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Everything posted by RogerFromOhio

  1. How odd.. Jewel is being advertised as an author instead of a singer.
  2. Very good overview TribbleTrouble.... thanks for posting it
  3. No one would stay in a hostile work environment unless they needed the money. Rosie didnt leave them in a lurch..... she left them because the show allowed her to be disrespected. The show will improve once Whoopi leaves... she has been a drain on the show for years. Whoopi did all she could do belittle the whole panel.... and Rosie specifically.... Rosie had no reason to stay..... notice there was no improvement once Rosie left.... because Whoopi is still there.
  4. It is tough to praise Sherri when she tried so hard to throw away another baby that she created... Good thing the courts FORCED her to pay for her child I wonder if those people who think Sal is a "money grabber" also agree that women who get alimony are the same as prostitutes like Raven said.... .but how would she know since she is just a young 30 year old SMH
  5. Yes I figured as much Kenz.... I was just snarking on the way the 2 back to back subjects related
  6. Ciara was just talking about her relationship... saying they are celibate... and then talks about her 15 month old baby.... that celibate issue seems to have come up a bit too late Barbara Walters has not had her hand in the show for 2 years now It was back in 2008 when i came to the realization that polls meant nothing.... these polling companies know how it works.... I bet you know which side of your town to call to get results that you want. They skew these polls so they stay relevant enough for the media to purchase their polls. Reality doesnt matter.... all those polls that had Romney winning the Presidency..... are still selling their polls even when they were so wrong in the past
  7. Actually Sherri has not been too bad so far.... although she did get pissed off at Raven..... not that she said anything but you could see she was pissed on her face. They were talking about a "comedian" doing a fat shaming routine and Raven said fat people doing fat jokes is like us using the N word.... I dont think Sherri agreed. Sherri also didnt like being the butt of those jokes... since she was a fat chick who lost weight then gained it back again..... Paula called out comedians who think they can say anything offensive with no consequences with the excuse that they are a comic. I think Journalist means something different today It really is shameful that she could not come up with an actual foreign leader. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joy's first question.... what happened to Hillary... she had these big leads and now Bernie is winning.... which actually isnt true What happened is the campaign started.... when she was getting 80% in the polls no one was running against her.... it is still 5 months before the first election. It is amazing how much the media beats up on her..... and with rumors instead of facts. I guess that is what journalism is all about today
  8. I dont think so either.... he might be leading in the polls.... Id really like to see what the questions are..... but polls mean nothing.... no one has voted for him yet.
  9. Sorry about the long post.... legal stuff seems to ramble on
  10. First off... Im not really sure how I feel here..... People should not have to decide between their beliefs and employment.... accommodations should go both ways.... if she cant serve alcohol then she should take over another task from the other Flight Attendants There are legal standards that are relevant here..... I went and looked it up.... isnt it a shame the Hosts werent able to do this?? Here is the website that I found http://www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/qanda_religion.html A couple of relevant parts. With respect to religion, Title VII prohibits: ~~~ treating applicants or employees differently based on their religious beliefs or practices – or lack thereof – in any aspect of employment, including recruitment, hiring, assignments, discipline, promotion, and benefits (disparate treatment); ~~~ subjecting employees to harassment because of their religious beliefs or practices – or lack thereof – or because of the religious practices or beliefs of people with whom they associate (e.g., relatives, friends, etc.); ~~~ denying a requested reasonable accommodation of an applicant’s or employee’s sincerely held religious beliefs or practices – or lack thereof – if an accommodation will not impose more than a de minimis cost or burden on business operations; 1 and, ~~~ retaliating against an applicant or employee who has engaged in protected activity, including participation (e.g., filing an EEO charge or testifying as a witness in someone else’s EEO matter), or opposition to religious discrimination (e.g., complaining to human resources department about alleged religious discrimination). This question I found interesting (there is more to the answer) 9. When does an accommodation pose an “undue hardship”? For example, courts have found undue hardship....... impairs workplace safety, or causes co-workers to carry the accommodated employee’s share of potentially hazardous or burdensome work. I dont think serving alcohol is hazardous or burdensome and this one 11. What if co-workers complain about an employee being granted an accommodation? Although religious accommodations that infringe on co-workers’ ability to perform their duties or subject co-workers to a hostile work environment will generally constitute undue hardship, general disgruntlement, resentment, or jealousy of co-workers will not. Undue hardship requires more than proof that some co-workers complained; a showing of undue hardship based on co-worker interests generally requires evidence that the accommodation would actually infringe on the rights of co-workers or cause disruption of work.
