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Everything posted by bref

  1. Why are non-Amish people referred to as English, anyone know? Also, could someone brief me on the "real stories that came out" that indicated fakery on this show on earlier seasons?
  2. The whole dine-and-dash scenario HAD to be set up, right? No way was Matt actually going to run out on the bill while being filmed, and I doubt he pulled his "joke" without the knowledge and cooperation of the camerapeople. It's not that far a step to think the idea might have been "suggested" to him by production to fuck with Caitlyn and/or we the audience. Clint: No words. The boy ain't right.
  3. Well, some people think gender dysphoria isn't real either. Unless you're prepared to show some credentials, I will take your opinion with a grain of salt.
  4. Where did y'all hear about the spin-off? I admit to only half-listening last night, was it teased during the show?
  5. Well, that's dumb. They could have edited the cursing out of the replay instead of dropping the last ten minutes? They teased two things before cutting to the wrong ending--Ashley telling Jay she wasnt sure she wanted to stay married and Eric spouting garbage about snowflakes in some sad attempt to defend his actions towards Tasha. Was that pretty much the whole story?
  6. @cynic, I was watching the replay in Mountain Time and yes, they just played the last 15 minutes of Part 1 instead of the end of part 2. Some bozo hit the wrong switch, perhaps? I took a TV production class in college but that was a thousand years ago in terms of technological change. JFC, now I am actually going to have to seek it out on demand because I'm a completionist. Arrghhhh.
  7. "Learning the hard lessons", i.e., your father is a dick.
  8. Why didnt they at least edit out the mentions of Penney before airing? Or put up a card before or after the episode so people like me didnt go looking for the designs? Not everyone was aware of the delayed-airing situation and now both PRAS and JCP look bad, IMO. https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2464548/sorry-you-cant-get-project-runway-all-stars-designs-at-jc-penney-after-all
  9. A woman's 30s are now the past-her-prime "middle years"? Yeesh.
  10. The Penny site is devoid of any MENTION of Project Runway fashion. Not a good foot to get off on.
  11. bref

    True Life (MTV)

    Brittany: Social media is my whole life. I should have been born a Kardashian. I feel like I'm destined for greater things than just working. Me: Click.
  12. She's one of those train wrecks I am actually too embarrassed to watch, so I am counting on y'all to report back here!
  13. When we were first introduced to Marcellino, he said something markedly creepy about educating her or teaching her boundaries--I don't remember the exact words, just that they stood out to me. Yuck.
  14. What about Caroline playing around with the used condom? I know you hate Kate, but poking fun at the guests is absolutely part of the job on this show--it's not just her. And if the guests didnt do their research in advance enough to know that, tough cookies.
  15. Yikes. Ross REALLY screwed up. :( https://starcasm.net/below-deck-ross-inia-punched-cop-threatened-families-arrest-report/
  16. My exact words screamed at the TV. Get a clue.
  17. That was my first thought--that Kate was pulling the plug. Despite the fact that she is hated by some viewers, she is loved by many more. I can't imagine they're giving her the heave-ho, to get nautical about it. :)
  18. I messaged @Drogo. I'm sure he just overlooked it. People are live chatting in the Small Talk thread :)
  19. According to TMZ, I think, he "resisted arrest." But that would mean he was already being arrested. Maybe he was just particularly bellicose?
  20. Bravo cares so little about this show that it's running the last three episodes on Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year's Eve respectively. Luckily, I have no life whatsoever so I will probably be at home watching in real time. It's been a mediocre ride, but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound!
  21. It would not surprise me in the least if Contessa was instructed to show off the new girls since they've been the topic of so much discussion this season. I really don't understand what Simone's beef with her is.
  22. Never fear, it still exists. It's locked until the next episode and has dropped down on the topic list as a result.
  23. bref


    She's on the new season of Ex On The Beach. Her staying power as a reality "celebrity" is kind of impressive but I can't stand the sight of her.
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