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Everything posted by JasminePhyllisia

  1. My understanding is that it's due to budgetary constraints, somebody posted a link to an article up thread. Apparently Ray & family get paid less than the main characters. Either that or as somebody else proposed, they are going to surprise us with a Sarah pregnancy. In which case they are giving us a look at the family she'll be thrown into.
  2. Ahh, OK, got it, nc socialworker. So Dean had God acting as his own Patti on Millionaire Matchmaker. And there is a special place in hell being reserved for one Emily Goodhand who dared to try to disrupt this heavenly pairing.
  3. Oh, yes, totally fake. And Dean using it for the show is manipulative. But I still believe it probably happened, and it undercuts the "fairytale" that Tori obsesses over.
  4. It's not a TV thing, it's a real-world thing and it's rampant everywhere I go, I think there's some memo they issue in maternity wards (I never got it) that you MUST address your son as Buddy if you love him. When I'm out in public anywhere there are families with kids, all boys under 13 are being addressed as "Buddy" by their parents. I don't get it either. But it's some kind of unwritten law.
  5. It got to me when Dean mentioned how when he left his family for Tori, Jack used to call him crying and begging him to come home. That is heartbreaking, the kid was what, 7 years old then? I never heard that detail before. How was Tori then and still now thinking of their life together as a meant to be fairytale? So to her thinking it's okay for a child to be an innocent victim of Dean's betrayal, but when she's the victim it's an outrage? That Dr. Wexler sure is an enabler.
  6. Yes, keep it up Kristina and in a year or two that poster will be a weapon. Seriously what were the writers thinking?
  7. The relationship between Kristina and Max just keeps getting creepier. How would she have reacted to that whole scene if it was one of her own daughters? The fact that she always addresses him as "babe" and "honey" while at school in front of the other students sends a clear message to me that she gives him special treatment there--so unprofessional--and this dysfunctional mother only started that school so she could control every aspect of her son's life. I forgot--does Jasmines mother work at a law firm? It's one of the few places I can think of that might still use files and filing cabinets.
  8. Yeah, exactly, that's what I was thinking. If this was a place Zeke had fond memories of from his youth with his father that would be about fifty years ago at least, how could he not know the place was no longer there? Zeek has been a font of bad advice since the surgery. Encouraging Drew to blow off studying? Encouraging Julia's husband to fight to get her back even though he really knows nothing of the details of why they are divorcing. How does he know what's best for them? Also telling Julia it's okay that Sydney is a mess, so don't worry about it because as a parent it's her job to mess up her kids' lives anyway? WTF Zeek? Has he always been this way and I just never noticed? No, that can't be, because I remember some good scenes between him and Victor as well as Amber's baby-daddy from last few seasons. So is he heavily medicated which is affecting his judgment? Or is he afflicted by early-onset dementia? Regardless, poor Camille.
  9. To be fair, Amber was good with Max when he was younger, but we haven't seen her spending much time with him recently. I think he's getting harder to handle as he gets older.
  10. I think you nailed it, TheRealT. The show probably isn't getting renewed and he probably knows it, just trying to generate some buzz.
  11. I think the bags said Office Depot. For something as specific as she wanted an office supply store would probably have more options.
  12. That GM who quit should start her own business with the guy from the printing company who was making 100K a year for doing nothing. The product line was a real weak spot for me. As others have mentioned, nothing was clear about what differentiated it from a million others on the market. The NY area has tons of companies making private label hair/skincare products and many salons have their own. Ulta? Not happening. It's weird that Marcus never even bothered to ask what was special about the products. He went all out for those protein bars last season because he actually thought they tasted good and that people would buy them. Other than that I liked Carolyn, she's one of the few earnest, straight-up, not crazy business owners (from what they showed us of her) that I've seen on the show. Hope things work out for her.
  13. I lol'd at your comment jenh526 that would have been hilarious. Dean knew exactly who he was marrying, in fact he (claims) he amused himself to her when 90210 was on. Tori has a down-to-earth side to her but she is also the ultimate pampered Hollywood princess. If he thought it wasn't going to be all about her, all the time, he was delusional.
  14. My take on the baked potato fight was that it was staged and scripted, of course. But beyond that my immediate reaction was that Dean was just doing what husbands and fathers do--try to swoop in and save the day and be the hero. Just a guy thing. But Tori perceived it as him trying to show her up and be better than her--kind of a weird leap in logic. Not that I'm defending Dean, I'm team nobody, except those cute kids. Take your baked potato fight out of the kitchen so the kids don't have to watch your dysfunction.
