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Everything posted by hypnotoad

  1. I think it was pretty obvious she was out of it. Additionally, he knows damn well she's with RJ and loves RJ. Plus in this age of #metoo, I would hope most of us are hyper aware of our actions in this regard. But naturally #metoo isn't a thing here in BellLA and the writers keep going back to this same storyline. It's sick and gross. The writing is also insulting in how this was all setup. As if anyone could take medication accidentally as a mint and not taste the difference! I mean sure I guess the writers expected us to believe Brooke couldn't tell the difference between Ridge and Oliver but come on medication and a mint aren't even close to tasting the same! This show is just so exhausting in its dedication to stupid and insulting storylines.
  2. I agree but at the same wasn't it Nikki, Ashley and Phyllis running around plotting against her for however long? I mean, all of that nonsense didn't really go anywhere (true of so many things on this show) but still they were being pretty crappy to her. I can't blame her for feeling a bit put out by Jack in savior mode! I guess it might be the FF button, but I don't really understand this entire Ashley/Tucker restaurant thing and why is it STILL going on? What is the point?!? I feel like we all need to get to X and ask him the same question!
  3. Dead! But on a serious note, you shouldn't put this out in the universe - this stupid show might actually try it!
  4. There are just so many things I don't understand about the writing on this show. So basically Bill spent his youth sleeping around and not using protection since now we have child #3 he never knew about?!? Why this convoluted nonsense when Steffy's child is Bill's and just not revealed yet (I'm firmly of this belief - don't try to take it away from me!). I loved all the Li stuff with Bill back when he rescued her - why throw that all away for this foolishness? Oh I know The show got rid of Wyatt and so needed an insta kid (for some reason) and here we are. Rather than simply revealing Kelly and then having Bill and Li get together ... the writers change Li into a complete and utter biotch and then introduce her sister. And somehow we are to believe Bill never forgot her despite never mentioning her through all these years and all his various loves of his life. Just make it stop. Also? Please never have her dance in a restaurant again. Please?!? I don't have a particular issue with Poppy, I just think the writing is awful and ridiculous, Oh I think Finn is a goner for sure. And I am not happy about it. I do not want Steffy and Liam cha cha cha-ing again or ever again.
  5. OMG! Why are you people so determined to make me cry every day?!? Needless to say, that little girl really pulled off that scene. Wow. I like the name change from Kelly's to Bobbie's, it seems appropriate.
  6. I just watched the scenes the other day and still just watching that video and I am crying again! Good good stuff. I tend to agree, I just wish the show ... showed us some of that. Even exploring that would give JL more to do in the story.
  7. Thanks for this! It simply does not matter how many times I see the BJ heart storyline, I just ugly cry like crazy. And of course the Stone AIDS story too, This show used to be so good. Sigh. This 60th anniversary thing was a pretty sorry celebration.
  8. Well I mean to be fair, Sonny leads the gummy bear mob and we're supposed to believe the GH mob isn't involved in drugs! GH mob has nothing on any other mob on any other show or movie!! Nina is a traitor who went against Sonny's family? Good lawd. I would have preferred a whole ep dedicated to Bobbi. I was never a huge Bobbi fan but she and JZ deserve a big tribute.
  9. Well let's face it, you and probably most on this board have put more thought into this story than the so called writers! While I agree Sheila is better in small doses, I'm going to disagree with the notion she's an exciting character. She hasn't exciting or interesting in years and years. They've gone to the Sheila well too often as far as I'm concerned. And wasting Deacon on her? Ugghh. They've got nothing for RJ to do because there are no characters his age on the show! Giving him something to do besides worry about his sisters love lives would require effort and all of us know these writers aren't up to the task! It's the same lazy triangles over and over with the same lazy dialogue day in and day out, for years now. Anytime they do something a bit different, we immediately default right back to the status quo - see the brief Taylor/Brooke friendship.
  10. Sure. But these writers just did this with Brooke and Taylor and to what end? It was all blown up for absolutely no reason. These writers have no intention of freeing Steffy or Hope from the waffle. Sadly that means the audience is stuck with the nonsense too. These writers have no idea how to write romance. Hope and Liam have been divorced for like a week and he's already trying to get Steffy to marry him - even though she isn't divorced. This is supposed to be seen as romantic and love? Of course Sheila and Deacon are more proof of the bad writing on this show. They make no sense together, they have no chemistry and her calling him Daddy is just frickin' gross. And then we have Brooke going on and on to Hope about Liam. WTF? Again showing what a waste of time it was to have Brooke and Taylor finally come to a realization about Ridge. She literally remembers none of it as she pushes her daughter to the waffle. i don't want Hope with Thomas either. He's a murdering, rapist, stalker who abused his son. No thank you. I hate what they are doing with Finn. His birth mother shot him and Steffy and then kidnapped him and oh yeah tried to kill the woman who raised him. But suddenly he's been missing something in his life that only that psychopath can provide? Stop it. Finn is not a good actor to be sure but I still would rather see Finn and Steffy together than Steffy and Liam. I cannot stand Steam. Why is Sheila still on this show? Why? I suppose the better question is why do I continue to watch this show?
