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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. Praise Gawd. This is the season finale. Hopefully, this is the END of this shitshow!! Fingers crossed!!
  2. WHUT??? Who's the JACKASS????????? SHUT the fuck up Sobbyn. NOW. "We can always have something else... but not that." Whut the AF???
  3. That's the whole thing though. Kody & Sobbyn are in a monogamous relationship NOW. When they bought Coyote Pass, they were polygs. He can't just jettison the OG 2 now that things are different.
  4. Apparently, NOT. It's all about the Douchecanoe. As usual.
  5. Lawyer time. Accountant time. THE END.
  6. Janelle honey: Please just ask for Divine Intervention for important stuff. NOT frisbee playing.
  7. Noticed how Robbyn kept trying to get Douchie to shut up! Yakking about the "wrong headspace" She is getting less and less sneaky about her fillings. Uh huh.. We see you Sobbyn.
  8. Oh goodie!!! Some REAL talk about property!!! Love it! Just admit it Douchie, you want it ALL and that's where you're starting your negotiations!
  9. Nikki, COME ON BACK HOME, HONEY. Don't do this to IGOR any longer. OR yourself. GO. HOME.
  10. I'm with you! How come between those two siblings, they can't figure out how their MOTHER couldn't have a tiny bedroom? Like, NOT a frickin' CLOSET????
  11. Jasmine, you're suffering from an ridiculous amount of jealousy. If only Gino's family member would have stopped before she mentioned the Bachelor Party.
  12. And why oh why are we still seeing the Family Chantel on our teevees?? I thought they were done-zo. But no. Now we have dingleberry Mom talking about "Pedro's gonna get it!" and Chantel saying" I can't take any more" and I'm like : WHO IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS give a rat's ass about ANY of you people?"
  13. I love it! Clayton says, "I want to show Anali some bourbon because Kentucky's also about bourbon, and my sister likes to drink". That's hilarious!!
  14. Come on over and sit by me girlfriend. Y'all should see what I have on because I get cold. It's a whole LOOK! And it's about 45 degrees here. I'm part lizard. No actually, I'm just a tiny person with a weirdass thyroid.
  15. Here we go again... Poor old IGOR. Can't WAIT to see how his parents react when she starts talking about being a trans woman, a prostitute, a whatever else hideous thing she's had to do. Cute dress. She's willing to compromise! WHUT?
  16. Wonder how TLC managed to find another American girl named DEVIN to find some Korean guy to be on the show? Her name couldn't have been Taylor? Piper? Sophia?
  17. I must be grumpy tonight. I'ma gonna go crossways about Nikki & "Justin". Hell, the man's name is IGOR. Ima calling him that from now on. Is it just me or is Nikki totally preoccupied with sex 24 hours a day? It's like, didn't ya'll just smash THIS MORNING??? I don't think this "relationship" is gonna last.
  18. Hey guys! Late to the party! Can I just say.... Jasmine is such a damn dingleberry. I just cannot with her bullshit. She's 36 years old and has some kids she wants to bring to Michigan.... But wait! She's CLEANING???? Oh hell YES!! But then she goes down that rabbit hole again. Speaking of rabbit holes, I DID see old Clayton & whatsherface horseback riding. In Kentucky. And Clayton says to the camera "These HORSES aren't like the one you usually see in Kentucky"... And I thought "Hmmm... Does Clayton not KNOW THE DIFFERENCE between a thoroughbred racehorse and a QUARTER horse?" Those quarterhorses do all the work at the track! Except they don't run real fast. But hell, some DO! He better be worried about his cute little guinea pigs. Here we go again with Jasmine & Gino. Time for wine.
  19. They aren't self aware AT ALL. I would think they're starting to worry that the TLC cash is going to dry up and they'll be up the creek without a paddle.
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