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Haiti D

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Everything posted by Haiti D

  1. The finale was OK. I would have preferred a more direct approach to Littlefinger's trial. He should have been held captive by Arya soon after her return. He would have petitioned Sansa for his release; not realizing that Sansa had okayed Arya's act. The two sisters would have given Baelish a few days to prepare a defense; and maybe hold a sham trial ending with his execution. This would have given the audience the opportunity to see Baelish use his verbal skills to attempt an exoneration. In the end, he still would have been executed; but I feel we were deprived of scenes of potential high drama. I also think the destruction of the Wall should have been a more deliberative process; perhaps even a cliffhanger. The toppling of the Wall should have opened the next season. The rest of the episode was pretty good; except the Theon punch to the non-balls thing--- so dumb.
  2. First, a Confession: I am a Theon apologist. Second, mild Speculation: I think he will kill himself off-screen. His passing will be similar to Shakespearean character's who die off-stage: like King Lear's fool. I simply can't see a full redemption arc for him. Every time he seems to come close, something or someone pulls him back into darkness and despair. I don't know what a happy ending would look like for him. Where does he belong? He has no home. Maybe with Hot Pie? But he can't cook. Essos? the Unsullied? I see him dying off-screen because that would fit in with some of the nihilistic tendencies of the series.
  3. I hope next episode we get a glimpse of Yara Greyjoy. And wouldn't it be nice if Dany petitioned for her allies' release although I doubt that will happen.
  4. Good episode...In spite of the worse plan ever concocted in this series (bringing a Wight down south to impress Cersei). I think the last time I enjoyed Arya was when she was having her conversations with Tywin Lannister. She's unbearable. And I hope this plot line is a ruse between the 2 sisters to ferret out Baelish. And I'm not sure why Sansa sent Brienne away but I like the explanation given upthread-- to protect Arya against Bri. Time to pick a nit: Jon offering Jorah Longclaw was very poorly timed. Shouldn't it have been offered on the ship to the North, not while on a quest? And assuming Jorah said "yup I want it back", Jon would have been SOL. Daneryas' loss was really heartfelt. I really like Tyrion but why has his batting average been so low? It's a bit discouraging. I really hope he's not a double agent Lannister, that break my heart more than a 1,000 dragon deaths.
  5. To me, it seems that she thought abandoning him was, in effect, killing him. Very true... and that's one problem with the fast pacing of this current season is that potential scenes like you describe will never be fit in, even if they wanted to do it.
  6. Personally, I've never forgiven Arya for abandoning the Hound...
  7. This plan to steal a Wight makes very little sense. I doubt seeing a Wight will make Cersei a willing ally against the Night King. They should have kept Gilly illiterate. I'm not trying to be sexist but her literacy happened very quickly. And Arya is so fricking annoying... Sansa wasn't undermining Jon at all. overall, this episode was a mess.
  8. Re: Drogon's injury maybe this will parallel Khal Drogo's injury. It may seem superficial but might lead to infection. And a witch will promise a cure, etc. And Dany will murder a horse again lol, I dunno
  9. Yeah I don't think Sansa is jealous of Arya, per se. However, I think Sansa may envy Arya's physical skills. Such that if Sansa had 1/10th of Arya's abilities, she might have killed Ramsey or Joffrey herself, and spared herself a lot of pain. Sansa has not been the flighty princess in a long time and has grown past petty emotions like jealousy. (PS. I hope Sansa never dies) Also I wonder about the Dothraki's allegiance to Danaerys. Not that they'll join the Lannisters, but how long can she keep them on-task, if you will? This is a traditionally nomadic people, who don't really fit in anywhere, except in their plains. Yes, she is the great Khaleesi; but what real meaning does that title have to a people who have never been truly united. And Assuming she wins the Seven Kingdoms, does she send them back across the Narrow Seas or expect them to resettle to Westeros?
  10. I hope you're right, because that would be an awesome twist. The Kingslayer meets the Mad King's Daughter; and reunites with his Brother (her Hand).
  11. Wow I hope both Jamie and Drogon make it out alive. Are we certain it was Bronn that saved Jamie? Now what can explain Daneryas change of heart? I guess it was ok to attack the Lannister Army rather than going after King's Landing. Arya vs Brienne was awesome also. And yes Brienne beat Sandor Clegane, but in my mind that fight could have gone either way. And if Brienne were to fight him again, he might win. Anyhow (back to episode), what Does Arya know about Baelish? Had she heard him 'advise' Ned? I don't recall. And sadly, I foresee some conflict between Sansa and Arya, and I don't like it. by the way... who is left on Arya's List besides Cersei. Illyn Payne?
