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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. They were all so lonely and desperate that they all fell in love with and gave this man they barely know thousands of dollars because he pretended to be interested in them. Real head scratcher here, hopefully they got to the bottom of this mystery of why he did what he did!
  2. How is he the one being humiliated? All I see is two super morbidly obese women harassing a guy with a film crew, you think he is the one that looks bad here?
  3. So now you are stalking and harassing the guy? With a film crew. Way to take the low ground on a guy who was cheating on you.
  4. Holy fuck was was that bullshit with the tailgate? Was that concocted just to make her look like an idiot?
  5. Plan to move forward? From what? It's over, you are already forward, there is no more forward to go, you didn't just separate from your husband, you had a brief long distance relationship with an asshole
  6. This is an awful lot of consternation over a CLASS THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
  7. So the walking trail ended where it started? What did she think was going to happen, they chopper them out of the middle of the forest when they are done walking? How does Whit think walking tails work?
  8. A plane crash? Really? How? Does Avi have like a 3 foot long penis?
  9. "I can't stay that long"? You flew hundreds of miles for this meeting but you have other pressing engagements so you have to get to so you are just going to pop in for a moment?
  10. In what way does Whit "appear to be healthy"? She can't even breathe at night without assistance. "You know how she likes to make her own decisions!" Well fuck, she is what 33 years old? I didn't even ask my dad's opinion when I was buying my last car or even my house.
  11. Why are they making a mold of her fat? There is no baby bump, it's just fat with a baby hiding in there somewhere.
  12. Oh my god what is this nonsense? OK, he is a serial cheater, we get it, why are we doing a low rent CSI episode? What answers do you want? He sucks.
  13. You are concerned about your friends meeting the love of your life, the man you are sure you are going to marry but the woman he was cheating on with you, welcome to the family!
  14. Oh Whit, an air mattress? You really think that is going to work?
  15. "Go buy this stuff up so I can give you new and better stuff." This stuff is terrible, please buy it so I can get stuff that sucks less. Also cross posting this from the other thread: Why would anyone want to buy that after seeing that photo? She even has it turned with the logo not showing. I don't understand.
  16. I'm shocked that this wasn't flying off the shelves.
  17. See that's the thing, we have seen some of her eating habits, if we are to believe her that she hasn't gained any weight (She obviously has) there are some very simple tweaks that she could make to her diet that would take like zero effort and result in significant weight loss. Switch whole milk for 1% or skim, order a black coffee instead of a coffee milkshake, switch from wine to vodka, instead of a vat of cereal for a snack makes some light popcorn. Obviously none of these things are going to turn the train around but they are like zero effort, zero pain ways to make significant cuts to her caloric intake.
  18. What is obvious to me is regardless if she had gained fat since the first season it seems more than apparent that she has a pretty bad case of lymphedema that is getting worse. I've watched enough of M600L to know that you don't want lymphedema, it's way worse than just weighing 600lbs.
  19. I'm going to tread lightly on this comment but I think it is important to remember that Whit is not just big in the sense of fitting into the standards of beauty or body size ideals, Whit is physically disabled by her obesity. Whit has made it very clear that she had made her choice to have significant mobility and health issues rather than choosing even a marginally healthier lifestyle, frankly Whit is no longer able to independently take care of her personal care needs. "Sickness and health" is the ultimate commitment that you make when you sign up for marriage, I expect you to tie my shoes for me for the rest of my life because I won't stop inhaling frappuccinos and whole milk and we can't ever go out for a nice meal together because I won't fit into the chairs is a huge, huge ask at the beginning of a relationship, honest I think a completely unreasonable one to any sane person that doesn't have a fat or caretaking fetish. If Whit refuses to even take care of her most basic personal needs why is that automatically someone else's problem? Would you expect someone to stay with their partner if they became an abusive drunk and decided they were happy that way and didn't want to change?
  20. It looks like she has gained a significant amount of weight to me however it looks like it has mostly gone to her legs and lower section of her body giving the optical illusion that her top portion is looking thinner. I meant to mention this earlier but in the kitchen scene she is literally wider than the space between the kitchen counter and the island. It's just a passing shot but they show her starting to turn, realizing she can't fit and awkwardly sidestepping instead.
  21. A few years back an urgent care place opened across the street from my house and I was very concerned at the constant stream of ambulances going in there. I asked a doctor friend of mine in passing if that was weird and his response was "You have absolutely no idea how many people go into those places literally actively dying, like minutes away from their heart stopping thinking they just need to pop in to the doc in the box and pick up a couple of pills at Walgreens and will be all better."
  22. I can't decide if it is contrived or Whit is just that desperate. Oh, now she sees all the warning signs like the love of your life who you are going to marry and have babies with won't fucking talk to you on the phone because he is "busy" 100% of the time. Is Whit supposed to be the sympathetic character here? Sure, Avi is probably a piece of shit taking advantage of desperate fat girls but Whit is straight up cray cray about this entire thing and if she was so busy she wouldn't have time for this at best high school cyber stalking if not full blown mental episode.
  23. I dunno, it's not the smallest city in the world, big girls do get married and It's not like people Whit's size are looking for the hottest trends in bridal haute couture nor are the many flattering cuts, it probably makes good business sense to keep a couple of huge dresses around for the bride willing to whip out her credit card and overpay just because they had something from two seasons ago that fit her.
  24. Whit is just far too busy all of the time to do anything productive. Well Egypt is 7 hours ahead of SC so I can understand why she is having trouble sleeping when Whit keeps trying to Facetime with her at 3AM.
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