  11. I would agree in general. However, the writers have to put some effort into redeeming Thomas. Having a bunch of characters say he's so much better is not putting effort in. It's just a lazy short cut. Also, I don't think obsessive Thomas should be rewarded the object of his obsession even if he is redeemed. It's just gross. Agree 100%. But again this is just an example of lazy writing. Why put any work into the Bridge reunion ... meaning Ridge might have to put in some effort to show Brooke he's 'grown' and realizes the mistakes he made? Pffft nope. Just have Brooke and Taylor's friendship blow up for no real reason and reunite the destiny.
  12. What? There are people from GC posting online about Diane?!? The writers are choosing to have characters who have good reason to despise Phyllis suddenly forget those things. The writers had Sharon, Christine and others act as though Phyllis's 'death' was some horrible thing which makes zero sense. Most of the characters in GC are not Phyllis fans for good reason but the writers like to pretend that isn't true. Again, not saying the character Diane hasn't done shady things but come on let's be real here. The writers pick and chose which characters are demonized by the good citizens of GC and which characters will be viewed as 'good' by the citizens of GC.
  13. But this is a discussion that really is pointless in a way. These current writers retconned Diane's story. She was dead for 12 years until the retcon. Since the writers decided to bring the character back, there was only one way to do that - she faked her death. The difference of course is that Phyllis chose to fake her death to set someone up for her murder which I don't think Diane did. And frankly Phyllis has done many, many other terrible things from the moment she arrived in town. She's a wonderful friend? Hilarious. She's not even a good mother! Has Diane done some shady stuff? Sure but pretty much any character who has hung around long enough in GC has done some not so great stuff. Victor is the worst as far as I'm concerned but Phyllis isn't too far behind.
  14. Let me just say upfront, I'm not a particular fan of either Taylor or Brooke. I liked Taylor way back in the beginning and my favorite Brooke pairing was Thorne. But this storyline is just insulting. The only reason the writers have Taylor acting like this is so they don't have to do any real work to reunite Brooke and Ridge. Brooke can now get back with Ridge without any guilt. And sorry it's both lazy and stupid.The scenes where Taylor and Brooke finally, finally told Ridge the truth were pretty darn terrific. The actresses both sold the relief they felt and sold their friendship. And now this. Exactly. And what work has Ridge done to show he understands what he put them both through? What acknowledgement of any of that exists which makes it okay to reunite with either (though come on of course it's Brooke)? The writers take a short cut every single time. In the end, Taylor will be the winner as far as I'm concerned because she will escape from that waffle. Unfortunately, Bell and the writers actually think Ridge is some kind of catch and rather than letting Taylor hook up with Deacon or Bill - she will continue to pine for that idiot. Well I don't see how round 1 million of the Ridge, Brooke and Taylor triangle is interesting or dramatic. It's stale and boring. Sure the pact was bound to be broken but there are many many different ways to have written it rather than this ham fisted short cut route. This show is soooo poorly written.
  15. That's where I land on this. It was nice to see them being nice to each other for once! How often have either had a female friend? Was it often OTT? Sure. Were they perhaps a little too giggly etc? I will concede that's true too. But I loved seeing the relief of being free from Ridge and of being free from fighting each other for that waffle. I'm actually hoping Thomas is drugging Hope and somehow Taylor ended up with a dose and that's why she's acting this way. Because honestly, the writers haven't laid a bit of groundwork for this sudden change. As a viewer am I supposed to just forget she realized all of his love talk the last time was a bunch of BS? Exactly. I mean at this point in time, any character bringing up this crap is a huge hypocrite. They've all basically banged the same people!
  16. And this highlights one of the biggest issues with this show. The complete unwillingness to do something different and stay there. Why must we always snap back to the status quo? The writers do something different with Taylor and Brooke and then boom ... Taylor is obsessed with the greasy waffle again. Ugggh. I just hate it. Hate. Let Taylor hook up with Deacon or with Bill. She actually has chemistry with both -more than with TK! But nope we just have to have Taylor and Brooke continuing this ridiculous feud. Honestly both are far too old for this nonsense. How much longer before we are watching the Liam /Hope/Steffy show again? I don't hate ship ... I hate watch this show.
