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  1. But they've never had to actually hide! They were raised by monogamous parents initially, then joined the Brown family just as the tv show was starting and the family was going public. There was no hiding from stigma for these two.
  2. Is Kody trying to convince us or himself of Robyn's desirability? The insistence that he can't let her go to church without him or all of the men will be trying to pick her up - I didn't realise how far back my eyes could actually roll. I guess if he's going to be a monogamist he needs everyone to know that he kept the "hot" wife.
  3. Sue at FTC: "I'm here to represent all the 59 year old women to show them that age is just a number." Also Sue: "I'm 44 years old!"
  4. I think there's a big difference between acting as the family's bookkeeper and making the decisions about how money was spent. At the end of the day, Kody had the final say and I doubt there was much Janelle could do about it. Maybe Truely doesn't want her life on TV, and at 13 I think she is old enough to make that decision.
  5. If the OG13 have a shared experience of being maltreated by their father and want to talk about it, that's not ganging up - that's therapeutic. He reaches out to them, but won't accept any responsibility for the breakdown of the relationships (with the kids) and still expects them to be grateful for the interaction and pretend like nothing happened.
  6. What a COINCIDENCE that the crew happened to be there filming on a day that Robyn and Kody had a huge fight, and were fortunate enough to arrive just before the aftermath and reconciliation.
  7. I give no credit. I think the only reason he considers these mistakes if because of the effects his actions had on HIM, not the effects on Isabelle, Gabe, or Garrison. He sees that having to deal with Isabelle's surgery on her own allowed Christine to realise that she didn't need him to help parent her kids, because he wasn't parenting. Then he forced Janelle to choose between him and her boys, I'm sure he fully assumed she would choose him, and once she chose the boys it snowballed, then she chose the dogs, then she also saw that she was able to be happy and content without him. Agreed - this whole ridiculous story of how the kids are only mad at him because of lies and misinformation, which she implies has come from the other moms, what a load of bs.
  8. Really illustrates who is involving kids in the "divorces" and who isn't. She didn't think that statement up on her own!
  9. I also had no clue that the wedding they were talking about was Logan and Michelle's. That was 2 years ago! The shot of Kootie riding his bike? I had to rewind and watch again, it made me laugh so hard seeing him pedalling his way across Plague Pass. The language the different "sides" use really tells a story about who has moved on and who hasn't. Kootie is betrayed and at war, Sobbyn is heartbroken and confused, the victim narrative is strong with those two. Janelle and Christine are uncomfortable, looking to be friendly but not friends. Awkward!
  10. I can't believe Cam makes TikTok's that any one would follow, he is so dull in the house.
  11. I think he did those things for himself not his allies, as his DRs clearly demonstrated that he was expecting something in return and then was mad that he didn't get what he wanted. But if your "favours" are transactional, you need to make sure the other person knows that instead of just assuming that you'll get what you want in return!
  12. Why would anyone want to have an ally that has to work so hard to keep her paranoia at bay? She could turn on them at any moment over some perceived slight.
  13. No surprise that Hannah went home, as she had the most talking heads this episode. I wish the editors wouldn't be so obvious.
  14. But then Sean said statue about a bajillion times to the search team, and not once did he repeat Big Ben statue. "Do you guys see any statues. Don't forget about the statues. It can't be this place, there aren't any statues." He is climbing my suspect list, because he kept pushing that narrative and then when there wasn't a statue he can blame it on Ryan for saying Big Ben statue in the first place.
  15. I also hate this - besides being annoying, it also makes it more difficult to chat about the show in online forums. I usually watch into the next episode until the elimination is complete, and then stop it there.
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