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  1. I totally agree. I hate shopping. I hated it when my children were young and I hate it now. I also love, love, love that I can have anything and everything delivered right to my door!
  2. When and where does Michelle say this?
  3. That's not exactly how that played out. Beth did, in fact, ask Randall to step down from the race for City Councilman because she and his campaign manager deemed the race unwinnable. She hasn't always been the unending, uncomplaining, long-suffering wife she's being portrayed as in many of the comments here. Also, Randall didn't "let" Beth do anything. She's an adult. #TeamRandallAllTheWay
  4. ^^^This. Also, the dress cascades onto the ground making the shoes (platform or not) invisible.
  5. This just isn't true.
  6. This^^^ I, too, remember when weddings were about the couple, not the trappings. SMH.
  7. At my current local grocery store, Cuties can be purchased individually. You simply bag and weigh the number you need.
  8. AMEN!! I'm an introvert, too, but not shy. There's a book I love called, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. It's available on Amazon. I hope you'll consider giving it a whirl.
  9. I totally agree. I love Aldi and I am far more likely to forget my bags than to remember them, too.
  10. LOL! In fairness, you can be at home and at work at the same time. LOTS of people work from home and spend time with their children simultaneously.
  11. I had a breast reduction 23 years ago. One of the best decisions I've ever made in my life!!
  12. I did, actually. However, why it's the national anthem doesn't change the fact that it is the national anthem.
  13. Cathy is correct, though. In the US, In God We Trust is, in fact, our national motto.
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