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Everything posted by Pogojoco

  1. Reviving this because I'm bored- Despite the fact that no GOT characters are going to be in spinoffs- I'd watch the heck out of the Many Adventures of Oberyn Martell. Him hanging out in Essos, him learning about poisons at the Citadel. Another one- the founding of House Martell- Nymeria and her 10 000 ships and the Rhoynar fleeing their homeland. The Blackfyre Rebellion is another one. A Maester named Wyllis, about 600 years before GOT, lived among the Free Folk and worked as a healer at Hardhome before it was destroyed until mysterious circumstances. He wrote a book when he returned to the Citadel "Hardhome: An Account of Three Years Spent Beyond-the-Wall among Savages, Raiders, and Woods-witches" Maybe the show should be that book.
  2. I think a key scene that demonstrates Tommy's nature is his scene with Ryan on the boat. He's clearly thrilled the kid has come to visit and he's trying to be happy, but the anger he has at the kid for telling his friend about it and then bringing his friend is coming forward. So the thrill of the kid being there is getting swamped by the dangerous and overwhelming rage. I can see how her daughter would find him charming at first and then have it be sinister and ugly. And I think nature vs nurture is the underlying argument of the series and something that haunts Catherine. I love Ryan and how he's kind of a shit. I love the relationship between Catherine and Clare. James Norton is sinister, but the charm of him is still there- maybe it's his charisma. It's so well written and so well acted. I love this show. Sarah Lancashire is a titan.
  3. Dany isn't the rightful heir. If she wins by conquest, she'd have the throne. But the show has laid out that Jon is the rightful heir, at least according to her views. But yes, Robert's side won and he got the throne. And he got it because his side won and he was a Targ descendant, so it placated some loyalists (or at least acknowledged them). The point is that Iron Throne is all pretty up in the air. Now, they might share the throne because they are in "love", which may be what some want and where the show is going, but I think it's rather cheap and unearned in the context of the show. Dany has been in love with the idea of sitting on the Iron Throne much longer than any interest in any guy. And it's just as easy to argue that Jon is Ice and Fire alone, let alone Dany and Jon being Ice and Fire. Or that Ice and Fire are dragons and white walkers, or magic's last revival before it reveals a new world with new rules. And I'm convinced it's more that than a big romance. A series of books about two people coming together to defeat evil and rule together would be considerably less complicated than the unending behemoth GRRM finds himself under. Back to the episode- I think Jon earns his "dumb" description in this episode because there was no clear plan for how they were going to pull this off- at least not one we saw. It doesn't matter that it was Tyrion's dumb idea, Jon decided to do it. I think Jon is unfairly called dumb other times, but he more than earned it this time. His actions gave the enemy a massive weapon. Though actions don't seem to have any lasting consequences on this show any more, so it's probably fine.
  4. Yeah, pretty much. Even if it contradicts something said or done previously. I just pointed out Tyrion because people were pointing out Jaime as someone marriable. I mean, politics and Lannisters controlling the North were why Sansa was married off in the first place. Tyrion is technically Lord of Casterly Rock, particularly if Dany pardons him Not even time to flesh out the Dany/Jon one. Gendry is here to be Lord of Storm's End and be smooshy with Arya. Probably.
  5. He married her in front of a tree and had sex with her, so yes.
  6. No. Never consummated and she married Ramsey, which was.
  7. People are forgetting Tyrion on the list of marriageable men. I've decided the chains were Giant chains- but the show should have had wight giants hauling the dragons out. Giants have been seen in the wight army this season. Where were they? I'm focusing on this because the wight mission, Jon/Dany and Sansa/Arya are all so dumb.
  8. It is indeed well established that the COTF created the White Walkers to deal with the First Men and it went out of control. And it would make sense that he's pre-Bran the Builder because one of the Kings in the North teamed up with a King Beyond the Wall to fight White Walkers. I like it. It is so.
  9. He's definitely a First Man in the show, which the Starks are descended from. I'm going with Stark, too. Stark it is.
  10. Given Cersei's interaction with Brienne at the Purple Wedding, I think she'd kill anyone who she thought Jaime might respect, listen to or even love. It is a scene of remarkable shade and both Christie and Heady play it beautifully. Cersei starts very charming, shades her hard and then Brienne, sensing the direction this is going, books it. And maybe Summer, too.
