to go to WORK on her birthday when she’s 23, cuteness notwithstanding.
  18. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be name-ist and/or accidentally insult anyone’s beloved relative. But if you’re going to call the kid Evy Jo why bother with Evangeline at all? Call the kid Ruby Sue and be done with it.
  19. May I just say that Jess bitching about Logan being just a jerk with a Porsche is pretty ironic, because Jess was every bit as snotty to Dean, just minus a Porsche. Today’s workout ended with the appearance of The Feckless Christopher. Gawdamighty. I now define “split second” as “how fast I can hit the mute button when I hear that smarmy asshole say ‘Lor’”.
  20. It’s like they have a step-by-step manual for baby influencers. ”Step 4: Engage your target audience! Ask questions! Yay!” ETA: I am intrigued by what a workout/sermon combo would involve. “Faster! Knees higher! If Jesus could come back, you can do this!!!!” “Feel that burn?? That’s what sinners feel in hell! Repent and give me five more reps!”
  21. Today is treadmill day, which means returning to Stars Hollow. My last workout ended fortuitously just as Jess 🤮 appeared in the Gilmore driveway. Because nothing says, “why, yes, he’s all grownup and mature now” like stalking his ex-girlfriend’s grandparents’ house at three a.m. WTF, people. I do not get it and never will. Did I mention 🤮 All summer I leaped happily onto the treadmill, remote in hand. Today I find I’m pretty much dreading it. And that’s how I know I’m in the middle of Season Six.
  22. They are so full of shit. Following is one thing. Buying is quite another. Although props to the Vuolos for monetizing the birth of their child. The Duggar Family Tradition continues.
  23. Ummmhmmmm... Gotta drive that nonexistent buzz, right? Isn’t that what grownup influencers do?
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