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Everything posted by lizzy07

  1. I just saw that, too. Two thoughts. One, yeah, pretty sure after 8 years Charlie has no pain about Tori. Probably thanks his lucky stars every day that she did him the favor of leaving him. "Geez, I'd be spoon-feeding her in bed by now!" Second thought -- Why on earth is Tori doing this to herself and AIRING IT?! Meeting with the ex wife and then her ex husband? She's a masochistic. I swear, she is enjoying all of this pain in some warped way (and she enjoys painting herself as the victim, too). A highly trained (non-Hollywood) therapist would have so much to say about her behavior.
  2. I hate to ask, but what happened to Khloe's dog?
  3. This and ambushing Taylor Swift while she tried to accept an award should have been all Kim needed to know about this guy. She's in for a whole lotta crazy.
  4. Or maybe since Brody was filmed at that event, trying to get someone - *anyone* to 'hook up' with Khloe -- word got out that he was a pimp -- and any woman around him was a 'ho. Just sayin'.
  5. A tequila room?!?!?!? I need to find that VA couple and befriend them (-;
  6. They were my favorite couple ever to be on HH!
  7. I wanted to strangle Steffie. Did she and her husband not do ANY research on real estate in LA?!!? I live in LA and bought a house with my husband a few years ago (when the market wasn't doing well -- so we lucked out big time). Steffie was completely unrealistic with her wants -- asked for 'character' and then whines about the kitchen in that house looking too old. Whines about that one house having the character in the bathroom removed during renovation -- but then puts in plain white, boring tiles in the bathroom of the house they did get. GAH! Make up your mind, Steffie!!! (I'll give her credit for not removing the vanity in the bathroom, though.) I hope she realizes how frickin' lucky they were to get that Spanish-style house with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths for $385,000, especially since it was in such good condition. I'm pretty sure the realtor hated her guts.
  8. And "If you find the tall one, you have to find the other one, too. They're a packaged deal." About Kim -- Way to kick Khloe when she's down. I could not stomach that fake concern later in the Crying Scene. It was as if they saw the footage from the day's shoot and said, "Hm. We both look bad. We need a scene where we show concern." (pause) "Say something to get Mom to cry!" Producer yells out to Kris, "You're almost 60!"
  9. The thing that irritates me most about this show is the 'characters' of Hilary and David. There's too much 'acting' going on. *Psst* Hilary, Mercedes Ruehl called -- She wants you to stop ripping off her character from Frasier.
  10. Exactly. She tends to gloat and rub her happiness in her sisters' faces. Example: Before announcing her Vogue cover, she 'joked' that she was pregnant -- knowing Khloe must be sad about having to put children on hold since, you know, her marriage just fell apart. It was subtle, but definitely deliberate. And it's realllllllly hard to genuinely be happy for a narcissist. They're so damned self-involved and exhausting (I work for one), that when they're happy, they want you to drop everything and BE HAPPY for them. NOW! Ugh.
  11. It made me so angry when he said that. Somehow, he made himself a victim. He's actually pretty lucky that his kids are giving him the time of day. Usually, when parents take this route (the "Oh, I'll explain it all when they're older and won't see them until then" tactic), the adult kid looks at them and asks, "Who the f are you?" when they show up and ready to be a parent.
  12. ... which explains why she has no depth of understanding anything like addiction or depression. Her brother could OD tomorrow and she'd say, "Well, I tried to help him and he didn't want it. It's ridic. Now that I'm a mom, I can't have sympathy for, like, anybody who, like, doesn't appreciate life. Like."
  13. This latest episode (Thailand) showed Kim at her very worst. Shrugging off her seriously, clinically depressed brother with an "Oh well" attitude and then staring at herself during the whole vacation. Kim should brush up on her Greek mythology. From Wikipedia, about Narcissus: He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis noticed this behavior and attracted Narcissus to a pool, where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus died. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself.
  14. Ew. I just watched the first half of the first episode on fishwrapper.com and I don't think I can watch anymore. These people are sooooooo spiteful and vengeful. It's uncomfortable to watch!!! Eddie comes across as so nasty.
  15. You know what is (extra) irritating about Kim? She's one of those people who gets smug when her life is going well. Right now, she's all smirky and, quite frankly, seems kinda giddy that Khloe's life is rough right now. And in the preview for Sunday's episode, she has "no sympathy" for Rob. Why should she? HER life is perfect! But what's worse is that when her life *wasn't* going well and she found herself trapped in a marriage to Herman Munster (Chris H), she was miserable and, therefore, snapped at all of her sisters and was extremely nasty to them. So, basically, she's horrible to her family when she's happy and when she's miserable -- just in different ways. Advice to Kim: Don't be so smug. Kayne will impregnate a few women soon and won't understand why you're upset about it. He's more of a narcissist than you are.
  16. Aww, Chris. He'll be the next bachelor. She was nuts. He was the only one out of the remaining three who didn't seem creepy. Nick with his stuttery, 'like'-filled, flappy "I love you" ramble and Josh with his steely controlling undertones .... Oh, Andi. You idiot.
  17. I soooooo agree with this. Brody is coming across as a very whiney and priveleged BRAT. It's time to accept the way your parent is and either have a relationship with him or not. Brandon is so much more mature and level-headed than Brody.
  18. I was thinking it was Rob who took the jewelry to get it back to Lam -- since they're so tight, the 'thief' knew exactly where to find it and Rob probably knew Kris would try to convince Khloe to keep the jewelry. But the above story makes sense (the drug guys). Oh and the latest episode really highlighted how messed up the relationship has left Khloe. She really shouldn't be dating that French Onion guy. Too soon.
  19. Yeah, and I wish someone would remind Kim of that dog-piling incident she and her creepy best friend Jonathan did on Kourtney for daring to have 2 kids and wanting to spend time with them. And then Jonathan belittled Kourtney for being pregnant "for about two years" and taking time off to care for her kids. Remember that, Kimmie? But now I guess you 'get it' -- but haven't apologized to Kourtney for being an ass to her. (Of course she won't cuz she's just pretending that she loves being a mom. Kourtney actually does.)
  20. I haven't watched this season at all, but caught last night's episode. It's my impression that her Nick-love is a red herring. I think she will actually end up choosing that baseball player (Josh?). All that talk about "Oh, I don't know -- He hasn't expressed his feelings. It's easier with the other guys...." They're just trying to throw the audience off.
  21. It almost seemed like an SNL parody when Kris was praising Kim for her "amazing" blog post and Kim nodded in agreement how amazing and deep she is.
  22. Yeah -- On the other hand, he's definitely Kourtney's father!! She looks *exactly* like him. Out of all four kids, she looks most like him.
  23. I've always wondered about that, too. Maybe he was the only member of the dream team with a conscience (the others just cared about a victory). I think he knew OJ was guilty.
  24. Seriously!! Kim is all smug cuz her life is 'great' now and she's so happy to poop on her sister and kick her while she's down. But when Kayne impregnates six women at the same time, she'll demand sympathy from Khloe.
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