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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. She just knew Todd did that? Is it because you told him to make the box with the balloons and he showed up the box with the balloons? Glad she figured that mystery out.
  2. The cliffhanger was the gender of Ashley's baby? Does literally anyone care?
  3. Baby showers for unwed mothers aren't traditionally held in churches, are they?
  4. "Mate"? As in "friend"? Why do Whit agree to these fake storylines that make her look like an idiot?
  5. Oh my god Whit and Heather, both of you, it's over, my god move on with your lives!
  6. Whit is busy again. For the love of god will someone please tell me what Whit is busy with all the time? It appears literally everything in Greensboro revolves around BGDC.
  7. Oh my, just how is Whit going to take back her fake dance class that she has a trademark on? I can't wait to see this stunning and dramatic conclusion? And Todd just schedules a group class for later the same week by text? Do none of these people in the fake Whit world have jobs or responsibilities besides BGDC? If they are going to make shit up can't they just say the class is on Tuesday or Saturday? Who are they so bad at even making stuff up?
  8. Why does Whit's phone have a door knob attached to it? What could that possibly be useful for? Is it like a special needs device or something?
  9. Does she even need to try more than one on, they all look like a shapeless pile of whipped cream on her.
  10. A panic attack over Todd leading the dance class? And she is worried about telling her parents she went to an urgent care facility for like 20 minutes over a panic attack? They may see it on TV. And that milk sticking to the glass, that was not 2%.
  11. Let's not forget Whit is an actor. I mean not in the sense that the show is fake, which it is, but has a degree in theatre. We have seen her break down a few times, I have to wonder how much of this is an act, it may be an act that carries over to her personal life but office me and off the clock me are very different people, co-workers and friends likely have two completely different views of my personality. Awhile back my boss asked all of us to take personality tests because he read some book about communicating in the workplace, he wanted to argue with me that I took the test wrong and couldn't possibly be an extrovert. Well not here, my friends would laugh at you if you suggested I was in any way introverted.
  12. Here is my theory, I'm friends with an older gay guy, he is out of shape, gray hair, very late 50s if not 60. He is taking men home all the time, attractive men in their 20s-30s, if I hadn't seen it myself I wouldn't believe it. He has a filthy mouth, the things he will say to strange men at a bar take me aback and I've been around the block, let's say a lot. One time I asked him about it and he said if you just hit on enough men and are wildly inappropriate, it may take 100 tries but eventually you run into the right person on the right day, perhaps even just at the right moment that will just say fuck it, why not, I'll go home with you, even attractive men that could easily do way better than him. I think that is Whit, just make it clear as possible that she is available sexually and eventually some guy will say fuck it, I'll get a BJ from the fat chick. Not date her but she probably picks up a dude every once in awhile. It doesn't make watching her or my friend doing their thing look any less gross though regardless of how many times they get laid.
  13. You have no idea how seriously some people take relationship status changes on Facebook. When my partner changed his apparently several co-workers came up to him and were like "Oh! I saw your relationship status change! It must be serious! Congratulations!" These were all grown adults.
  14. What evidence is there that she is a serial dater? She may claim to be but I doubt she is getting very many first dates much less second ones if she isn't trawling the BBW community. I live in a major city and know some bigger girls, girls that are significantly smaller than Whit and it is a sad and lonely place out there for 30 something big girls on the dating scene.
  15. Apparently a central theme of this season is Whit falls madly in love with that guy she was posting about earlier this year and realizes it is all a sham and reacts like a high schooler with a film crew.
  16. Sorry, I phrased that wrong, I believe at a minimum she is making enough money to afford that incredibly average middle class house for someone in their 30s with a college degree. I doubt she is making much more than the very low 6 digits but I'm guessing she is making on the high end of the income scale for someone with her qualifications at her age in a professional setting. Also she ha no dignity.
  17. Re: Taxes If she didn't pay cash for the house the taxes are probably in escrow which means someone is sitting on millions and millions of dollars of money in escrow earning interest on it. They probably paid the taxes at the last minute to maximize interest on the money they were sitting on and the tax department is backlogged on processing all the last minute tax payments between escrow payments and people just procrastinating. I feel comfortable believing Whit is pulling down enough money from the show to cover the payment on the house, it's a normal middle class house. I believe she is making $60k a year from her show which is more than enough to afford that house. The nitWhits apparently thing Whit is raking it in, a lot of people here seem to think she is making nothing or close to it. It's been renewed enough times to believe that it is probably a somewhat profitable show, not so much that Whit has much if any leverage in negotiations but enough that they don't want her to walk for the mid 5 figure 9-5 she is probably qualified for as a warm body with a college degree in this job market. I assume she is pulling in at least $100k a year, I doubt much more but I would expect at least that.
  18. Are we talking about the same Whit? The Whit I am familiar with took a huge opportunity and done nothing with it besides a half-assed clothing line and a cruise and workout DVD that other people did all the work for. The Whit that I have seen is lazy, entitled, mean, jealous, inappropriate bully with a poor temper, narcissism and generally unpleasant personality.
  19. Like anything on MBFFL is true? And it's not like Whit and her class are doing ballet jumps or Whit needs sprung flooring to shuffle around doing "dance", it's a fake studio.
  20. No, she owns it, some people sent mail to her house a while back and she freaked out thinking people were like hardcore stalking her because she was too dumb to know that property records are almost always easily accessible public records and didn't put her house in a trust to hide it.
  21. Probably none, they make vinyl flooring now that looks just like hardwood, it's not like it's a garage to bedroom conversion, she just put some flooring down and hung decorations up, I bet she still parks her car in there for bad weather if not all the time when she is not filming in there, I'm pretty sure it still has the garage door and everything.
  22. Yes but that is just a few people, commercial filming requirements, parking, extras, insurance, security, there may be ADA requirements that come into play. I suspect and hope that Whit can't start holding commercial classes in her garage for large groups without jumping through some significant hoops.
  23. Some people just want to be on TV. I do not understand it, I personally avoid it like the plague and HATED it when they basically made me sit for an interview while my partner in a project said everything just to get the TV time but some people obsess about stuff as small as being on the local news. Actually I was barely on TV for another thing but it had broad coverage and I got texts and phone calls about it, like really? Yes I was there, I was there trying to avoid the cameras. I'm guessing not. I doubt Greensboro is a particularly popular filming location but it would not surprise me if you needed a bunch of permits, security and additional costs to do commercial filming in a residential area with extras.
  24. Yes, to be clear the class used to take place at Greensboro Dance Studio and was filmed there but it has been scrubbed from the website. At least in the first episode it takes place at Daliana Dance studio. Side Question that continues to drive me crazy, what does Whit do exactly? The show is not a full time job, I doubt it films for more than a couple of months a year if that, she appears to have very few if any speaking engagements that are not directly related to the filming of her show, does she have a part time job or something? The appears to live rather modestly, at least to the standard of living that seems completely normal for a not particularly successful professional in their 30s, it's not like she has children level obligations, all her friends probably work full time, how on earth does she fill her day when she isn't filming? I have no evidence to back this up but I still strongly suspect she has an alcohol abuse problem because otherwise I want a satisfying explination on just what the fuck she fills her day with, surely she is like an office manager for a small company or a tutor or a full-time volunteer, otherwise I assume she spends all day eating, drinking and sleeping which would explain everything. Girl, you don't work, you have no obligations, go buy a treadmill desk or something and the pounds will fall off of you in no time.
  25. Do the nitWhits ever question why there is no BGDC? I mean she managed to rope a few dozen of them into a cruise, I would think she could get more to show up at her class on occasion.
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