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Everything posted by RogerFromOhio

  1. Whoopi just said when talking about the N word.... "Young people have taken the stink out of the word" If that is true.... why do they get upset when white people use it?? I will say what I always say... it is an offensive word and it should not be used by anyone not matter what color their skin is
  2. well thats that..... we have breaking news...... the pope is in America so they are interrupting the show to tell us about the "anticipation of the pope's arrival" A person in the crowd said watching the pope drive by is "life changing for my family" Oh.... he is driving to the White House in the Popemobile..... and kissing babies...... I am so over this already
  3. There was a whole crew of "rotating contributors" that was listed in the article.... other than Sherri last Friday.... and Stacy London today there hasnt been others.... We know Sherri has a deal with 50 shows... I wonder what the deal was for the others Edit: Thanks onthebrink03 for the "rotating contributors" phrase.... I was trying to figure out what to call them.
  4. I dont get why Kim Davis gets coddled as much as she is..... can you imagine the out roar if she was denying gun permits based on her Religious beliefs?? Raven said it correctly... what Rights should be taken from her??
  5. Kim Davis gave an interview.... and they are going to discuss it after commercial..... I may have an opinion on what is said.
  6. Some people say there is proof she is an asshole..... Im not saying there is mind you.... but some people say there is
  7. Elisabeth should really watch her videos before she makes statements.
  8. First off and most importantly.... when Joy left the show it got worse.... the crap fest continued.... the Reason Joy was brought back was to save the show. I get it... you are not a fan of Joy..... but that doesnt give license to share misinformation. If you think they support women who sleep with married men.... you must have missed the whole Tiger Woods "scandal" that went on for months. When people go public making demands on how the rest of us live, when the speak of family values... abstinence and the like.. they will become scrutinized for their own actions. Also, Sarah Palin used her children as political pawns. They were put on stage and celebrated as some kind of accomplishment which would make her a leader. Well when her own parenting skills seem to be a failure, it will be pointed out by those who see her as a fraud. We need to remember that the main reason Sarah was a Half Term Governor was because when McCain choose her to combat against Hillary her actions in office became much more public and the corruption charges that were filed were easier to deal with by running away instead of standing up to them... as a true leader would. For being "intelligent women" Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter has said some pretty ignorant things..... Like when Ann Coulter said the widows of the attack of 9/11 were glad their husbands died so they could become famous....or how Jews should be "perfected" and become Christians...... Malkin was spreading so much misinformation she was kicked off Faux News. I made this comment because I dont think misinformation should stand without being challenged.
  9. Someone should tweet Joy and have her mention Rosie on Empire
  10. When I was younger we used to go to Alabama and Florida for vacation. We would visit family. When we would come home back in Ohio I would have a southern accent for like a month. It wasnt on purpose, it just happened. Then it would go away and I couldnt get it back unless I tried really hard. One thing that really disappoints me is no matter how hard I try.... I cant roll my Rs
  11. That article is written by Michelle Malkin... She has less credibility than Elisabeth.... Just my Opinion :)
  12. Where this is probably true.... during the transition from the Clinton Administration to the Bush Administration there was intelligence shared..... A report titled Bin Laden was determined to attack America.... it was presented to the White House by the CIA. There was intelligence available that could have been used to thwart the attacks..... we were not kept safe during the Bush Administration. But this is a episode thread about The View..... we should save this discussion for when they chat about it on The View again. Edited: Oh.. about Michelle.... I saw a video of her being a guest on a few obscure talk shows....so people in the industry knew who she was.... but I never heard of her until she was on The View...... Im sure that montage video is on YouTube somewhere.
  13. Oh no.... Im just now watching the Nurse segment..... the 2 guests were in costume... with their white coats and the stethoscope around their neck. ..... but neither one of them are actually working nurses any more... one is a professor and the other is a director of the school. I bet the REAL nurses will be quite offended about this slight..... and Im on board with them..... why not get some REAL nurses who are actually outraged? I think I might make a sign and go somewhere and march.
  14. The discussion about the 14 year old kid who was arrested for taking a home made clock to school. They were on the kid's side mostly..... Michelle shared her outrage about him not being able to call his parents..... but Raven praised the cops..... which seemed insane to me. First... if they actually thought it was a bomb and were not just harassing him... why didnt they evacuate the school?? The whole time he told them it was a clock..... he never changed his story.... where were the explosives?? They took him out of the school in handcuffs....so they could interrogate him at a juvenile facility... still without calling his parents... or a lawyer for that matter. One thing left out of the story...... the Mayor of this city has made some public stances against Muslims...... Im not surprised that this police force took that bigotry from their Mayor and ran with it
  15. That was my thought when the announcer said it........ I thought... Why??
  16. She was not criticizing nurses...... She was confused why a BEAUTY PAGEANT contestant would be dressed in scrubs..... at least get the outrage correct I didnt realize that talking was a talent
  17. Except that is not what was said or implied.... and that is the problem with this "outrage" people are not outraged about what was actually said..... but by the idea that is being made up. Joy owned her mistake..... she explained why it was made... and she apologized..... you keep posting a "non apology" and making up what was said.... Joy NEVER said "hey you just didn't listen right".... YOU said that.... why dont you own your words like Joy does??
  18. It depends on how loud your outrage about being attacked by them would be...... if you could get a cable TV channel to take your side against being bullied it might make some "sparks" I wonder if that is how it works behind the scenes
  19. Joy explained her mistake..... She took ownership of what she said and why she said it. She has posted on twitter her apologies..... there really is nothing more she can do Im sure that is not enough for those who found a reason to be offended to be satisfied..... I guess some kind of blood letting might help *shrug* http://www.eonline.com/news/696401/the-view-responds-to-nursesunite-backlash-we-love-nurses-as-joy-behar-says-it-was-stupid-and-inattentive-on-my-part that link has the video of the apology as well as copies of the tweets she put out. Carry on
  20. There was really no reason for nurses to be offended.... they were talking about a beauty pageant talent competition and next thing we see is a woman wearing scrubs and a stethoscope and she made a WTF comment....... It was a nice story..... but not much of a talent..... then again it was "just a pageant" It seems people are just looking for something to be up in arms about..... I guess it was a slow week
  21. Yes she did... she said it was because people were asking about her hair. Last night I welcomed her back and told her no more hair questions ahhahaa
  22. Why have guests on if they are going to get 2 or 3 questions before they are gone??
  23. What was the "dumb joke" that she made??
  24. John Kasich used to work for Lehman Brothers as well.... he used his political contacts to invest Ohio's PERS money (Public Retirement fund) and he lost something like $450 million..... it was not an issue when he ran for Governor. http://www.plunderbund.com/2010/05/12/john-kasich-lobbied-state-pension-funds-for-lehman-bros/
  25. Yes I watched.... all the way from 6:00.... I must be insane. Jeb Bush actually said.... Remember... George Bush kept us safe........ I guess he forgot all about the attacks of 9/11 Drives me nuts. there were too many people on the stage to have any discussion of substance...... too much back and forth with no honesty at all. I wonder if it will come up later when Bush said Trump tried to donate money to Bush to try and get casino gambling in Florida.... Trump denied he wanted it..... Bush was adamant about it.... I hope some fact checker shares the actual truth with us.
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