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  1. Agreed. The only family I care about seeing is Chelsea and Cole because they appear to have stayed true to who they are. But I can follow them on Insta if I need my fix. And even though Leah appears to have gotten her shit together, I can't watch her. I have pretty much stopped watching the show...I have the last 7 episodes recorded but man are they an effort to try to slog through.
  2. Okay, so follow her life as she goes on without a baby. Sadly, I'm not sure she'd be the best example of someone whose future will be saved by making that choice. Unless I'm missing something, she doesn't appear to have much going on. But wtf, one household and both daughters aren't using protection and getting pregnant? Nice work, mom.
  3. So I have a theory about MTV, and I am wondering who owns the company (I am currently too lazy to check) but they seem to be pushing a Religious Right agenda in their programming. The other night I was watching Floribama Shore. (I know, I know....) If you haven't seen it the show consists of an almost Real World style set up with a bunch of young people living together in a house. Their activities are partying, clubbing, getting shitfaced wasted, hooking up with randos from the bars and then some real life drama thrown in - a pregnancy scare, past miscarriages, controlling boyfriends, dying family members. In the most recent episode Candace decides to open up to her housemates about her confusion over her "boo thang" "GatorJay231SouthsideGod", some doughy, lazy mess of a manbaby that seems to have all the charisma and intelligence of a sack of rocks. In her time of need, her housemates pray over her in a circle. In the next scene, the are headed to the bar to get wasted again, or peeing in the center console of a taxi, or having unprotected sex with someone. It's mind boggling to watch this hypocrisy in action. They are godly people, yet their every activity outside a few scenes of grace before a meal, or praying over someone, is absolutely contrary to the bible. And I'm not religious at all, and even I know that. I guess as long as you say you're a believer and pray every now and again, there's no problem. In another scene, Kortni admits to having had a miscarriage and makes a big deal about finding a fetus in her underwear. And yet here she was again this season, thinking she might be pregnant. There is never any talk of abstinence or birth control, but while she is waiting for the results of her pregnancy test, she and the whole house are saying what a great mom she will be. There are no options for her, like abortion or even adoption, the only path that exists is motherhood. The Teen Mom series follows a similar arc, with characters having drug and alcohol problems, unprotected sex, multiple partners/baby daddies etc. Every teen on the show decided to have their baby instead of aborting, and only one gave hers up for adoption. So we started out watching the struggles of some girls as they grappled with the realities of raising a child on their own, at least half of the dads being deadbeats. And they followed Caitlyn and Tyler even though they had given up their baby and were technically no longer teen parents. Why did they not include a girl who chose to abort? I mean, if the evangelicals believe personhood starts at conception, then even a woman who aborted would technically qualify as a mother, or in this case, a teen mom. Why not show the gamut of women's choices over their reproduction? If you can show Cait and Tyler without a baby, you certainly can show the life of the girl who chose to forgo the whole thing. I have also been fascinated and repelled by the money and celebrity status placed on these women. First of all, while this might be considered "reality" TV, this is in no way a documentary series. It is unethical to pay for stories. I don't know about you but I have rarely seen a teen mom driving a Range Rover and going on vacations and buying new homes or starting their own businesses, unless she came from a wealthy family. They certainly don't walk red carpets at awards ceremonies. The reality is most teen moms struggle to get by. The most realistic teen mom story right now is Brittni, who lives at home with her mom and sister. But eventually as the money rolls in, that will change too. I have read the Bristol Palin will be paid 300K for her season of Teen Mom. Which leads me to this: MTV does not want girls to see the ugly reality of teen parenting. Teen Mom is not so much a cautionary tale as it is an advertisement for the anti abortion movement. They want a pregnant girl to believe that she can buy a nice house, drive a nice car and never have to put her kid in a crappy daycare and go to work. Because if she thought for a minute that it was going to be sleepless nights in a cheap apartment somewhere with hand me down furniture and a job at Walmart, they might not keep the pregnancy. And they fired the only cast member who stepped outside the lines and decided to exercise autonomy over her body by doing porn - Farrah. Yes, she was an awful bitch and must have been a nightmare to work with, but so are Kail and Jenelle and they're still employed. I actually believe that the religious right would approve of all of their behavior as long as they say they believe and don't abort their babies or do porn. That's what brings in the viewers. We come for the train wreck - the nudity, drinking, guns, unprotected hook ups, dead beat dads, heroin addicts and we don't even realize that we're being fed a specific message: Don't.Get.An.Abortion.
  4. Yeah I'm done too. I haven't even been keeping up with the last season. I'm not interested in supporting anything with a Palin in it.
  5. I'm done. And it's making me want to skip watching the Challenge, too.
  6. Except now Cameron is flogging crap on her social media like she said she would never do and took a bunch of people to task for in the past. Unfollowed.
  7. What is this show even about? I know doorknobs that are more compelling than these people. And what with the dude and his meth scabs all over his face? I lived in savannah briefly and while it was a pretty little town it is not terribly safe or sophisticated.
  8. Cara Maria, how embarrassing. Kailah is gross. She's got a shit personality and a fugly tattoo on her oversized shoulders. Also, I noticed a shift in Cara during the last season. She was really struggling to be a big dog in the house. She lost a lot of power, and it shows this season.
  9. I think we have to stop watching. We could also write mtv too. This show is a train wreck. Watching Kaiser in the middle of that shit show broke my heart. MTV and these women ought to be ashamed of themselves.
  10. Anyone else think Craig might be gay and closeted? He said something about how he and his roommate were discussing getting a dog. First of all, why does he need a roommate? He's a grown man, with money, and housing isn't *that* expensive there, and why would you co-own a dog with someone unless you were together with them? I never saw any great chemistry between he and Naomi and he seems generally uninterested in pursuing women.
  11. Whenever I see Patricia in her flowing caftans and cocktails, I think of Madame.
  12. MTV has created a bunch of monsters. The exception is Chelsea and Cole. Kail is a hideous bitch. You’re done with Javi, you don’t have a say anymore about who he hangs out with. She’s taken over Farrah’s place as the most insufferable, demanding mom. I so wish that MTV would cancel this show.
  13. About a month ago I found some Champs vs Stars items in a local thrift store here in Los Angeles. ?
  14. They could afford something in Arizona though, don't you think?
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