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Everything posted by shelley1234

  1. I think I'll just agree to disagree. We already see keeping and hoarding resources by FEDRA, the KC group and the Fireflies. That's the same as hoarding money or currently if you want to be particular. That still exists in this world and doesn't go away just because they don't have banks. People are forced to do jobs they don't want to do just to stand in line and get their tickets. That's a heck of a lot of power and where there is power...there is corruption. Those organizations would never cease to exist. They are like cockroaches, you just can't kill them. They would adapt and thrive, I have no doubt.
  2. I grew up with Gabrielle Carteris on 90210, so I'm been primed to wave away that obvious plot hole issue.
  3. Ration tickets is just another name for money. Money is something you use to pay people for their work and then they use to obtain goods and services. The powers in charge have taken control of the goods which people need to purchase with said ration tickets. That power dynamic is alive and well.
  4. I think I might be veering into off topic here by responding, so I apologize in advance. I'd make the case that the world that we are seeing, religion and its influence would potentially be much more potent. Religion as an institution historically has served a variety of purposes, but one of them is to encourage and enforce societal rules and norms. In most societies there is a direct correlation to laws on the books and religious rules/ regs. I'm not saying that this show is gonna turn into The Handmaid's Tale, but I do think religion could easily play a part in radical laws, regulations and community control. Cults thrive in environments like this when you have to follow a leader in order to not die. That storyline wouldn't be a pot shot at all to me.
  5. Right? I am shocked it hasn't happened already. The show has been hitting us over the head with this since the very beginning.
  6. To me the Pru isn't a standard mall like the Galleria is. It's much smaller and only full of bougie stores. Not the standard fare of regular stores, an arcade and a carousel in the middle. I guess it is a mall, but for the wealthy MA elite. 🤷‍♀️
  7. I assumed that it was a set. I think we all just went down a rabbit hole of if it was a realistic mall set for 2003 and that it seemed dated. Then I interjected that in Boston proper there really aren't malls anyways. I liked the setting of a mall where for a brief moment these kids got to still be kids. To play and dance around, play video games, go on a carousel, be smitten with someone, etc. It was sweet until the fungus woke up and ruined their good time by biting them. How rude.
  8. Definitely not the Pru. That is not really a mall. And Natick or Marlborough aren't places that Ellie and Riley is walking to on their adventure. Reddit came to the conclusion that Cambridgeside Galleria is probably it. Someone remarked that Ellie even told Tess she was bit in a mall across the river, which I didn't remember....but that would make Cambridge a viable option. So I'll go with that in the make believe fungus zombie world. 🤣
  9. There aren't malls like that in Boston...probably the Cambridgeside Galleria is the closest or maybe the Braintree Mall. Boston has the Pru and the Corner Mall, but never are actually malls. But this isn't a documentary so I don't really care about that.
  10. I absolutely loved this episode and getting to see more of Ellie's origin story. The origin of the first bite. The origin of her love of a good pun. The origin of her staying with someone she loves, no matter what. Bella Ramsey and Storm Reid knocked it out of the park.
  11. Finished it this afternoon. For the kids who have parents....they are the worst. Mom and Dad....we found out the cross worth millions that people have already tried to kill us for, so we gotta go try to get it back. Well okay....be safe while committing felonies. And then when Big John is kidnapped....explaining that you have to go and rescue him and look for the big treasure. Oh yeah, Big John was kidnapped by the guy who also kidnapped us, chased us, killed a man in front of us, etc. Pope's parents relented. Hey at least Kie's parents said hell no....and sent her off kicking and screaming to wilderness camp. I think it would be more realistic if the kids kept sneaking out and going on these adventures and the parents finding out after the fact and been super pissed. There is so much more gold there that is buried under the rubble. So disappointing. John B is back to being an orphan. And now Sarah is being raised by who??? Can her mom and sis now come out of hiding since Daddio is actually dead. If they didn't find all that gold then John B and JJ would both have nowhere to live. I swear by the end of the series all of the kids will be orphans and just living in the streets. Oh this show. It's so dumb and silly. But that's why it's a guilty pleasure. Will I watch season 4? You betcha.
  12. Sean went to check on her as a friend....nothing more. He is an adult and she is a child, so he was shocked (thank god) when she tried to kiss him and shot it down as he should have. She is a kid and he isn't, so there is nothing there on a romantic level. Sure, she was embarrassed, but that's not on Sean. He behaved like an adult....one of the few instances we've seen in this series. I feel for Alice, but at the same time, I am high fiving Sean.
  13. This show is a guilty pleasure for me. I'm about halfway through and will probably finish it this weekend. And because I know it annoys the cast, I'll make a Dawson's Creek comparison..... I am glad that Pope is the anti-Dawson when it comes to JJ and Kie. Pope doesn't like seeing that there is something there, but tells JJ he won't stop them and he should do what he wants. I was pleasantly surprised by that. As for John B's dad, he should have stayed dead.
