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Everything posted by kathybgd

  1. I don't know if I'll be able to stomach this........
  2. I know! What's with that? I hope it's filled with more substance. Sorry about this. Don't know what I'm doing.
  3. Because of all you smart viewers I know what's going on with this show, otherwise , if I didn't have this forum to read (and I read before watching). I would be totally lost on wwhats going on. I never was confused , but this season I don't have a clue on the what's or why's of what is happening. Thanks for all you alls insights, wisdom, knowledge, perseptions and humor of this show.
  4. OMG. too funny. Boy if I were those club members I'd of been gone so far away from Jax and his crazy momma by now! I'm so disapointed in Nero. It does look to be that Unser is connecting the dots. This SHOULD be getting good.I did quote 'cooch of death' because that's what I was referring to about being funny. I just don't know how to quote AT ALL! I couldn't do it over at TWOP either, no matter how much instruction I got. I was watching last night after reading the forum and as far as Abel of the corn goes, I just think he's a crappy little actor and it's coming off as creepy. (Let's hope).
  5. How much does a storage unit (I mean warehouse) cost? I can't believed this bitch. It really didn't look like much art work or valuables from what I saw. Things I couldn't afford after six years in my 30 dollar per month unit. I saw stuffed animals, a few chairs, the portable toilet etc. Just useless stuff that really you are just wasting your money on each month because you never ever end up going through even the smallest storage unit unless it's just to hold your things until you get into a place or something. Usually these storage places are out of the way located in industrial wastelands that you really don't want to visit. She is SICK and needs serious attention that that kiss ass therapist can't give. Also, I hate being so shallow and bringing it up, but when she was on her bed talking of some horrible crisis, I never saw a more homely human being. She is sickly homely! It's tragic!
  6. I find it really really creepy to be a 60 year old woman trying so damn hard to look 21. Check out the picture of her on that new perfume add! Very creepy!
  7. Oh what utter BULLSHIT how they spent a whole segment practically of her and her kiss ass little 'friend' on why she just needs to have her life exposed for all to see! She is totally reading ALL the forums and comments hatin on her! It won't ever stop her though. She is just plain horrid.
  8. Wow! These losers don't need any airtime or recognition.
  9. This, my fellow posters is what typical 'yes' men are, right down to that bitch psychologist Wexler. Sad pathetic people she calls 'friends' that go along with everything this entitled , selfish, ugly little bitch says or does. You know they can't stand her! Who could? Dean too. Cottling this guppy is just as sick as she is. Ugh, I can't stand her! That storage facility is just as INSANE as she is! To sit and spend their days analizing EVERY damn feeling she has is crazy! GOD! They just need to get on with LIFE. Forget the past, enjoy their beautiful children, move Ooon! GROW the hell UP!
  10. That democrat woman on today's show was pretty awesome and I just sat watching and listening how Nicole was with her and thinking how snotty bits would have been toward her. Nope, not missin her face at ALL! Nicole handles the politics just fine.
  11. Only watched hot topics so far , but DAMN! Whoopi going to commercial is just horrible!
  12. GreatKazu, great post! I thought it was very sad of your perfect assessment of Janelle's excitement over everything besides her own dear little boy. What really bothers me is how she's sitting on this show bringing up how us viewers are such haters for such trivial things, and that piece of shit for a Dr. sides with her while all the other loser moms sitting there. shake their heads agreeing. So pathetic! MTV needs to be done with these girls! Especially Janelle, she's no way near Teen Mom! She never has been! Her and that psycho boyfriend are just getting more obnoxious and rich as long as this goes on. They need to go away and not get ONE BIT of recognition, good or bad!
  13. Also, Sydney's bullying storyline was huge , at least to me along with her anger issue 's because of the changes in the household, and now it all seems like it's all wrapped up since they went knocking on the bullied door in one episode. Now this so called angry and bullying Sydney is a happy little girl telling her dad all about the 'friend ' of mommy's. So damn inconsistent!
  14. I shed a little tear when Zeke told Crosby it goes by so fast. It DOES!! I don't like Drew, don't like his acting, don't like his character or his girl. Amber's ridiculous! Max, or rather the person that plays Max, has TOTALLY cranked UP the asbergers (I don't know how it's spelled) persona to where he's coming off as a robot. I could be wrong about the illness but I don't know. This show! Funny. I commented before I read jester's and everything said by jester is what I was trying to say. Thank you. I'm not good as a lot of you putting down exactly how I want it to sound . You guys are GOOD at it!
  15. Janelle is the worst pile of shit I have EVER seen on my screen! Does she feel no shame while the girls who actually have their kids more than an hour a year talked about getting things done with a child around , she had the stinking nerve to talk about when she has Jace and he wants something to eat, he wants to play , he wants to watch a movie etc. Poor thing!!! And I just know she gladly gets up of off her constant layed out position to appease the little tyke, (sarcasm intended). Oh and DUDE! Eat with your fucking mouth shut! Grrrrr.