  11. I heard it.... I was gonna comment on it.... but then thought I heard wrong and would have embarrassed myself..... I guess I give them too much credit Oh... one other thing that I caught but the ladies of The View didnt..... Trump said he was winning the Latino polls..... he even gave that information to the media at one of his events...... the poll showed Trump leading with 34%..... 2nd was 31%... and 2 others were 30%...... and he said he was leading the polls.... now on the surface that is true.... but if you notice those total 125%..... so what is wrong?? The poll is a favorability poll..... which means.... he was winning the Latino poll with 34% favorability.... in other words.... 66% of Latino voters see Trump as unfavorable.
  12. I shared it.... had to edit it a little..... after I did I realized that I didnt ask Dahlia.... I hope you dont mind. This is what I actually posted. @TheView Michelle. Has. To. Go. She is awful interrupting over talking speed talking and diverting any reasonable discussion drives me crazy And since I was there.... I posted this as well @TheView It is a shame that a journalist like @paulafaris focuses on polls instead of substantive questions with a Presidential Candidate
  13. From what I understand..... and of course the hosts did not know.... but the person she worked with reported her.... I read somewhere that she did not appreciate the extra work.
  14. A friend of mine put out a challenge..... name all the Republican candidates without looking..... Now I consider myself pretty informed..... but when I made that attempt I could only come up with 9 of them..... and we have to realize... most people are not paying attention yet.
  15. They opened the show with Trump..... Whoopi and Joy asked good questions and held him accountable for his answers.... Michelle tried to tell jokes... Raven didnt understand..... and Paula kept telling him how well he was doing in the polls...... for a journalist it was sad how little substance she presented.
  16. Now that is good news.... Whoopi is here for 1 more year...... so it can be said now..... Season 20 will be the best season in years
  17. Since the Dump Truck will be calling in tomorrow..... I sent a possible question via Twitter.... here is it @TheView a question for @realDonaldTrump Since you produce your products overseas, how can you say you will be a jobs President for America?
  18. OMG... wouldnt that just be amazing... Ill have to make an attempt tomorrow
  19. First off.... the email "scandal" is just foolishness...... is someone going to actually say.... I agree with Hillary Clinton about everything..... I think she would make a Great President.... but those emails.... Im gonna have to vote for the Republican...... it just is not realistic. The poll criticism is foolish as well..... they are comparing polls when she was the only one running to now.... besides... polls mean nothing until voting day
  20. I wonder if CCB was a "guest" instead of a host because of money..... a host would have to be paid more They just mentioned that Donald Trump is going to call in tomorrow..... the audience did not react at all. exactly the way it should be.
  21. Come on Eire .... that is a great hat!!
  22. Honestly I dont know enough about her to like or dislike her..... I do know she is extreme on her views...... and I am uncomfortable with extremists... no matter which side they are on...... Ill watch the show... and if I disagree Ill comment and try to explain why..... but if I agree Ill mention that too. We shall see how it goes :)
  23. I have to disagree with you... Yes they have a Right to speak and share their opinions on all subjects..... but the rest of us also have Rights... we have the Right to disagree with the views of others.... and we have the Right to speak out against those opinions if we disagree. Disagreeing is not infringing on someone's Right to speak
  24. Someone should mention to her that even though she is the "young one" on The View..... it does not make her the "young one" in society.... she is not a teenager any more.... she is in her 30s. I remember a few months ago they were praising the younger generation.... the actual teens and early 20s.... and Raven said.... thank you so much... as if she was in the group that was being praised.... sorry honey... but you aged out of being "the young one"
  25. Honestly I thought we were going to be surprised and Whoopi was not coming back for this year..... maybe you are right.
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