  12. Was it implied last season that Sansa was pregnant?
  13. Awesome hour! The tension between Nikki and Varga was fantastic. The oneupsmanship.... well done Nikki. Good bye, Asian man! I didn't understand why Mrs Goldfarb had to explain to Gloria what those aphorisms meant. Was she simply talking down to her? The deputy who keeps calling Gloria chief is a dope... it's been three months now since she was demoted, how can he keep with the same mistake? Ewen McGregor has been great all season and his confession scene was gripping. However, as a character, it is odd that Emmitt has not reunited with his wife. re: Ray vs Emmitt... if Emmit's version is to be believed then it seems like yes Ray was duped however he got a classic Automobile from the trade. And maybe Ray was a poor steward of his gift. A classic car versus a set of stamps ... there was no way for anyone to foresee how that would turn out unless the stamps already had great value but I'm certain the corvette did also. Emmitt's description of Ray as a chubby little kid implies that he was maybe a sensualist with little thought for the future. And therefore even if the trade wasn't made, Ray would still have been the least successful brother. On a more crude note, I wonder if Nikki and Wrench are banging?!
  14. Also by taking Nikki to the hospital, then the writers could have had someone disguised as a Nurse carrying the poisoned syringe, rather than someone disguised as a Cop. Furthermore, it would have been easier for Gloria to talk to Nikki if she was in a hospital bed as opposed to a jail cell. However, even though not taking her to the ER was a lapse in logic by the writers, I still think the show is great.
  15. Shouldn't the cops have sent Nikki to the hospital before taking her to jail? She is covered in bruises and still in pain. PS: I love this show.
  16. I think many people are taking the Cat too seriously. Yes he was symbolic of Nas but it's secondary purpose was to introduce levity into a fairly gloomy show. Regarding Nas' journey into becoming a prison thug/ heroin addict, I think if we were given a better sense of the span of time between the murder and the trial his descent would have been more poignant. I think I glimpsed on a security camera that Andrea was murdered in October and by the time Nas was let out it looked like early-or mid-winter. So over 3-6 months, he became hardened which seems really fast. The producers should have given us a better sense that time was moving on and the seasons were changing. They should have shown us Nas' frustration with a super slow process. The time span of the show should have been closer to a year for us to really appreciate Nas' fall. ETA: I now see the Hounds post above. Ok, that's great because now his fall is more realistic. And in Chandra's defense she was 90% a good lawyer. Her arguments were good and she helped sway 6 jurors into doubting the Prosecution. She did have a fatal flaw though but maybe she wasn't really interested in being a lawyer anyway. However to flesh her out more, they probably should have included somewhere during the trial a "status update" meeting with Alison Crowe.
  17. Loved it. I was so relived Nas was let go. I buy Chandra's naïveté or stupidity. I hated it while it was happening but it didn't feel contrived. I had a feeling from way back that Box would have second thoughts and I was right. The only thing I still have a hard time swallowing was Freddy's benevolence. And exactly how did he get to have access to the Nas/Chandra kiss?
  18. I hope it's not the case that Nas is already becoming institutionalized after less than 6 months at Rikers. That would be hard to swallow. He was probably just a regular guy on the outside, but I hope he's smart enough to know that there is no future for him being locked away. I It would be important to know what Freddy's true motive is, and whether he thinks Nas will be let free. If Freddy thinks Nas will be a lifer, does he want him to stay simply to be an intellectual companion? If Freddy thinks Nas will be let go, will he be using Nas as an outside resource? I foresee if the trial goes towards Nas' favor, Allison Crowe will swoop in and try to claim the victory.
  19. I love this show. To those saying it could've been the Hearse Driver to Chandra's door: I doubt the card she gave him would have had her home address. The show is great but this episode was flawed in that the financial motive for the death should have become apparent a lot earlier in the series. Watching Nas descent has been gripping, and every time it seems he is in control (initially refusing Freddy's request), he seems to do something that pulls him further down (becoming a mule). I think that entire scene with Stone and Chandra questioning him about the Adderall while he swallowed the drugs was fantastic. Chandra and Stone were dumb-founded by what he was doing but couldn't say anything for fear of bringing attention to him. I also have a suspicion that Box won't play along with Helen's elaborate conspiracy theory. I'm also surprised no one has mentioned the dead man's dong on the autopsy table. That was wholly unnecessary and gratuitous. EDITED TO ADD: Sorry those last comments were in reference to the previous episode, I just mini-binged two episodes and got them jumbled into one.
  20. I got distracted for about half a minute, but what happened with Sansa's letter?
  21. Not a great episode. On the surface, Arya's refusal to kill an innocent is to be celebrated. However, as a character building device, having her complete the assignment would have added an additional depth to her character. It will be interesting to see how she escapes from Bravvos though. Danaerys knows the Usurper is dead right? I understand that she has her legal rights, but to whom should she point the brunt of her rage? Her little speeches are fine (I'll take what is mine, etc) but the guy you really want is dead and the kid on the throne now ain't even his son. Plus you Targaryeans weren't that great in the latter years either.
  22. This Jorah guy won't give up. I feel like he might have to go back to Westeros and consult some old Maesters. Maybe Qyburn? I have a feeling we won't see him again this season, which I really don't mind. See ya next year, Mormont!
  23. When was the last time we saw Tyrion get some action? Shae? I wonder if he's still hurting emotionally. I'm sure he noticed how hot the Red Priestess was.
  24. I'm glad Sansa reminded Baelish of his whore-master past. He knew must have known of Ramsey's evil. And in effect, she's saying Baelish whored her out to Ramsey. Man, would Catelyn Stark be pissed...
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