  14. I grew up watching The State so I'm always drawn to anything with one of the cast in it, so I was always a fan of this show! I'm glad it is back. It's too bad that Lizzy couldn't do the reboot, but I'm still looking forward to seeing how all the Party Down crew make horrible decisions and ruin their lives.
  15. I'm with Gabi that there is no way that Tia wouldn't have told her if she was going to leave him. I didn't see Gabi and Jimmy hooking up though. Ugh. That's not gonna be messy as fuck or anything. Jimmy needs to be in actual therapy, not just hanging around with all of his therapist friends with horribly shitty boundaries. Also, look at Sean having an actual boundary with Alice. In this show that is shocking....
  16. 💯 agree. I think someone can be a parental or mentoring influence and not share DNA and not have any inappropriate undertones. I've seen some really wonderful examples of people becoming family because the family you choose, you know.... When Joel asked Ellie in the midst of the zombie attack in KC if she trusted him....it was an absolute yes. And for me that is also one of the many reasons she was so upset and hurt when Joel was going to send her along with Tommy. She knows Joel, she trusts Joel and feels safe with Joel. I'd make an educated guess she has never had that before. When she tells a passed out Joel in the final scene that she can't do this without him...she means it. Joel doesn't share any DNA with her, but he's the only parent she's ever known. I love seeing that bond grow...from her going from annoying cargo to family. And there is no sexual implication, undercurrent or anything between the two. He cares for her like she is his daughter and vice versa.
  17. Go on a field trip the next time you are in a CVS or a Target, go to the feminine hygiene aisle....and just see how many menstrual cups of many different types are there. It's mainly because not many people are buying them vs. tampons/pads, but I'd say there are plenty to go around and then some for such a small community (especially since a cup can last for 5 or 10 years if not longer).
  18. I'm both happy and sad to see Meredith go. Happy because her character was such a selfish horrible partner for Jesse and he deserves better. Sad because Leighton Meester is the best and I liked having her on my tv.
  19. I don't know the answer, but I think it is possible. Just like you can train a dog to follow a scent or track the scent of human remains, you could train a dog to alert to the scent of the fungus in the infected. Sure. Why not.
  20. Ellie swears like a trucker and likes getting a reaction out of people. I love it! I also enjoy the couple of times Ellie has had to make Joel communicate in a different way to be seen as less aggressive or dickish to others. Like when they first meet Henry and Sam and then this episode when she had to force Joel (through gritted teeth) to say congrats on Tommy and Maria being a thing.
  21. I think Joel is most bothered that Tommy dared to make any kind of life whatsoever. Joel stopped living when the mushrooms attacked, so how dare Tommy not do the same.
  22. Ahh, once again Joel and Ellie are at a place where they could just hunker down and make a home. They are still holding on to the hope that getting Ellie to the fireflies will save the world. They are better than me since I'd want to just find a life in the world that is instead of constantly almost dying for a chance of a world like before. I did laugh that the propaganda of communism being the worst thing ever still survived in this apocalyptic world of clickers and zombies....as Tommy living in a communistic world is still like...umm, no we're not because communism is bad. Maria then reminding him what a commune is....you dolt. What became clear to me in this episode is that Ellie is more family to me than Tommy is to Joel. He'd choose her over him if he had to. She's not Sarah, but she definitely is someone who he feels responsible for like a father would. That terrifies him and that's what the panic attacks are about. I don't know how Joel survives the knife wound in the world that they are in. But I am hoping for a magic TV show miracle because I want this to continue to be the story of Joel and Ellie. P.S. High five to the menstrual cup shout out. In a world where no more tampons are being made....that's a game changer for a 14 year old girl.
  23. I'd also strongly make the case it isn't working for Sean either. Harrison Ford guy (forgot the characters name) is right that Sean sees Jimmy as his friend and not his therapist. And now that Jimmy knows his daughter is all about Sean....I think Sean is in for a bad time when this all plays out. It is Sean who is gonna lose here even though he hasn't done anything wrong. For someone who has been a therapist and is in therapy, Jimmy's boundaries are horrific. Like criminally horrific. It took me a few episodes to realize that is the point and now I find the show less shocking and more hilarious. And I also love that it is showing that helping professionals often are just as fucked up as we all are.
  24. This show. Man. It keeps introducing amazing characters and then they don't make it out of the episode. RIP Henry and Sam. I loved that Ellie had a friend in Sam and vice versa. And so sad that she lost him. And poor Henry not being able to handle what he had to do. Killed me. Just brutal. Can't say I am sad to see how Kathleen went. Karma ya know? I think it is also clear that Joel will now do anything to protect Ellie. Him perched up with his rifle and his main focus was making sure she was okay and made it through the zombie attack. She's not cargo. She's family.
  25. It was stupid but cause Gary is an adult and shouldn't be normalizing shoplifting to a child he basically raised. But even if he was caught, nothing would happen, esp in Boston. The worst is security guard would take the candy bar back and trespass him from the store.
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