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Everything posted by twilightzone

  1. She already apologized on Twitter and said she was wrong. They have long moved on. Ramona and Dorinda are friends off camera. The big blowup this season is going to be between Bethenny and Luann. That hurricane is coming. Lu was promoting Ramona's Ageless skin care line, so not hard to figure out how the loyalties shake out.
  2. This! There is nothing interesting or unique about Plain Laine. And the phony audition was obviously a set-up.
  3. Then why claim: I think both a half Asian male heartthrob and a half Asian male rocker are both things that come way too few and far between.
  4. But Laine really doesn't identify himself as Asian. If anything, he's a good ole boy from the South.
  5. The Live Shows are more expensive to produce than the auditions. And it doesn't help that this is the lowest rated season ever. Whether it's Idol or The Voice, these kind of shows have been on the downward for years with an aged demographic. Idol was already cancelled once. The whole looking for a star is thing of the past. The last time Idol had a success story was in 2012.
  6. Cost. The live shows are more expensive to produce.
  7. I can imagine the Idol Cougars after Laine Hardy. But I don't see his appeal. He just seems too manufactured. And he has this thing where his mouth doesn't move when he speaks, so you can't understand what the heck he is saying.
  8. Ne-Ne made the whole season so toxic. If you can't get along with someone as good natured as Cynthia, the problem is you, not her. It's been reported that Kenya will be returning and Shamari lost her peach. I bet Ne-Ne is fuming that she doesn't have the clout that she loves bragging about.
  9. Because Bethenny has to make everything about herself - and she hold grudges. She's the type who would not hesitate to write you off - if you do some thing she doesn't agree with.
  10. Remember that last season all 4 of the judges wildcards did not last and were voted off quickly. The winner will be someone the public voted into the Top 7. All the wildcard picks in both seasons were people of color.
  11. Lambert was on the show 10 years ago. The industry has changed a lot since then. The Idol brand is no longer relevant. The last time Idol produced a successful alum was when Phillip Phillips won. That was back in 2012. The show has been cancelled once and is now struggling in the ratings. The best contestants now coming off the show can hope for is to be a working musician.
  12. Well, she unfollowed everyone after the reunion, except for Marlo and Shamari. And it was reported that she offered the olive branch to Cynthia and Porsha, but they blew her off. The show did fine when she had previously quit. She only came crawling back, because her so called big acting career flopped big time.
  13. It's telling when Ramona is the sane one. I find Luann way more insufferable and pretentious. She's ego tripping because of her Cabaret act, as she did with Tom, as she did as the snotty Countess. And it's going to get ugly. Her turning on Bethenny is not going to end well. No, Dorinda does not need to apologize anymore. I also see why Barbara did not get an apple.
  14. That's his sob story on the show. The truth is that Jeremiah, at 26, just moved out recently. Up until then, his family was still supporting him and he took a menial job so he can pursue his music. He never finished college. Unlike how his editing has implied (his family has disowned him because of his sexuality) they probably just can't take a lot of time away from work now and will be saving the trip for the lives shows.
  15. Idol really is no longer in the position of attracting the big name stars. When you have to Google to find out their names, probably not a good sign that viewers knew who the majority of these people were.
  16. This. She also just went on national TV and told the world that Dennis killed himself over her. Now his children have to hear that while they grieve. Literally nothing is sacred to this woman.
  17. Unfortunately, this episode hit an all time low with ratings in the show's history. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/911-beats-american-idol-tv-ratings-monday-april-1-2019-1198722
  18. I wouldn't put it past Idol with trying to milk Jerimiah's storyline. His family has not disowned him - as it has been implied. He posted recent Instagram pics of him with his father, his sister, brother in law. I also think relying on a backstory of any kind for any contestant - is a very slippery slope.
  19. I can see Luann continuing to be more insufferable as the season goes along. She is obviously ego tripping on her cabaret act. Just like she ego trip about Tom. Just like how condensing she was as The Countess. Bottom line, I think Dorinda feels betrayed. She was the only one who stood by Luann throughout the fiasco with Tom and then her arrest. And I suspect it will be Luann's inflated ego that will lead to her fallout with Bethenny.
  20. This was the worse rated episode in the show's history. Is another cancellation lurking?
  21. LVP doesn't carry 2 shows on her own on BRAVO. She is barely on VPR, which is sinking in the ratings. And HW has always been an ensemble show. #Delusional. #Desperate.
  22. Bethenny did not save RHONY. The ratings were the same with our without her. And she only came back because her own shows tanked. Anyone who thinks they are that important, needs to check themselves. And LVP has basically been phoning it for several seasons now. RHONY took a hit in ratings - when they dropped 4 cast members at once Jill, Alex, Kelly, Cindy. BRAVO would never do that kind of purging again.
  23. I can't see where LVP will be able to comeback from this, considering that has alienated herself from the rest of the cast. HW is an ensemble show. And she's in for a rude awakening if she thinks the show can't survive without her. Just ask Bethenny and Ne-Ne when they left.
  24. If LVP is this poor innocent victim as she claims, why all the bad press of her being a prima donna and refusing to film with the others. If she has the truth on her side, then she should have nothing to hide, right? She's making herself look guilty. Nothing will ever convince me that she isn't the biggest Fake and Liar.
  25. Not buying the whole Ne-Ne, poor victim, Greg is mean to her, etc. Just look at how horrible she treats others around her. Of course she made it all about herself at the wedding. RHOA would be so much better without her. Bye Felicia!
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