  11. This was one of the most visually stunning episodes they have ever done. So beautiful that it almost makes me forget how monumentally dumb it is. Tormund and the Hound got great dialogue, Beric and Jon could talk about once being dead and Jorah could drop anvils about possible babies for Jon Snow, but the wight mission remains stupid and I'm not sure how anyone can see Jon Snow as a competent leader anymore.. And now they are down a dragon. Dany saying that "Drogo, Daario, Jorah and Jon Snow- all crazy fighting men." Like they are all the same- I can't think of four characters less alike than any of those guys. Has she actually met any of these dudes? It was all so Tyrion could say Jon Snow is in love with her and she could deny it and then start thinking it. Tyrion says that he stares at her, when he hasn't really until this episode when he called her his queen and takes her hand. Bad writing, show. They are both attractive, but this rushed season hasn't earned any of this. And that's setting aside all the incest stuff, which still not sure what the show wants me to think about it. And on that note, congrats Jon Snow: you are now officially as dumb as your brother Robb. Giving up your power because you fancy a girl. I know it's been like, 5 seasons since you've seen a girl not a foot taller than you, but seriously. There was no need to bend the knee there. She's on your side now and she's seen your abs. She should be pissed at you for that mission and the death of her child and instead she's all a flutter. But, YOU KNOW NOTHING, JON SNOW. The Night King should resurrect Ygritte so she can once again school your ass on that fact. Still, beautiful to look at. Those winter shots in the mountains. Gorgeous. The dragons look gorgeous. The hauling of the dead dragon out of the water with (very convenient) chains was gorgeous. The coat Dany wore was great, but hilarious. "I have to go North, Tyrion. I got this coat made and I need to show it off." And yeah, I'll keep watching because I might as well but the show runners are really losing it.
  12. Overall? Overall. I don't mind Elektra but I do roll my eyes a little bit at Murdock trying to redeem her all the time. It'd be better if the unstoppable killing machine had his lover's face but none of her spirit and he had to deal with that. Also, as for Elektra's accent- that's Elodie Yung's accent. I watched interviews with her to make sure and that's pretty much her accent- French with a twist. Karen and Trish teaming up as investigative media people might be fun. Both are a little crazy. Jessica is my favourite. I like how she fights (like it's a big inconvenience) I'd like to see her training in her next season. I know she gets away with just brute strength but a little discipline might be good. The comments, the asides, the way she says "The Hand" is great. I also love that it's clear Luke Cage still loves her. I still wish Colleen was the Iron Fist- give her the backstory and the wealth.
  13. Not on the show, but Varymyr Sixskins is a warg and basically lives on when he moves to or tries to move to another living creature. In the prologue of ADWD, as he's dying, he thinks about taking over the body of a woman named Thistle.
  14. I remember this case pretty vividly. I was sort of neutral on Scott Peterson's guilt until I saw his stepsister on Oprah. She basically talked about how shady AF he was - he was draining the pool and cleaning it soon after Laci disappeared. And the stepsister was like, "What are you doing?" and he had no real answer. And a theory is that he killed her in the pool. Also, he scrubbed the house with bleach before the cops got there. And then they talked about the statistics of men that off their pregnant wives. Like, a pregnant woman is more likely to die by the baby's father than anything else. I also remember Laci's mother telling him "It's called divorce, Scott." Because, I mean, really. What an asshole.
  15. Oh, GRRM is to blame for some. But I blame the showrunners and writers for this, too. I mean, they made certain decisions to cut richness in favour of expediency, "buzzy" moments and fan service. Maybe both have the same issue- it's hard to top the execution of Ned Stark and the Red Wedding for pure WTF and shock. It seems to have scattered GRRM, making him unfocused and made the showrunners try to top themselves so there are videos of fan reactions on Youtube. Like I said, I don't hate the show. It's just frustrating to watch something and want it to be better.
  16. I agree. It was about Jon thinking he knows the North and wouldn't feel right sending someone else and not going himself. He's a doer. This things always are up to interpretation- and there is a lot of confirmation bias- those pro and anti- Jon/Dany see what they want.