  17. It continues to make zero sense and to be stupid. It's just so annoying. Why couldn't we have Deacon and Brooke trying to make a go of it, rather than this nonsense? Heck, Deacon even had some interesting chemistry with Taylor - try that instead! I absolutely do not care if Taylor was smug and was a hypocrite in those scenes with Sheila. Most soap characters are hypocrites and none of the characters on this show come even close to the crimes of Sheila (or Phyllis over on Y&R for that matter). I cannot stand Sheila, so everyone can wander over and tell her off and smug at her all they like as far as this viewer is concerned. I just hate they made her Finn's bio mom and I hate she's still hanging around. Ugggh. I am with you on this. I have always loved HT/DD together but the Bill/Katie thing is beyond dead. The writers absolutely destroyed that pairing and there is no going back. Honestly, I'd rather Katie get with Wyatt again. I really liked that storyline. Taylor/Bill has potential. I'd rather her with anyone other than Ridge and I would rather see Brooke with anyone other than Ridge. Unfortunately I fear the return of RJ just means I'm only going to get one of those wishes granted.
  18. Personally, I think Law and Order is much easier to rewatch endlessly because the show is about the cops and lawyers who handle the various crimes. That's it. There is very little personal drama going on. Bones makes a viewer deal with all the will they won't they nonsense and once Booth and Brennan are together then it's time to come up with lame ass reasons for conflict. And it's not just them by any means! Hodgins and Angela are going to get married and then find out she's already married to someone she doesn't remember! The hi-jinks with the rotating interns! I think ones ability to deal with that kind of 'drama' over and over determines ones ability to enjoy rewatching. I mentioned before I stopped watching the show during the original run with the whole Zach being a serial killers apprentice thing. It annoyed me and I sort of lost track of the show. I've only recently started watching reruns and the later seasons are tough. I mean of course shows don't usually remain as good, the longer they run but still I find a lot of the alleged drama with the various relationships pretty hard to watch and to care about.
  19. I've been watching reruns on BBC America. When the show originally aired, I stopped watching when Zach was revealed to be an apprentice of a serial killer. It irritated me even watching the reruns! Can someone explain to me this shows obsession with Pelant? Every single time that character shows up I want to scream in frustration.
  20. Yes, but really what proof does anyone have of this murder Sheila committed? Sure there's a videotape but come on. A defense attorney would get that thrown out because the confession was coerced! Or Sheila could say well I just told Bill stuff he wanted to hear. Now I know nothing about this murder but I am going to assume there's no physical evidence she did it, so again it would be tough to get a murder conviction. I get that the boys banded together to try to get a bigger charge on Sheila but much of this makes no sense. Attempted murder of 3 people would be a serious charge. Plus didn't she kidnap Finn and escape jail? If she managed to go up for parole, show up to the hearing and fight it (and yes I know this is Bell-A so of course she'd get parole and return to torture the citizens of B&B but come on that holds true for a murder charge too). Sigh. And ugggh.
  21. I cannot wait for this game either! Breath of the Wild is the only game I have ever finished. I even got the 2 DLC's and I collected all 900 korok seeds!
  22. But if they have Sheila under surveillance all the time, shouldn't they be aware her one twu lurve is Deacon?!? The writers pay no attention to what they wrote just a few weeks ago. I am no Steffy fan but just a couple of weeks ago (or so I cannot remember the exact timeline) she did the right thing and said no to hiring Psycho!Thomas back for HFTF. Then suddenly she wants him hired back and wants to know if Hope thinks he's hawt? WTF?
  23. Right? I will grant the Ridge/Bill team up was a surprise but the storyline still doesn't make a bit of sense! Sheila was arrested and would have gone to prison. Why does Bill need to act like a zombie and sleep with Sheila to accomplish the same thing?!? I don't believe for a minute that the writers started this nonsense with the intent to team up Ridge and Bill. There was no plan, they just stumbled on this out of desperation to move the story along. I'm sticking with that. Also? I hate the Ridge man bun. Good lawd. Why can't this guy at least look like he showers and washes his hair once in a while?!? Sorry I forgot this but I am so over this alleged Sheila victimhood because she cannot be with her one tru luv. Come on show, just stop it.
  24. Of course he is! That's the only purpose of RJ. Besides we haven't had anyone playing Parent Trap for a month or so and god knows the writers love repeating storylines over and over and over again. Also? SHUT UP SHOW! Sheila is not a romantic ingenue being kept from her one true love. My gosh this is just stupid and tiresome. So are we supposed to believe Bill hooked up with Sheila willingly and just spent weeks talking like a zombie for no reason? She kept touching that stupid necklace for no reason?
  25. Nothing says they have to, but the show seems to be leaning that way or at least teasing it a bit. I'm fine with them just being supportive best friends or being lovers. Makes no difference to me. I just don't want either stuck with Ridge. I have barely noticed he's not around. I was thinking this past week how nice it's been without that waffle around twisting Brooke and Taylor into knots for his alleged love.
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