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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. They are going to save money, rebuild their credit and buy a house in a year as a nanny and an overnight warehouse worker? WTF is wrong with these people?
  2. Listen to these women looking down on Buddy's GF appearance.
  3. So because of my job (social services, not experience with crappy jobs for losers with criminal records)I have a really, really good idea of what kind of jobs Buddy is qualified for pay and plant delivery person is like in the like $8-$10 range without benefits and entry level grocery warehouse night grunt (see criminal record) is like maybe $10-$13 an hour with possible overtime and maybe you get healthcare at $180 a month, maybe. In a city with a much higher cost of living. I would be very surprised if Buddy's GF was making $15 an hour as a nanny without benefits beyond maybe very limited paid time off unless she had like a degree in early childhood development and had the connections to a very wealthy family. Do any of these people understand how jobs and living work?
  4. $1,500 a month in rent is "kind of out" of your price range as a single mother and nanny along with your plant delivering boyfriend without formal education, trade school and a criminal record? Yeah. It's not "kind of". And really Whit, you are incapable of the basic "adulting" so shut up about needing to "check in" on your parents, it's not cute.
  5. Why are none of these adults capable of living independently?
  6. Is full time nanny where you raise your own child with your employers child an actual thing? I feel like it isn't, especially for someone you import from out of state.
  7. In pretty much any larger city almost all property crimes are a matter of public record and easily searched online.
  8. You have no idea how many relationships exist only because of a measly SSDI check every month because the able bodied person would rather sponge off next to nothing than find legitimate work.
  9. Average doesn't get celebrated enough TBH which is part of why I find MBFFL so insulting because this attitude that everyone must always be striving and always be fabulous ends up being so toxic. I grew up in a, relatively speaking, wealthy family and I think the most insulting thing I ever told my father is I'm good with our middle class lifestyle and my life working in a non-profit where we are unlikely to every raise our standard of living significantly. How many big people do you know? Because it is an unfortunately stereotype for a reason. I know a few of them that I would consider friends that have neglected their personal hygiene in really incredibly ways for shockingly long periods of time.
  10. Has this show hired someone to intentionally make every women's hair look as terrible as possible?
  11. Look at how objectively awful Buddy is which by the way WHY WON'T HE BE WITH MEEEEEEEE!
  12. What are these incredibly things Whit is doing exactly?
  13. OMG how long has it been since Whitney has bathed? *gag*. No, that is not "tour life", it is you being f-ing disgusting. She has to smell terrible. I don't weigh 500 pounds and I feel repellant if I haven't taken a shower in a day. Whitney accusing someone of being codependent.
  14. Oh look a completely reasonable explanation to why Whitney couldn't reach Buddy for a few hours.
  15. Awfully rich of Whitney to accuse Todd of doing the alleged "choreography" wrong while she sits by the side of the stage leaning against the handrail she needs to climb up a foot tall platform. Call the cops and tell them what? Your grown ass friend hasn't answered your obsessive calls for a whole 5 hours? Whit, you absolutely can just "roll up to Chicago to perform", it's a major city, all sorts of awful people are there doing awful performances all the time. You can literally just rent a hall just like you did and do all the dancing you want. She seems to be confusing performing in Chicago and being cast in Chicago the broadway musical.
  16. Your friend is not missing, he is an adult, he is just not currently tethered to your needy ass.
  17. I just don't get what Whit's goal is beyond keeping this going, whatever this is, with the absolute minimal effort she can make on her part. She puts zero effort in promoting her public speaking, to the extend she does any at all, I still have no fucking idea what No Body Shame is as an organization, it seemed to portray itself as a non-profit but it absolute is not, I actually think here BGDC is not the worst idea in the world if she actually did it or licensed it. I'm honestly curious if Whit has the rights to any of this at this point or maybe sold off her rights to BGDC/NBS and is just fulfilling her contractual obligations as lazily as possible at this point.
  18. My experience is the people with the most active "dating lives" are the least likely to be in a place emotionally or developmentally to be in a serious LTR. I really have no reason to doubt that Whit goes on plenty of "dates" with fat fetishists, chubby chasers, really super drunk and horny guys or fame whores, I just find it hard to believe that someone in a good place in their lives would want to commit to Whitney and her circus.
  19. I guess I am really confused where all this "active" and "working out" is supposed to be going? I thought this was going to be some "fat but fit!" B.S. but she continually demonstrates no only is she not fit but she is having serious issues with normal movement and stamina that you see with disabled people.
  20. I guess all I can say is I'm sorry you feel that way. Because I have several trans friends and the way they at treated daily is horrific. I'm personally witnessed my trans co-worker repeatedly and aggressively referred to a sir despite being completely female presenting and, not that it is anyone's business, having a vagina and being legally identified as a woman. On multiple occasions. Sorry, this just hits really close to home to me as a fierce trans advocate, if you really don't understand how incredibly offensive that word is I really ask that you spend more time listing to trans people and their lived experience.
  21. No, I will start, that is incredibly offensive to trans people, on the level of the N-word or the F-word. As one of my trans friends says it is the worst name she has ever been called because it is the last word so many of our trans brothers and sisters hear before they are murdered out of hate. OK, I'm sorry to do this to you guys but I can't unsee an uncut dick in that photo.
  22. I looked up Snoga... https://snogaathletics.com/modest-fashion/ They are a "modest" clothing line, like the kind targeting fringe religious groups. Seems like a very odd choice for both parties to team up.
  23. So I'm probably beating around the bush a little too much, I work in HIV/AIDS which is an incredibly complex, very data driven, expensive issue where the client base tends to be very high needs medically and socially, so you see everyone from doctors and nurses to lawyers, data scientists, compliance officers. A masters or a BSN, RN is not uncommon with a relatively low level case manager level because clients are often incredibly complex as far as needs go and their problems can be really intertwined. Like where do you start with a homeless, currently injectable drug using person that has untreated CDC defined AIDS?
  24. I believe he wants to go into academia, not sure. As far as paying for it, there are scholarships and grants, there is also student loan forgiveness if you commit to 7 years at a qualifying non-profit. But yes, I work in a very specialized field and a masters is pretty much required for an upper level management position and not having a J.D.s, Ph.D.s and M.D.s is the exception to the rule as far as C level.
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