  17. There is a melancholy that has fallen on me. It might be because the show is ending, but I'm finding it hard to like this show. I'm addicted to it and I still watch it, but there is a distinct lack of richness that fills in and expands the various brutal bits. It feels almost like all of their inspiration comes from Martin's work and when they are left to their own devices, it becomes hollow and a little pat. I thought Dany sounded like a hypocrite- talking about breaking the wheel but continuing to insist people bend the knee or die- and it's weird that the show doesn't seem to want to call her on it. And it makes no sense, at all, that she doesn't just end the war now. I don't think she is going to burn Starks, but it'd be almost better if we thought she could. What would possibly be more interesting (which it doesn't seem like they are doing) is to have Dany win the Iron Throne right now- and her arc next season is learning to rule, being possibly terrible at it, possibly crazy., considering helping Jon Snow, because it's getting awful cold in King's Landing. Have her be happy to achieve something or realizing ruling sort of sucks. Or have her deal with the idea that she isn't the actual heir to the throne. And make Cersei the exiled queen (girl hasn't left KL since the second episode of the first season) and have her try to negotiate a sell sword army. Maybe Dany smashes a rebellion, like Robert had to with the Greyjoys. Rather than schmoopy eyes at her nephew and flying around on dragons.
  18. @Francie Bless you. I like Cersei because Lena Heady is so good and I don't want to lose her anytime soon, but this is impassioned. Cersei is indeed very much a product of her family, her time.. She's not cartoonishly evil like Ramsey Bolton. One thing I think defines Cersei is barely contained rage. And I think it started when she wasn't born male, so she could inherit her father's seat as the first born. I don't think she's a great ruler or that she "deserves" the throne. And she's definitely crazy. But it's all more nuanced than Cersei=bad, Dany = good. And yeah, in the show, she most definitely isn't complicit in shoving Bran out the window. I believe she admonishes Jaime and tells him he should've just intimidated him or frightened Bran into thinking he didn't see what he saw. The thing about Robert is that he wasn't really evil. He was full of all the things that people admire in this world, but he wasn't designed to be a responsible, level headed ruler or be middle aged. And probably should've died in glory on the battlefield at about 22 and have glorious songs written about him.
  19. I just don't think they take that much time talking about it if it doesn't mean something.
  20. I just imagine it like the far North and it's twilight or dark for most of the day and that day, in Game of Thrones Winter, that day lasts longer than 24 hours. Also, magic. Dragons, dudes coming back from the dead- it's magic. I love not in show Val. I was sad she wasn't in the show. If I were on the show, I'd want to play Sansa or Arya- Sansa, mostly for the costumes she's worn and Arya for who she has gotten to share scenes with. Arya's Tywin scenes and her Hound scenes are highlights of the whole series. And Sansa got to hang with Tyrion, Cersei, Margary and Lady Olenna. That's pretty good, as far as richness.
  21. "Oh my sweet summer child, what do you know about fear? Fear is for the winter, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides for years and children are born and live and die, all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little lord, when the white walkers move through the woods. Thousands of years ago there came a night that lasted a generation. Kings froze to death in their castles, same as the shepherds in their huts. And women smothered their babies rather than see them starve, and wept and felt the tears freeze on their cheeks. So is this the sort of story you like? In that darkness, the white walkers came for the first time. They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders big as hounds... "
  22. If the sun stops coming out ( short days are a hallmark of winter), greenhouses become pretty useless. Even heated ones. I think the thing about winter in GRRM's imagination is that it's the very bad kind of winter, meaning- dark, very, very cold (hard to breathe cold) and dead. Your fingers and toes and nose get frostbite and die. The kind of winter that lasts forever and eventually people end up eating each other because there is no food. I'm imagining the Donner Party, times a million. There is a reason a lot of great horror movies are set in winter (The Thing, The Shining, Ravenous, Let the Right One In). Winter can be hellish. Stannis, I think in maybe a released chapter, already has troops eating the dead. The Winterfell chapters in ADWD are quite hellish. People have cabin fever and someone is mysteriously killing people. Not to mention Frey Pies.
  23. Dany's visions have snow in King's Landing, surrounding the Iron Throne. I seem to recall that "Winter" in Westeros/Essos is a variable thing. Sometimes it's short and sometimes it's very, very long. In the first episode of this season, the Hound buries those people he and Arya encountered in earlier seasons. It was very snowy, where it wasn't snowy before. It was also snowy in the Riverlands when Arya was there when it wasn't when Robb was there. Even in the scenes when Jon is still running around with Ygritte just south of the Wall, it isn't snowy. There are wildflowers. The point to all of this is that as Ned Stark always said, Winter is Coming. That means it's time to store food (because you don't know how long it'll last.) And not burn food (any of it.)
  24. Yeah, this is the thing that Jon would be thinking. They just put a crown on his head and they also sent him off with "We don't trust the Targs" messaging. Also, the idea that marriage would end conflict. "Hey kids, remember when both of you were with more interesting partners in earlier seasons?"
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