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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Rafe was pretty aggressive with Bonnie. Glad Justin showed up when he did. Phillip looked nice today with his new hair do then he spoke. His jealous really is ugly. And I don’t even blame him for being jealous. Was Ava applying for a chef position at Julies ? Maybe she could work at channel’s bakery. Brady can’t really be that stupid to fall for Gabi lies.
  2. This was campy but fun. I did not know mr. Sheffield had a twin. He did seem off and Marlena did seem to notice but did not say anything. Ciara should go train far away to be a agent.
  3. I wonder how that movie will affect Roman ? when he was going off on Nicole it was obvious he was revealing how hurt he was in past.
  4. Doug and Julie story is very sad. At least they have Jack looking what for them. The way Julie was arguing made me wonder how many other episodes Doug has had. Liked when Chad was asking EJ about Sami. I do think EJ had something to do with her kidnapping.
  5. Sounds like a nice juicy story to me.
  6. Considering the party they went to she was dressed perfectly lol
  7. The days preview looks fun. It’s on YouTube. I tried once to post a YouTube link. It did not work out so good lol. Anyway Johnny movie is going to be about his mom life. He is going show how Sami found out about John and Marlena affair. Allie will play Sami. When EJ says he was the love of Sami’s life Johnny tells him that part went to Lucas.
  8. The actor playing Will seems to be really enjoying being in this show. His joy made me so happy lol. Chad was really in his element in the drag queen contest. Wonder if he will tell Abby about this trip.
  9. Ciara dress is terrible. Was It’s see-through? Ben and Ciara seem a little too eager for this adventure John was to angry. It’s not Anna’s fault he can’t hold on to his paddle. It’s like he never been to an auction before.
  10. Bonus points for Shaun for getting Belle away from Phillips drama. Phillip looked like a crazy man writing that email. He is stupid to put that all in writing. Jake doesn’t really seem interested in doing any work for this take over. Eli stake out of the twins was cute. As was Abe kiss the cook apron. Abe is such a dad.
  11. Is Calista really dead ? it looked like the bullet hit her implant.
  12. Sonny should be ok. He emptied out their joint account before without telling Will
  13. Not feeling the new Sonny. Will has been hanging around Leo to much. His fashion sense is way off. Maybe he could not find any short sleeve flannel. kyle the agent was very handsome. Why would Pauline automatically think those guys wanted the ring? That scene was off. Everyone just standing around looking at the guys with guns. Most people would get out of there or at least call for help.
  14. This Bonnie story makes everyone look stupid. Justin is really supposed to believe that Bonnie wants Zander at their wedding? are Steve and Kayla just bored ? Why would they want to be in this wedding? is there a reason Justin wants to get married? Not too long ago it was him and Kayla at the Kiriakis Alter living room. I feel sorry for Doug. It’s understandable that Julie would not want to admit anything is wrong. There were probably lots of hints before now.
  15. So far I liked Ciara and Ben better here. I imagine jacks idea or camping is a renting out a fully loaded camper. glam camp it’s nice to see Will again. He looks good. Anna is a meddler.
  16. @norcalgal there is a thread for the digital show @buffynut I would have liked Jack and Nicole to team up to get dirt on Zander. During their investigation they stumble across evidence of where Sarah has been.
  17. Johnny and Allies fight was interesting. Jealous, calling out secrets arrogance all traits I expect in Sami’s kids.
  18. I like Tripp but this storyline makes him look weak and jealous. His last girlfriend tried to kill him a few times so his girlfriend having feelings for someone else should not bother him that much.
  19. Allie and Tripp are protesting way to much. Tripp knows he is second choice. And Allie does and does nor want Chanel however no one else can have her. johnny is more interesting and has more chemistry with Chanel.. Allie needs to stop blaming her mom about the two dad things. She oblivious does not know the history. Oh and I hate her dress.
  20. Johnny is going to film his movie on his phone. He is going to sneak around Salem recording all the people who talk to themselves out loud. He will explore why they think it’s a good idea to tell your secrets to a creepy portrait.
  21. Steve is way to chill lately and I don’t like it I love Tony and Anna. Don’t let EJ push you around. EJ is a jerk. Let Johnny find his way. At least he has a vision. this young set at least all have goals and jobs.
  22. Gabi just bored. You would be too if you were dating Jake.
  23. So many great points made her about yesterday episode. Rafe is dim but he has a sure thing with Ava even if he has feelings for Nicole. That’s why he did not take the out she gave him. I do agree that Roman was a papa bear and projecting. It actually was a good insight into his character. Nicole cheated and is told how awful it is. Romans wife cheated and he constantly gets to see them and hear what a great love they have for each other. That has to hurt.
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