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  1. White feminism. Second wave feminism. You Are correct, it was not inclusive and was focused on the needs of white women.
  2. I just did a rewatch, apparently AGG means "All Glory to God" .
  3. Apparently AGG in texting means "cool".
  4. I wish she would have just said, most of us at the table are not pro-forced birth. Pro-life is an ambiguous term, as we can surely all agree as we see women now dying from miscarriages. Pro-fetus would be a more accurate term for the movement as the mothers life is collateral damage now.
  5. They cannot help themselves. Just when they seem to take on an air befitting of being in the news division at ABC, they come back from break with this text your ex topic. This is less serious than wearing a Halloween costume ffs.
  6. I caught a different version of it this morning on CBS while watching the morning show. It did not come with a warning but it should have. It didn't have the part about The View and other women. Same candidate. ETA: This morning was my first time seeing another ad for this guy. They were interviewing Walz on CBS, perhaps that is why. They targeted The View because they hate women.
  7. It really annoys me when The View panel laments the media coverage of what is actually going on in the world. The media doesn't do this and the media doesn't do that *while checks notes, they are the top daytime news show They seem to act like they are not themselves, "the media" who is shucking crappy merchandise in the show and talking about reddit topics? Gtfooh with that. Pot meet kettle. Also, Sarah, yes, I refer to you as Pollyanna, in my living room.
  8. I need someone else to acknowledge what I just saw on my TV screen. I was stunned and confused. https://abc11.com/post/editorial-note-graphic-political-ad-abc-station/15406867/
  9. I hope we don't lose the Affordable Care Act because I'm pretty sure my cringe bone snapped right in half when Whoopi told VP Harris that if she doesn't get sick, she should get her insurance premiums back. It could be a long recovery.
  10. If Kamala didn't laugh like that, they would call her an angry black woman. I think she does it deliberately for that very reason.
  11. So they are selling a makeup not makeup that blurs your visage making it like you have a filter on your face. Somebody wake me when they sell one that will just crop my whole body and face right on out.
  12. Did Joy say Noam's son spoke out about the puppy killing? I can't find a story.
  13. Louisiana person here-still a funeral song.
  14. Confused by them dancing out to Saints. I thought they must be doing a New Orleans funeral for democracy. Nope. Funeral song was supposed to bring us joy. OK.
  15. It looks like her last article was over a year ago. Hmm.
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