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Everything posted by shelley1234

  1. Lindsay Lohan. Bleck. I usually love this show, but eww. One of my main complaints about this show is that I wish that they did more to connect the episode to the cash tally they show at the end of the episode. It would make it seem more like 2 girls really trying to make it, etc. This episode they owed $1500 in taxes, but it didn't seem to show at all in the money they had at the end of the show, etc. I've noticed it more than a few times and it's annoyed me.
  2. Giggles. CT carrying Bananas like a backpack will forever be my favorite moment in Challenge History.
  3. True especially since the probability of Chet actually winning this thing is about 0.05%. I don't know why MTV couldn't put some liquid stitching on it and then bandage it up and then Chet could probably continue without much of a chance of major continued damage, but well...watching the women, it was a beast of a competition. And Chet wasn't even up against some of the bigger, badder guys. I imagine he'd be dead if he was up against the likes of CT, etc. ;)
  4. I don't think it's cruel of Jo to bring Isaac to his old room at his parents' house. Sure, it was hard, but I think for a child that age they really have to see that their old room isn't there in order to understand that the room is gone and now his room is at his dad's house. It would be hard which is why Jo made sure to have some comfort toys there and give him time to react, but I thought it was a well thought out way to introduce him to how some things were changing in his life at Jo's.
  5. Hi All! I'm a TWOPer who has come over here to play. I love The Challenges and all of their drunken dramatics. As for CT and his beard.....1) CT looks mighty fine, no matter what he does IMO. 2) He's from Boston and the beard is a thing these days. I do think this type of challenge would be better with a secret vote. It makes it so that people can truly vote as they want to and not worry about the alliances that will still be there if it was anonymous. I'd love it. And of course the secrecy would also add to the drama and fighting. Chet. What a douche. I knew he was going to quit as soon as TJ gave him the option. And Chet is the only guy who could make Frank look more likable. Chet making some comment like "Thanks Frank" as if he cut his chin on purpose. Boo. I am so glad Chet is gone. He's obnoxious and thinks he's better than everyone else, while having no actual skills. I did laugh that Bananas tried to control the voting in the first round and it totally didn't work. Dude, you are not in charge...at least this time around.
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