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Everything posted by Blakeston

  1. Sorry, but this show and Modern Family have made it abundantly clear that being a real estate agent in California = gazillionaire. Apparently it's just as hot a market as it was ten years ago! I'm glad this show acknowledged that young lawyers aren't raking it in like they used to - even if their presentation of the real estate world seemed rather unlikely. My question is, "How the hell was Christy unaware of this?" She's clearly made a lot of progress, and works hard. But at the same time, she's just not an adult.
  2. He was full of it when he said that. Chidi has really gone to bat for him, over and over again - he even gave Jason the perfect gift for Tahani. But I guess it makes sense for Jason to feel that way. His big dream is to be a celebrity DJ, and for people to treat him like a celebrity. Whereas Chidi is asking him to be a better person, and sit through classes. And he has to pretend to be a monk to please Tahani.
  3. That last segment really irritated me. Colleen is supposed to be in her thirties, right? She hasn't been pooping at all, because she wants to hide her pooping from her fiancé? What the hell? I could understand if they had just started dating, and she was refraining from pooping when she spent the night at his place. But she knows him way too well for this, and it's not in any way consistent with the character we've gotten to know - who is a grown-ass adult.
  4. The writers had Lee point out that North Carolina has the death penalty. Maybe the season will end with the revelation that the lone survivor, ie Lee, is on death row after the videos were discovered?
  5. That was the name of the California anti-immigrant proposition from 1994. The show just pretended that it happened two years later, in Florida. I felt like calling immigration on their chef was crossing a line, even for a character like Jessica. The show is at its best when your jaw drops at some of her more extreme antics, but you don't actually hate her. I was definitely hating her here.
  6. Josh is super-hot (IMO, at least), he's fun, and - most importantly for Valencia - he was submissive and easily manipulated.
  7. But what does she think her camera footage will do? Is it supposed to convince the judge deciding the custody dispute that ghosts exist, and thus they must be the ones who killed Mason? Wouldn't that make the judge question her sanity for returning? Or does she think her footage of her behavior in the house will show the world that she's sane? I think the writers wanted to allude to real-life instances where people exposed injustices by taking footage with their cell phones - without really thinking through whether the character's motivations make much sense.
  8. It would be great if all kids were well-behaved and non-entitled. But if you're like Cameron, and you're infuriated by the idea of anyone taking more than one piece of candy, isn't just passing out the candy yourself preferable to giving kids access to all the candy, and then chasing them around the block if they break the rule? In my experience, people who are present when the trick-or-treaters arrive virtually always pass out candy themselves. Leaving the bowl out so kids can grab their own has been what people do when they aren't home.
  9. The only thing Eleanor did in the flashback that bothered me was letting the dry cleaner take the fall for the torn dress. Otherwise, I thought most of her actions were pretty justifiable - the roommate deserved everything that happened to her, and worse. (Although it would have been nice for Eleanor to funnel some of the money to the dry cleaner.) The way I took it was that the box didn't change color because she refrained from actually making a statement one way or the other.
  10. I wanted to scream at Cameron, "If you don't want the kids to take more than one candy bar, then hand them each one candy bar, you dolt!"
  11. It was Mason's mom. And she clearly deserves custody over anyone who, as a single parent, would choose to go back to that house during the Blood Moon, just to try to redeem herself on a reality show.
  12. When last season ended, the kids announced they were married, and it came out that Jen was pregnant. This episode was where we learned that she'd miscarried. There was also a subplot with the kids' great-grandmother, but the actress passed away, so I think the writers are going to pretend it never happened. I don't recall them ever explaining why Colleen chose such an unbearable roommate. She seems like she'd have better judgment than that. My reaction was to think, I'd certainly hope Tim is hung...it's the only explanation for how he landed Betsy Brandt.
