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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Maybe he is just attracted to more full bodied, older women? I dunno, I feel sometimes like this talk is projecting some unhealthy cultural norms of who is attractive and who should be attracted to who.
  2. My husband is 9 years older than me, I'm in my mid 30s, he's in his mid 40s. The age difference rarely, rarely, comes up. But I will say I think there are a few factors, we are both men, we both have pretty clear ideas of where our individual lives are going, we don't want children and I'm at a weird cuspy generation where I grew up pre-digital revolution so our childhoods look pretty similar. Oh, also, my parents had me later in life so our parents are actually very close in ages so we have the same generational context on some things and dealing with aging parents. I think things might be different if we were 21 and 30 but we both partied and slept around enough for a lifetime so we are both more in a nesty, plan for the future frame of mind. And just for the record, I am very attracted to my husband, he has taken very good care of himself, I easily pass for early 20s and him, early 30s.
  3. She is not serious, she is just as immature as he is, she just has a worse attitude about where her bad decisions have left her.
  4. Depending on his crime he may not be able to come to the US. Devan needs to accept that she made a poor decision to get pregnant with Jihoon and keep the child if she doesn't want to live the lifestyle that Jihoon is capable of providing her in SK or raise the child by herself in the US. I get it, it sucks, but you decided to get knocked up with a lazy foreigner with a criminal record, that's just how it is.
  5. Oh my, you have no idea. Both my sister-in-laws do almost 100% of the household work/child-rearing and I hear from my girlfriends all the time how their partners refuse to do cleaning/cooking, leave towels and clothing around the house, etc.
  6. Exactly, all of them act like the rest of us haven't made choices too, most of ours just happen to be better than theirs.
  7. Right? It's not like there were not plenty of alarm bells about moving to India to shack up with the man who catfished her. Not to victim blame, but she was the one who leaned in upon discovering her boyfriend is a fraud.
  8. Well, it sucks, but they clearly can't live in the same country and raise a child together, they should have considered that before producing it.
  9. Does Deaven understand how sex works? She hasn't even taken responsibility for the child she already has so she has another child with someone similarly unequipped to raise a child. My god, get your own house in order before telling the man you let get you pregnant how he is doing things wrong.
  10. As someone in a same-sex marriage it's amazing to watch from the outside at the way gender stereotypes are so ingrained in heterosexual relationships. Like, conceptually so many straight people just can't wrap their head around how a household of two men can even function. Yes, we both pay bills, we both pick up our immaculate house, we both do laundry, we both cook, we grocery shop together, just the concept of two men dividing household labor equally without falling into chaos is just mind blowing to people.
  11. Just how mentally exhausting it must be treating your spouse like a poorly behaved child. I have no idea what my husband spends money on or where he is when I'm at work because I TRUST HIM, like the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you can't trust your husband to go to the auto parts store with his debit card and buy wiper blades or whatever, WTF are you doing?
  12. Have none of these people ever heard of birth control? I'm just amazed at how blithely they treat getting pregnant when their lives are so far from being in order.
  13. I'm sorry but I can not give up my belief that Corey is gay, he reads like every gay person I know. Even his interaction with Evilen after his dad died felt like a homosexual and their gal pal.
  14. I think I was most annoyed by Deavon’s lack of self-awareness, you live with your parents with a feral child, you did not give up a partnership track at a white shoe law firm, you maybe worked part-time at an under-performing Payless, where is YOUR savings, and YOUR apartment.
  15. I've known enough couples to know that let's call it, un-conventional appearances, can be genuinely attractive to their loved ones, even with people that have no reason to "settle". Also a lot of people find culturally subversive people very attractive, Laura is definitely not who Aladin is "supposed to be with".
  16. All these suggestions that Avery's mother should use rational arguments with irrational idiot daughter make me wonder if you have ever spent time with someone like Avery before. Avery's mother is just trying to make this whole thing too annoying to go through with because she knows her daughter will eventually get bored with it and move on to juice cleanses or moon crystals or whatever else she can make about her.
  17. I think the issue is that it is a pattern of ridiculous behavior with Avery and her mother just wants to be done with what she knows is a farce by her childish daughter. Avery is perfectly free to do this on her own, she could get her own place, practice her religion, save up, travel, marry Omar, not be on a trashy TV show. If you want to be treated like an adult, act like an adult.
  18. I think her mother treated it like every other lark her daughter has been so super, super serious about until she got bored with it. I don't think Avery is serious about converting to Islam, I think she is fond of the costumes and the theatrics and about to make some serious live decisions based on them that she doesn't even understand because she is emotional and mentally immature even for a 19 year old. And I know multiple people like this, one week they are super into photography so they buy a bunch of photography equipment and take all these classes and are going to be a professional photographer, 6 months later and it's metal detecting, no interest in photography, 6 months after that it cold brew craft coffee with a $1,000 imported coffee machine and then they realize the don't even like coffee so we have moved on to spiritual mysticism with a bunch of special candles and crystals.
  19. She has already done that my not moving out of her parents house or pursuing any sort of career or education. This is just some game to her.
  20. This is my read too. Avery is a moron, yes she is over 18 and can marry anyone she wants, she is also living at home and appears to have no rational direction in her life. Her mother is just trying to stop her from doing something stupid, she is not doing a particularly good job at it, but she is dealing with her idiot child.
  21. Avery either can not or chooses not to independently support herself, otherwise her mother couldn't exercise any control over her trip Avery is an adult but that does not mean she can do whatever she wishes because she has decided not to exercise independent control over her life, if she had her mother wouldn't even be involved in this.
  22. I completely disagree, her mother is treating her like the burden that she is that has decided to take no steps towards independence or rational decision making anywhere in her life including her religion/relationship. This isn't about religion, this is about her adult daughter being an idiot and a dependent. Avery, having taken any responsibility for her life, would be able to navigate travel and marriage just fine without her mother's involvement. Getting married is not difficult, it's actually shockingly easy if you have any independent agency, something Avery has decided to surrender.
  23. As someone that has known a fair number of doctors both personally and professionally, we put way too much stock in the education/intelligence of doctors. Don't get me wrong, there are brilliant, great doctors who are highly educated. There are also lots of doctors that's skill set and knowledge seems limited to passing exams and not maiming/killing too many patients.
  24. In fairness my romantic relationship with my now husband started when I decided it would be a good idea to have sex with my best friend after copious amounts of alcohol.
  25. The really satisfying thing about Tom is that he catfished the Darcy trainwreck so I don't have to feel any empathy for either party.
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