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Everything posted by twilightzone

  1. Lu wanted to make her cabaret the focus of the season finale - as it was last year. Ramona's excuse to Lu (we don't want to see you work) and her talking head (coming up with the party idea to get out of the show) was funny. And Lu still didn't seem to get it that the others were fed up with cabaret.
  2. How is that hypocritical? Calling out Camille for being a 2 face doesn't mean they did not have empathy for her losing her house. Just like it should not be a pass for her support of Brett Kavanaugh, if you do not agree with her views.
  3. Bethenny has already given Luann several passes. I believe Bethenny. She gave too many specific details. I also think the other women knew the truth. But once again, it's all about the entitled Countess and her inflated ego. We now know that she had violated her probation and never really stopped drinking. And Page Six just reported that she is demanding a big raise for HW; thinking she's a "big star" because of her cabaret act.
  4. She said that BRAVO has cut her out of the rest of the season and she was a no-show at the Reunion. So, no more LVP, who was also a failed actress.
  5. Reign is pretty good looking and he is more of an extrovert, whereas Saint is more of an introvert.
  6. LVP is way over rated. She did not "quit" HW as she claims. She was pushed out. BRAVO has refused to air any of her segments for the rest of the season. BRAVO doesn't need her for VPR. They can easily take the main cast, change the name, setting of the show and rebrand it. It's well known that most of cast don't even work at Sur, aside for filming of the show.
  7. Well, we now know that Luann was handcuffed in court for violating her probation; too busy playing the cabaret star over her sobriety. And it doesn't get any worse when her own children sued her for cheating them of their inheritance. Also, remember how insufferable she was for 2 years with cheater Tom; throwing it in the others faces that they were all jealous of her, that Tom is such a great catch and how he chose her. Too arrogant to listen to the warnings.
  8. LVP said that BRAVO has refused to include her for the rest of the season. She has confirmed she won't be attending the reunion this week. It's all over the media that she has quit (likely pushed out).
  9. But it's the personal items, like mementos of Camille's family, that cannot be replaced. You don't have to like Camille to recognize she has gone through a lot - with a public cheating scandal. Her battle with cancer and her mother sick with the disease. And now losing her home in a devastating fire.
  10. But Camille did flip flop and changed her story when it came to LVP. She said she was hurt with the wedding snub and said things about LVP that weren't very flattering. But then tells a different story to People Magazine. So, I can see why her sincerity is being questioned. I'm sure LVP questioned it as well after watching the show.
  11. This. If BRAVO is smart, they would send some of the NY women and guest star in the boring BH and ATL - and show them how it's done.
  12. The old gal is slipping big time. This after her boring kitchen remodel. And she was a mess at the VPR reunion and their ratings have sucked. If she is so distraught, she needs to leave and give viewers a break from her poor victim act. And that John Sensa is such a snake.
  13. There is so much truth in this 1 post. I think they knew that there wasn't going to be an Idol tour.
  14. What a boring choice. We've seen the same type of winner over and over again. He will be forgotten once a new flavor of the month comes along. Once again, the deep South wins.
  15. At least, it wasn't Kanye Jr. And none are named Kim Jr or Kris Jr. - or any "K" name. I prefer the Disick names. Dash paid tribute to Robert Sr, It was Kris who suggested Scotland after Scott, And the right call was made of Reign - over their other choice of Preston.
  16. Bethenny and Luann have always had the darkest relationship on the show - with the tension obvious. It goes back to when Call Me Mrs. de lesseps used to look down at B, who then was the struggling outsider, who was not part of the NY social inner circle. L automatically took Jill's side in the feud with B. Ramona said that if L hadn't scooted J away from her apartment, they could have made up. She tried to take credit for the Skinny Girl brand. And Heather T said L tried to get others not to film with B when she returned.
  17. And there was Saint, who practically faded into the background, as he seems to often do. I don't know if he even said his name. We all know how competitive Kim is. And it was nephew Reign Disick who got all the media attention. Not her mini-me in training North.
  18. Even though she constantly threatens to quit, she won't. She's too thirsty. Her constantly playing the poor victim and "it's a joke" is getting as old as her matronly outfits.
  19. I think Alejandro will win. He's peaking at the right time. I can see Laine being the victim of the early front runner stumbles. It's happened too often. I like Laci, but she had no chance, after being Saved. They should have never used it. I'm not surprised at Madison making the Top 3. She has people.
  20. Well, Reign did get media attention for being a scene stealer (watch out Kim, lol). He actually is the best looking of the Disick kids. And it wasn't like he was running around, crying. I noticed when he made room for Saint, he put his arms around him. And he open his arms to greet Kris, while North pulled back when Kris kissed her.
  21. Remember when a young Noel wanted his mom to stay home, but Luann couldn't be bothered. Remember when their housekeeper talked about parents who let others raise their children. Remember when Ramona called Luann a weekend mom.
  22. Jeremiah should have been Saved over Laci. But the Save contestant is on borrowed time. They never win. Alejandro and Wade actually had very good nights. While Madison has been under rated and Laine has been over rated.
  23. Maddie said she has not been asked to perform at the Finale, even though her debut album will dropping that week. So that awful Disney duet is all she got. Welcome to winning Idol!
  24. She said she messed up. She was talking about being on "good terms" with Mario. Really, this isn't all that deep.
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