  15. I liked this episode a lot. Makes me sad the end is so near. Ruby became bearable, but Natalie didn't. She doesn't deserve Drew. Dylan was sweet with Nora, but ever since another poster pointed out how much she looks like Jared Leto he is all I see whenever I look at her. Amber had no business at that high-end baby boutique. Has she done no internet research whatsoever? She seemed so ignorant of what her basic shopping list should be. A quick search on amazon or baby center is all it takes, and amazon or target is where she belongs anyway. Better yet, why not wait to see if she gets any hand me downs from Kristina or Jasmine before she actually buys anything. Plus there inevitably will be the big Braverman blowout baby shower.
  16. Oh I didn't see the end, you mean Dean "pulled out" of the operation? Sorry couldn't help myself. And I bet urologists hear that joke all the time. Yes I totally agree it shows a lack of consideration for Tori since, as CodenameV pointed out, another pregnancy could be risky as could a hysterectomy. Not to mention she seems frail and unhealthy in general this past year.
  17. Does Marcus really do business based on a "handshake" without any background checks on the people and their businesses? That part didn't ring true. Also, he pointed out the poor daughter driving an old car while her mother lived large, driving a BMW. Did he not notice the Louis Vuitton bag on the daughter's desk?
  18. I think Tori's emotional attachment to her stuff is fair enough, and maybe growing up rich she had a lot of material things which she equates with love. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it. Regardless, her friends are not the right people to be helping her sort through it all, I think they are enabling her and/or afraid to push too hard to get rid of stuff she clearly doesn't need, like the preserved bouquet from her first wedding. She should hire a professional who is not emotionally involved. And who is getting paid by the hour so they can glance at their watch when she gets distracted by an old scrapbook or something. That moment of drama when Tori was pouring her heart out to Dean about dealing with her storage stuff was kind of undercut by the fact that Dean had an iguana on his shoulder while he was trying to look all serious and concerned.
  19. Poor Nora, getting some actual Mommy time until Max bursts in. She gets sent out of the room immediately to "go get your book!" Or ball or whatever Kristina mumbled. While they were fretting about the pickup artist books she was probably playing with electrical outlets or crawling out the front door.
  20. Yes, I was especially bothered by that ridiculously expensive dinner buried under construction expenses. Huge red flag but seems like Marcus managed to turn things around. Nick sure didn't seem like he was earning that 100k, but I winced at the firehouse scene. He mentioned he does his business online, so clearly cold calling on foot is not his forte, plus there was a camera in his face. Best episode ever for me, I really enjoyed it.
  21. Thanks charming for letting me know the pregnancy scare was a red herring so I don't have to watch the rest. Lost interest during that phony scene at the cafe where she and her "friend" were the only ones there!!
  22. Don't they? I think Max had some stickers taken away once. Oh wait that was like 5 seasons ago. Yes, thank you! Not to mention the adoption was of an older child. I've heard that adoption of an older sibling can be more stressful for the birth children if the birth order is changed and they are no longer the oldest. She was an only child, so I'm not sure if it still applies here, but her relationship with Victor hasn't always been smooth sailing. Lots of stress for a girl that young. And disappointing to see her mother accepting it when Zeek waves the whole thing away because as a parent it's her job to ruin her children's lives. Really??? Crappy advice from a man who is likely heavily medicated at the moment.
  23. Wow, how much did they pay those overly enthusiastic customers at the end? And not a fan of the crying, it reminds me of a similar show called The Pitch which I grew to hate because no episode was complete unless somebody cried, please tell me this show is not going down that route. More real business turnaround case studies and less family drama and dysfunction is what I'd like to see so I'll continue to watch and just ff through the staged, scripted craziness.
  24. Since we're talking about what is and isn't realistic, how realistic is it for a patient about to undergo major surgery to be assigned to a room overlooking a graveyard? What hospital actually has patient rooms with a graveyard view? I'm thinking this wasn't sloppy writing but maybe some attempt at foreshadowing.
  25. Maybe it is realistic. When it comes to veterans struggling with PTSD it's my understanding that where they live is very relevant. Unfortunately, some states have better VA medical centers than others, and some are dealing with the PTSD epidemic while others are dropping the ball. Maybe Wyoming doesn't offer the best resources for him.
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