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Everything posted by BrendasChoppers

  1. Watching the episode, I was taken back to the raw open wounds we all felt when my grandmother unexpectedly died before my grandfather. They had prepared financially for him to go first and she would be comfortable and have a place to live with my uncle's family. When she went, he was gutted financially and spiritually, and a proud hard working man had to declare bankruptcy. He lasted another 6 months before his cancer finished him. Watching Gorga Sr. wander aimlessly around the empty house while Tre and Joe were talking was the worst part for me.
  2. And.....she's pregnant again. Guess Candy didn't buy the rubbers. http://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/tori-spelling-expecting-fifth-child/ar-BBx1Ao6
  3. Again another wolf dies and we have to hear it's whimpers. Another Stark family circle death. A little more of my heart shriveled away. I bawled like a baby.
  4. My heart hurts every time another wolf dies.
  5. Just finished season three on Hulu. I was tempted to play a one woman drinking game every time Jill said "She/You told me to find a new hobby! And you know what? I found a new hobby and it wasn't her/you." followed by her affirmation-seeking smirk. I think I'm skipping season four (saw it once). Can't handle the Alex treatment again. On to season five....Holla!
  6. Get in line. I called it first.
  7. From the look Daryl gave Michonne, I think Carol's toast. Sadly. She's my favorite female character. I enjoy her because she takes care of biness. The same reason I liked Shane (despite the unexplainable fixation on Lori) and why I adore Rick. And perhaps I wear the mark of the beast, but I have no problem with Rick's overkill. The situation called for it. In fact, I would have been behind him screaming "Keep chopping Baby! Remember Tyrese? Make sure the job is done!" There'd be none of this Glenn "We're not these people!". Oh STFU and get on the bus and ride far away from my ass if you can't adapt.
  8. No kidding! I'd be cuddling up with Rick somewhere private.
  9. I just saw a trailer while watching Project Runway on demand. Get ready...on top of all her drama....she may be....she may be...pregnant! Oh please heffa.
  10. I still lol every time I see that. My selection would have to be the way Sophia treats Blanche's obese daughter Rebecca. The jokes were not funny imo and just cruel. That scene changed the way I viewed Sophia for the rest of the series. And I forget what episode in the final season , but the scene where Dorothy flashes back to being trained like a rat in a maze. "Left. Right. Must find the cheese." That scene just seemed way too forced and awkward and the joke fell flat.
  11. I haven't seen the episode yet. I can't watch these things live anymore as they get me too riled up and seething with anger before bedtime. But.. Eric is cured? Yippppeeeee! Now Sookie and Bill and his flabby, pale-ale ass can go die now. (Like that will happen...rme)
  12. I still hate Shrewkie and I hate that Eric is still schmoopy over her. She ain't all that. I take it she'll be stringing him along like usual and then pick shrimpy Bill in the finale. I want Eric happy in the end. Meh. I wanted Eric and Willa for endgame, but now it seems all that time will be wasted on the overrated fairy. But I love Eric emerging like he just finished a mega burger at the Peach Pit. He and Pam save this show for me every week.
  13. I wish it had been Eric so I could check out. And no, she's not too upset. She's got Beeeehhhl.
  14. I just spent ten minutes shaking my head. Well I guess the neanderthal is out of the way. Get this Sookie and Bill flirtation song and dance over with already so I don't have to roll my eyes every scene. And I realize this is a totally unpopular opinion, but I CAN'T STAND JESSICA and was hoping Maxine would take her out. Those cutesy-wutsey blogs and her pollyanna act are so annoying. "Im baaaack!" I don't care. Just die already.
  15. You know it's a stellar episode where Jane Bodehouse gets more airtime than Eric. Not really. And of course they have him helpless and in agony. I'm sure it will be Bill who saves the day somehow. I totally spaced out during Sookie's scenes. Do not care about her and the greatest love evah.
  16. They could all die for all I care. I'm only torturing myself to see if Eric gets his happy ending.
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