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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. I’m so sorry, Rabittron. If it helps at all, my mother was diagnosed with congestive heart failure at age 70. There were plenty of ups and downs, but she lived to be 92. I send you a hug.
  2. We can have a support group...I am proud to say I haven’t said or written that word in nine hours and twenty-seven minutes. Of course, I was only awake for about an hour of that time. Baby steps, people! I’m even more pleased to report that it started raining seriously just before midnight and between that and the fact that Nervous Dog at age twelve apparently has finally started losing his freakishly keen sense of hearing, we actually were able to sleep shortly after midnight. Last year we were awake until nearly three because apparently there is no holiday without massive, earth shaking illegal explosions every three minutes. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. I’m sure you’ve all heard this by now, but I laughed, so... ”As of 12:01 on 1/1/21, for the first time in history, hindsight really is 2020.”
  3. @jcbrown, do you think we need some kind of crutch substitute word or just go cold turkey? I refuse to resort to lame faux fuck words, like, ”fudge,” “freak,” or “effing.” I have a potty mouth but I still have standards, by God. 😈 Twenty-seven minutes left of this wretched year. May 2021 find all of you lovelies healthy, happy, and fabulous. ❤️
  4. Still is...🙄 We’re hunkered down for my second least favorite holiday after the 4th of July. I have an exceedingly nervous rescue dog who HATES this shit and despite the reality that fucking fireworks are fucking illegal in this fucking county, it sounds like a fucking war zone out there.* Idiots. It’s supposed to start raining soon and I hope it drives these fuckwits indoors. Let them start their own fucking houses on fire. * Counting down to my 2021 resolution so I need to get as many “fucks” out as possible before midnight. Not at all sure if I’ll be able to talk at all, really...
  5. Happy 2021, Snow Fairy...I hope you can get some rest. She has five kids, FFS. She’s Jill Rodrigues but with more money.
  6. Ha. Love the comment! ”So your wife has bags, a newborn, and a 2 year old, walking on possibly icy pavement. You do nothing but take a photo. You are such a jackass. Seriously.”
  7. If I’ve paid $2500 for a first class ticket I am not spending even three seconds being subjected to an up close and personal view of someone’s crotch. I will confess to doing some stretching in the area near the front door while waiting for the restroom, but it’s around the corner and doesn’t involve waving my feet in people’s faces. I would not have taken that well. What a piece of work. And for the record, that shot (who took it?) makes her look a little chunky.
  8. In all fairness, while Paul was a bit of a dick about it, most supermarket and restaurant pies are super sweet. Sugar is a preservative, ergo... And in all fairness, Paul is a bit of a dick about...well, just about everything.
  9. Actually, from what we now know, we should put elevators in Boston on the top of the “take the stairs” list, no?
  10. Okay so it’s bad enough to think about the zillion times someone touched an elevator button with their finger. But their bare feet? Running away screaming and vowing to take the stairs forevermore...
  11. Hey, narcissists gonna narcissist. The most entertaining part for me is that Alec Baldwin apparently fell for the whole thing and is now babbling arrogantly about how everyone on SM invents themselves, so what’s the big deal. Another complete asshole. Match made in heaven, really...but I find the fact that he fell for the whole exotic foreign beauty shtick really amusing.
  12. 🙄 It must be said, those are pretty great “friends” to invite a toddler and a newborn along on vacation, especially since this seems to be more than just the weekend. Because I’m sorry, but I don’t go on vacation to be awakened by a screaming baby every three hours. (Of course, it could have been less than six hours and RFP spent the entire time in frenzied “candid” photography mode and he’s just posting the photos to look like they were there for a week.)
  13. It takes a special kind of malignant narcissism to compare yourself to victims of the Holocaust because you were convicted for not paying your taxes... Quelle asshole.
  14. Ha. Wonder who gets to deal with Jill’s reaction the first time she is addressed as “Grandma.” As she clearly believes she is all kinds of hot stuff, that should be entertaining!
  15. @Snow Fairy, welcome! My nephew married an absolutely gorgeous girl whose family emigrated from your country fairly recently. She’s just fabulous and up until my nephew met her, I was convinced no one was worthy of him because I am one doting auntie where he’s concerned! I am very sad about the terrible earthquakes and I hope at least knowing you have friends here can help distract and comfort you a tiny bit. Be well, sweetie...
  16. Someone needs to explain to Jill that “infertility” at this point is called “perimenopause.”
  17. My guess he spent all his time and money buying friends at his local bar. I am in a love/hate relationship with my iPhone. I have had several and have (mostly) resigned myself to having the battery crap out in two years or less every single time. Apple got nailed for manipulating battery life but a company that big would just view the lawsuit payout as a cost of doing business. I would bet good money they’re still doing that. It’s like buying a car...you know you’re getting screwed, it’s just a question of how much.
  18. I don’t give RFP that much credit for Alpha maledom. He’s too much of a MacArthur suckup...and guys like MacArthur can smell a potential threat to the throne from ten miles away. Besides, RFP chews his nails. Not exactly a sign of super-confident studliness. I can see Jeremy hitting up Jim Bob with a similar sales pitch though...the need to keep the show alive by upping its hipster value (lol). Also JB is probably intrigued by potential connections to the money and power in hyper-religious circles in California...I can see him “lending” them money. It’s also quite possible that article was full of PR crap and they get paid much more than that.
  19. @doodlebug, I really appreciate your updates and your insider’s expertise on all things medical, now more than ever. What’s left of my family lives in that area and my niece-in-law still works at the CC and I am quite worried about them but don’t want to butt in. My husband had his annual physical via telemedicine a few weeks back and his PCP flat out said he couldn’t believe the minor crap people were coming into the clinic for during a pandemic. So far our part of western Washington hasn’t been hit too hard but it’s coming. Too many people obviously decided that somehow Covid was taking Christmas off. 🙄 @zoomama, my heart goes out to you and your family. What a time for this...ugh. Don’t you worry for a second about keeping up with the board! We’re here when you can join us and sending good thoughts always. As I have two more days before my 2021 resolution not to say “fuck” begins...may this fucking year get the fucketty fuck out already.
  20. I love coffee. I can no longer drink it. Thank you, reflux. Enjoy it while you can, young’uns...
  21. I’m a fan of Starbucks pumpkin bread. It’s really just cake, but it ’s healthy because it has a vegetable in the name...right?
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