  13. They established early on that Adam has a history of cheating and womanizing. I won't be at all surprised if the writers eventually revisit that to end their relationship, and reveal him as the "bad guy." But the way the character comes across now, I wish he'd leave Bonnie far behind - he's way too good a person for her. This show has asked us to believe that some of Bonnie's most horrible behavior towards the men in her life (like stealing someone's wheelchair, or showing up at their place with a baseball bat and destroying their most valuable possessions) is cute rather than evil.
  14. She revealed a few years ago that she'd had a partial mastectomy (for mastitis, she said, not cancer). She must have had one hell of a massive reconstruction - she used to be quite small on top!
  15. Life in Pieces (the show with Dianne Wiest and James Brolin) is nothing like the depressing show from the sketch. It's very silly. I don't think the sketch was parodying any CBS shows. I think the joke was that if CBS wants Emmys, it should produce morose half-hour dramas and call them comedies, like Amazon is doing with Transparent. One thing that irritated me a little bit was that it kind of seemed like they were implying that CBS comedies are unjustly being denied recognition. Even if you took shows like Transparent out of the running, IMO there would still be dozens of sitcoms better than CBS's highest-rated comedies. I agree that Sully probably enjoyed it - if he's seen it. I took the joke as, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if Sully, who people think is the greatest, noblest man ever, was actually a petty jerk?" While it wasn't a positive portrayal of him, but I can't imagine they were suggesting that Sully is actually like that.
  16. The characters we're familiar with all seem to have been alive pretty recently. None of these flashbacks could have taken place very long ago. So some of the people in heaven might have been de-aged, but it seems like Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani and Jason must have all died quite young.
  17. I agree. Just because she said she doesn't belong there doesn't mean she's about to reveal that she's a completely different Eleanor Shellstrop than the one who's supposed to be there. She's really made an unbelievable amount of growth, going from the person she was on earth (who showed no sign of empathy whatsoever, and happily defrauded the elderly) to someone who's risking eternal damnation for the benefit of Chidi and Michael. And when I say it's an unbelievable amount of growth, I'm saying I don't really believe it. I think it's too much, too soon.
  18. I won't be surprised if it turns out that the "found footage/one person survived" thing ends up being a false gimmick that Sidney came up with to lure in viewers. This season was so obsessed with meta-ness that I wouldn't be surprised if that's just one more layer of artifice. As for Sarah Paulson's English accent - maybe it's intentionally cheesy? It seems like the British thing is all a big joke -almost every word out of her mouth is some ridiculously English phrase. I'm just waiting for her to call someone a daft wanker.
  19. I'll say it - I can't stand the Laura Parsons bits. Once you've seen one appearance by her, there's no need to see another one - it's the exact same gag, beat-for-beat, over and over again. Just like Jacob the Bar Mitzvah Boy was. I'll give Vanessa Bayer some credit for calling out NBC this time -but I still don't find the character funny.
  20. Add me to the list who didn't realize that was a kangaroo. Wow, if they wanted people to realize that she was dressed as a kangaroo and not as Pikachu, they should have gone with a different costume.
  21. Last season it was Jon Rudnitsky. This season I imagine it would be Beck Bennett, or one of the new guys.
  22. If she was talking about Roxxxy both times, though, why we she say "or?" I took it as a joke - "Tatianna, you're absolutely amazing and I think the world of you, but I'm going with the person who gave me something."
  23. It sounded like the main reason he blew up the boat was because the DJ was suing him. (Which he should have seen coming, if he wasn't an idiot.)
  24. I think he's lacking in morality as well as intelligence. He was a con artist, and he blew up someone's boat. In the flashback, it seemed like the decision to reveal his true identity was primarily about wanting recognition and adoration. In the good place, it seemed like it was more about him wanting to just chill, and not have to make the effort to pretend to be someone else. Baby steps, I guess?
  25. It came from Gloria? I thought one of their gay friends painted it for them. I assumed Andy was temporarily written out because Adam Devine has too much going on to be available for shooting. I'm not an Andy fan, so I'd be happy if it turned out the writers decided the character wasn't working - but I suspect we haven't seen the last of him.
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