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Everything posted by Kathy

  1. Why do Zach and Tori feel it is ok to take their dog everywhere? The diaper thing, wow. They let that dog run wild and just expect others to love their dog too. Matt says every year that this might be the last pumpkin season. Yeah right Matt. What does Jacob do all day long if he lives with Amy but has no job? Zach has back/leg/disc issues yet buys a house with a bazillion stairs and levels. Makes no sense. Matt and Chris, new best friends, Lol! Matt had a whole year to finish that stupid pirate ship. Why didn't he?
  2. I see TLC has a new 90 day fiancee show that is switched where Americans go to other countries to marry. Maybe Whit could go on that to get a man.
  3. This child woman has already outlived her 15 minutes of TLC fame. She has proven there is no fabulous life for her or even a normal life. Perhaps time to move on to Dr. Now?
  4. "Baby come back!" Who says this? June is so pathetic. She is a joke. So much time and money was spent on getting her thin and she is blowing it all away. Such a waste. What about her house? Does she own it free and clear?, rent? is it used by the network just to film? Is anyone even living there now? What does the sister Doe Doe do for a living? Is she married, single, divorced? June is not supposed to be even near Geno by court order so why isn't Geno arrested for violating that order? It is not like they can't find him, we all know where they are hanging out (the casino) wasting away June's money. So why is he not picked up? When is their next court date?
  5. They sure do take a whole lot of pics of themselves.
  6. What does Zach do all day? I wonder if he still works that part time sports job? Tori is home so he would not have to take care of Jackson all day so why does he have no time to get anything around the house done? Remember at his old house how the garage was full of junk piled everywhere? How did he not have the time to organize that? Yes, he is little but what about a little effort every day until done? I cannot cut him any slack as he seems very lazy to me. Oh, I'm sorry, he is VERY busy training the dog. Lol!!
  7. She seems to be doing the big wide eye thing that Michelle Duggar always does.
  8. Those leggings are horrible. They make everyone look bad. That old photo of Babs is what Whitney SHOULD look like after 6 seasons of her so called constant gym visits she posts all the time.
  9. Wow, they both need spelling lessons.
  10. So Mama June breaks her tooth twice on food? Wow, they fooled me thinking it was Goiter Dude who did it.
  11. Aud looks like a dork. She needs to get a real job and so does her hubby.
  12. These girls don't even want to fight to win. This is like a vacation for them and Vinnie and Paulie are just there.
  13. What would be great to watch is if she got a real life, not the made up garbage shown each season. Six seasons of her fake exercising at the gym with no results. Boring. She is getting paid to look like a fool (TLC has many shows like that). People are just watching for the train wreck thing. She is sometimes embarrassing to even watch. Doesn't she see what she looks like with the things she does and says? She does not come off as sexy like she tries to portray and this has nothing to do with her weight, it is her.
  14. These girls, yuck. This show must have the lowest budget ever as they don't take the girls anywhere.
  15. Matt is just not going to be happy until he kicks Amy totally off the farm. If I were Amy, I would stay just to piss him off lol!
  16. Six seasons of watching her "exercise" and no noticeable results. She has no fabulous life, really no life at all. Boring. How can she get another season? Are people really that pathetic to see her as some kind of role model?
  17. Yoga girl left the house. She made no sense when explaining why she was leaving. There will be no love found with these bunch of crazies,
  18. It was more entertaining than I thought it would be. It is one of those train wrecks you can't help but continue watching. I see all the Jersey Shore cast will be coming on to "help" Vinny and Pauly choose. I see Uncle Nino (the perv) will be on too. How much you want to bet Vinny's Mommy shows up too. Those women! Where the producers get them from is beyond me. What a freakshow of crazies. Pauly seems really comfortable around a bunch of women and knows how to handle himself. Vinny is way out of his comfort zone and comes off as very awkward.
  19. Why does Gil have to go everywhere with everyone? These are grown men and they can't go on this birthday thing with Zack without dad? Kelly is the same way. Does Gil even work anymore? Erin in curlers and no makeup in the car going to see the birth was great. Finally a chance to see her not all perfectly made up makes her seem more real. Poor Tori. hurting. doing those squats and the whole time her mom NEVER shutting up! Tori looked like she was going to yell shut up! I would have loved to see that as I was saying it!
  20. This new episode was boring and kind of hard to watch. There is no real fun, they all seem over it and everything seemed forced like they were only there for the paycheck. Only Zack is being filmed when we want to see all the kids. Matt and Amy cannot carry the whole show with all their constant bickering, no wonder the kids don't want to be there. I would like to see Matt brought down a peg or two. He is so into himself and nobody else matters.
  21. This new episode was boring. Why do they have to be all over each other to prove their love to us? When Kelly and Gil were in the car driving the little boys to rock climbing they were so touchy feely like just let Gil drive already. I don't see Trace being a cop. He didn't seem that into it. I like that Josie decorated her new place herself (with her friend)instead of calling in the family decorator Erin.
  22. Why did they even invite Lawson? He didn't act like he wanted to be there and I just wanted to reach out and smack him upside the head. Erin has ONE decorating style, her style and everyone thinks she is designer of the year? I loved when, I think it was Zack, said it looked like a bunch of tape stuck to the wall. Lol! Chad seems so over doing all the grunt work for every freaking family member. Erin needs to stop volunteering his services all the time without asking him first. Kelly's high pitched excited voice annoys me.
  23. I tuned in at the tram across the water thing and was horrified to see her just sitting in that box and making her elderly dad pull her across. He must really want her to have some kind of income to do all these dumb things with her and her deadbeat "friends". Why did she run through the hike? I turned the channel.
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