  16. I haven't watched yet, but boy, what the hell Chelsea? I don't know the history of how Adumb has treated her from the beginning, I just started watching Teen Mom 2 last season, I never saw any 16 &Pregnant, but just what I have seen of this loser the past two seasons makes me sick that a beautiful, well rounded family girl , doing so good for herself and little girl would stoop so damn low! I could understand if he was Jason Momoa or something (shallowly speaking) but there is absolutely NOTHING I see in this balding freak with NO personality AT ALL! I would also be scared of getting a std from this creep.
  17. I too thought it was weird that "T". didn't make a big ta do about the girl she saw he was texting. Dean probably knows "T" so well though that he showed her an ugly picture of some girl and as shallow as "T" is she didn't think anything of it because NOBODY in this world can possibly be as pretty and rich as Tori? She just doesn't understand that her money only makes her attractive to slime like Dean, but it won't stop him from screwing around with a poor girl. It would make me so happy if he met someone he falls head over heels in love with that doesn't have anything but herself to offer and be so crazy for her he'd leave the entitled princess.
  18. I don't think she would of had to leave and divorce Dean to have kept her mommywood and all the other 'lighter' projects going on because she could of moved on from the gossipy affair (the dark shit) and worked on her fairytale , once in a lifetime marriage and still become a powerhouse in the media. She has ruined herself and at this point she is coming off so bad that their are more sympathizers out there for Dean than I am sure she didn't count on. But she really could of done some good for herself and her image if she just didn't go to this dark, ugly area that should litterally stay behind closed doors! Did we REALLY need that piss scene by the way?
  19. I agree with every comment here. Tori has had it ALL her whole life! I can't in my wildest dreams IMAGINE what that kind of life is like, so that makes her completely out of touch with the 'norm' . She really doesn't see , or probably care what she's coming across as, witch is ridiculous and pathetic, and these friends of hers are doing her no favors but that goes along with her entitled little ass. I think when she saw the picture of this girl Dean had the big 'affair of all time' with , she saw someone 'normal'. (She wants to believe 'ugly'). This threw her off because Dean made love to someone beneath her because she just can't fathom the thought of Dean wanting nothing but her, his soul mate, his beautiful princess in a fairytale. This whole thing just ruined her life and boy is he going to PAY dearly! Dean is so locked in this hell, JESUS he can't fart without her bitch face! I don't feel bad for him, but I don't think he's a bad person. He should of never left his beautiful family for the Spelling empire because this is what he got. I did feel bad for him when she was upset about her show being cancelled. She makes him feel like shit right in front of her 'friends'. The reason everything went sour, her crafts, her show, her reputation as a sweet, happy mommy etc. is because she went this route. I liked this family a couple of years back when I saw Dean on the Home And Family Show. He was so sweet and a great dad, even Christina Ferrarra was enjoying this man, and then this affair. OMG! You would think he's the only human on earth that's ever done this! She's one sick bitch and she needs to eat a sandwich because skinny on a middle aged woman does not look good!
  20. Yeah I know I said I wasn't going to watch but of course I did, and I am so mad I did because I do not want her to get any kind of reaction good or bad from me or anybody because that's all that matters to her. She could care LESS what us 'pee ons' think of her. I will say though, that for Dean to leave his wife and little boy for her is so blatantly obvious it was because of the Spelling empire. His wife is beautiful. There is NOTHING pretty about 'T' ! She is a rotten mother, she's a horrible bitch of a wife and she's so damn HOMELY! I'm not one to judge on looks, but she angers me so much with her hoity toity attitude, all her little so called 'friends' around her kissing her ass (even her theripist!) literally scared of her. Her daddy made her the little entitled bitch she is and nothing will ever change.
  21. Just by reading your comments I am not going to watch. It sounds fake again and I can't stand the sight of that skinny goldfish looking bitch.
  22. Oh my, when I began watching this last season I just set my DVR to record new episodes. Lo and behold when I checked my tonights scheduled recording this is shown. I don't know, I really hate the thought of this bitch getting any ratings or attention. I ended up feeling bad for Dean for putting up with this self involved ugly, ugly nag. I'll give it a shot.
  23. Did Ro ever bring out her little girl? I know she said in the beginning after introducing her wife and mil that she was going to bring her out, but showing Whoopi chewing with her mouth full of chicken and her crazy ignorant rants today, I just couldn't go on, but I do think I made it through the show because that chicken part was the end, I believe.
  24. That was just embarrassing to watch. Whoopi is ignorant and for the audience and the other hosts to encourage her with laughter and applause just pisses me off more! AND when she introduces a new topic she needs to quit with the stupid laughter until she's done with her sentence.
  25. I enjoyed this episode. I always find jilted, revenge lovers or crazy women stories interesting. Boy, that Tawny chicks breast implants were so disturbingly hilarious! I loved her begging the judge for mercy in the end. Bitch deserved everything she got!
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