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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Seeing Whit struggling to walk and apparently having no ambition or motivation improve I can't help but wonder when she is just going to say fuck it time for a scooter/being bedridden. I mean sure TLC is probably paying for the Hawaii trip but can you imagine what it would be like to see your daughters basic mobility compromised to this extent and for her apparently just not care that she can't walk 3 miles? It's not some slippery slope to say that Whit is dangerously close to giving up on ambulating is she has to be conjoled to walk a couple of miles and then have her complain endlessly and in graphic detail about how painful doing it was. I bet Whit has a handicapped placard or will soon.
  2. Buddy is leaving rehab to support Whit walking 3 miles? Does Whit really not understand that the drug addict that can't trust himself around a key so much that he needs 6 weeks more of inpatient rehab is saying he is more worried about you being able to take a stroll?
  3. OMG I was just about to mention that but I thought I was being too much of a bitchy queen: Honey no, this is not a good look, why are you doing this? And Whit has never ironed ANYTHING?
  4. Whit hears her car parking sensor beeping at her, she feels her car going up the curb, her passenger tells her and instead of just putting it into drive and backing out properly she just says fuck it, I'll just drive over the curb. How fucking lazy is this woman?
  5. Buddy had friends that cared enough about him to ultimatum him in to rehab but Whit had no idea that he had a problem?
  6. Buddy is in rehab and Whit is worried about Heather?
  7. You aren't obligated to drink in front of Buddy, if you care about him so much just don't drink in front of him.
  8. She has a painful vagina rash from walking 3 miles? Fabulous life indeed.
  9. Is Whit wearing a fork necklace? Yes we get it, you are fat as shit because you eat too much, do you think you are being clever somehow? Oh cool, erect Whit nipple, just what I needed:
  10. Oh my god put your shirt on Whitney, what is wrong with you?
  11. Whit is in her early 30s and she is already talking sperm donor? Is she just admitting to giving up on being in a relationship? It's "jogging"? Tal is casually strolling backwards while he has a conversation and Whit thinks she is jogging?
  12. Apparently in Whit's book she admitted to having a drinking problem when she lived in Korea and in the first season her bedroom was littered with empty alcohol bottles. Given her weight, general laziness and history of alcohol abuse I would honestly be surprised if she didn't have a drinking problem and that's why she didn't notice Buddy's spiral.
  13. My issue isn't that she is wearing a 2 piece suit, it's that she wants credit for being brave and fabulous for wearing a "bikini" even though she is fat when she is covered in so many yards of fabric that that it is basically a distinction without a difference. Mind bleach aside if she was wearing clothes with anything resembling a normal cut her pannus apron would be hanging over it and I might have to begrudgingly give her some credit for embracing her body flaws and all but she seems to be thinking a statement about wearing a "bikini" when she is showing a 2 inches of skin that is least ravaged by stretchmarks and super morbid obesity.
  14. Depends on the bar, some companies own enough bars that they are surprisingly corporate. I know a bartender that if you just went up to the bar you would probably think he was just a disposable bartender but he is actually the manager pulling down 6 figures, health insurance and a 401(k). I mean of course that probably isn't Buddy who is a lazy addict but I kind of hate it how people look down on people working in the service industry, some of those people you might think are just slinging drinks for tips have surprisingly lucrative careers.
  15. I'm confused why Mer is so interested in this in the first place, she has already won the most prestigious award in the world for doctoring, she is fabulously wealthy, she is both a major shareholder and board member of the hospital, surely people would be tripping over themselves to give a grant to Harper Avery Award Winner Meredith Grey's groundbreaking research on mole transplantation or whatever. And I get that Jackson is very sad that he can't win the most important doctoring award but from what we have seen on the requirements to be eligible for the award he has already stacked the deck for himself and eventually people are going to find out that he funded the award. Also he is fabulously wealthy, if you think this is so groundbreaking fund the research yourself, if it is you will be lavished with praise and media attention even if you don't win the Harper Avery award, why do you care about competing for your own money for an award that you started that no one gives a shit about outside of the hospital that you work at?
  16. She tilted her book "I do it with the lights on". I think in her mind she is trying to make a point that even though she is fat she is still sexual but instead she comes off as alone and sex-starved. She's 30 years old and a woman that lives in her own house, there are lots of people with a fat fetish, no one thinks she can't get laid (Well I question from an engineering perspective but I'm sure someone is willing to try) Ashley is no prize pig either and she got knocked up on the 3rd date. I'm pretty sure the whole point of the Whit fake pregnancy scare was to repeatedly underscore that Lenny fucked her. Congrats on having sex Whit: Yeah, it's great, I'm a fan but like most adults I don't need to repeatedly point out that I have sex on the regular, frankly the way you obsess about it makes it seem obvious that it is a very rare and special thing for you and not a, well, there is nothing on TV, I'm bored, do you want to fuck or should we wash the cars or take the dogs on a walk or something else kind of occasion.
  17. His parents say he gives them money for his phone so I'm guessing he is on some sort of family plan and pays his portion? But at a certain point you need to grow the fuck up, put stuff in your own name and pay your own damn bills, not give your parents money for it and expect them to handle the rest.
  18. Reunion show idea: Leave Whit in the green room for the show recording for a few hours with a very special buffet and a hidden camera and find out.
  19. Whit, professional dance teacher training for a 5k and the fastest she has moved in months is waddling from the hospital parking lot to a delivery room?
  20. Babs should threaten to send Whit off to a fat farm.
  21. Not only that but if we are going to pretend that TLC isn't paying for this and it needs the barnacles to keep the show interesting that means her father wants her to walk, walk, 3 miles, 3 miles, so badly that he is flying out 5 friends to Hawaii to get her to do it. That is not your dad is awesome, that is you are so fucking pathetic that he is willing to do that much for you to accomplish an incredibly basic task of mobility. That's so sad, how are you not ashamed you are being portrayed this way on national TV?
  22. Training to walk in the pool? Training to walk 3 miles? She is literally disabled by this point, this is shit octogenarians do and don't think it is an accomplishment.
  23. Addicts like being around other addicts because it makes them feel like they aren't addicts. I firmly believe Whit has a serious drinking problem as well. Whit is upset that she doesn't understand a literal pig. Pig fever? How bad was that stroke that she was reaching for a pig disease and she comes up with pig fever instead of swine flu? Let's open these letters written by a person in rehab together, they couldn't possibly be intensely personal, especially to the person that I was in a relationship with when I hit rock bottom.
  24. Buddy seemed so even keeled besides his anger outbursts? And everyone wasn't shocked, Todd immediately asked if it was about his drinking because everyone that isn't blind and deaf knew that Buddy had a major drinking problem at a minimum.
  25. A hundred times this, a few months ago a friend of mine was pestering me for information about the relationship of a mutual friend. Seriously, for the last time yes I know, no it is not my place to tell you, you have each other's numbers, ask him, if he wants you to know he will tell you.
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