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Everything posted by SophiaPehawkins

  1. I'm not one for Carrie Ann's theatrics, but damn if she didn't make me cry when she signed. Actually, I think the tears started with Peta and then I was a mess by the time Nyle reacted to it all. So happy he won. He was such a joy to watch. I couldn't be happier for his win, along side Peta of course. Interesting that both of Peta's wins have been against Mark.
  2. I'm not sure why Jenelle didn't just fly over to good ol' West Virginia if she needed some pills or shoot a quick text to WV's street pharmacist/mother of the year, Leah Messer.
  3. I love Barbara so much. When Jenelle was saying she had restless leg syndrome and then maybe MS. Barbara was all "you don't have MS. Maybe it's diabetes. Do you have diabetes?" I guess Janelle was looking for sympathy, but Barb was so over that shit. That entire scene had me cracking up.
  4. The article actually explained that " VERY FEW PROS ARE A TRIPLE THREAT. And by triple threat, I mean they dance, they teach, and they choreograph, and are proficient at all three." They never made the distinction that pros only receive help. If anything, they are implying that some have had outside choreographers put together entire routines because there is simply not enough time. Additionally, it becomes more of an issue when they have 2-3 dances to perform in a week. I'm not going to hold Peta's feet to the flame, because she admitted to bringing someone in when most all other pros have, too. No one knows how much "help" they've all gotten and I'm willing to bet that Peta isn't the first to have someone completely choreograph a routine. Even if she was, the dance was still spectacular.
  5. There's something a little off-putting about having your girlfriend sing during Paige's performance. Why do anything to take attention away from her? I'm also surprised that Mark went the contemporary route with Paige. I consider their jive their most popular and hyped dance so I think he should've gone with something more high-energy. It would've been a better showcase of her talents. I really enjoyed Nyle's freestyle. I thought it was great storytelling and very memorable. Carrie Ann tried ruining it, but it stands as something special. I want them to win and I had a bit of a difficult time getting through on my calls for Nyle/Peta so I hope that bodes well for them. I read somewhere that Ramon got into an accident over the weekend. I hope he's well. I associate his voice with Nyle so it was a little disconcerting to not hear him through Nyle's signing.
  6. That makes sense, but I've never read anything on how they assign the dance styles to each team. I agree in that I think Maks has been in rehearsal and acting as a model for Nyle. Nyle appears to be a very good learner. I guess I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't give him contemporary or jazz, because they'd be more difficult for him. Sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to what dance styles couples get. If I remember correctly, Noah never got jive and it was obvious why. I think being physically capable, I don't see them ruling out any dances for any of the celebrities.
  7. I wish I could like this a thousand times. When DWTS first started it was purely dancing and its moved away from that to where every dance is a production. I've accepted that for what it is, but I don't think it's fair to call someone out for a prop when they get used every week by every couple. Personally, I think a couch and a table were unnecessary, but I understand mileage varies here. I found the blindfold to be particularly poignant. I have seen a couple of posts comparing it to Bindi and Erin, but I think what made this one stand out from the rest is that he didn't have the music to rely on. He was dancing without two of his senses. There was something so special about it.
  8. I agree about Paige. I think she came in a great dancer and she's leaving one. She's probably had the least amount of growth, because she didn't have any where to go but up. Ginger has some dance background as well. I still think she needs more work on her Latin dances. She doesn't necessarily have the hip action. Nyle is by no means perfect as a dancer, but I have seen growth and I thought his AT really showed that. His posture was better and I thought the blindfolded section was brilliant. It made sense as a part of his journey. I am very excited to see what Peta comes up with for their freestyle. They could go so many different ways with it. I see where Len's coming from in his critique of Paige and Mark's AT. Dance in general is supposed to be about the tease and the hinting of more. When you literally take the dress off the dancer, it loses some of that magic. The dance was still good though. Paige has shown to be technically sound and a tough competitor. Sad to see Wayna go, but I'm glad Antonio's out. I thought he was the least deserving. Ginger's not my favorite and while I would have much preferred to see Wayna in the final three, I'm not going to think less of her. She has put in the work and I think she's also shown a form of showmanship. I do think it's going to come down to Nyle and Peta and Paige and Mark. The rest were playing for third. The season's come to an end so fast! I can't believe we have one week left. Next week should be good though. Still rooting for Nyle. My beautiful Nyle. I've enjoyed him week in and week out. Some of my favorite dances since I've watched DWTS.
  9. I think rely is a strong word. I think their dance will rely on their connection and partnership. There has to be a certain level of trust, which I can respect. I also don't hold Nyle, Amy or Noah responsible for Carrie Ann's behavior. She's a very emotional person even when it's not the intended response.
  10. I definitely like this idea. It's a great because it taking away one more of Nyle's senses. It leaves him having to rely on Peta and his memorization of the dance. If they can pull it off, it can definitely be a showstopper. I actually like the trio dances. I think it's been one of their better ideas. In general, I wish they wouldn't allow them to use the troupe during their regular dances. It makes the freestyle seem not as special. I am excited for these dances tonight. I can't even guess as to who could be leaving. It's quite an even playing field.
  11. It is subjective, but I loved that dance. It was purely dancing while the other two, I think were too focused on the theatrics of it all.
  12. I really wish Peta and Nyle were dancing with Edyta or Karina instead. I can't warm up to Jenna at all. I'm dangerously close to sounding like a hater, but she's a little too muggy when it comes to the camera. I'm actually surprised that Mark would get that song again for another Samba. Speaking of redundant, Val is doing another Paso Doble trio with Artem and Lindsay and Witney are, too. Sometimes I wish they'd shake things up. At least we'll get to see Artem's chest and that's never a bad thing.
  13. I saw on Twitter that he's going to be dancing a jive trio and an AT next week. Two fun and memorable dance styles. Their paso seems to have resonated with a lot of people so hopefully they're safe from the double elimination next week.
  14. I wonder what an Artem and Jodie pairing would have been like. I think he's someone that deserves a decent partner. I gotta say, Mischa ain't it. In my opinion he appears to be a traditional choreographer with a sense for the dramatic, which is what I think Keo lacks. I thought their jive tonight was good, but it still felt low energy even though I couldn't see any visible mistakes. Maybe it was the song. I'm not buying Jenna either. She appears to be quite thirsty. Always mugging for the camera. She seems to have a small fanbase that wants to make her a pro, but I'd really like that not to happen. Especially considering, they're likely bringing Allison back next season (also not a fan), and I wouldn't want someone like Karina or Lindsay to be pushed out.
  15. Sometimes its funny when a lot people claim the show is fixed because they want so-and-so to win, but some say the fix is in for Nyle and some say Ginger. I think sometimes you can only prop and pimp a celebrity so much. If they don't have the fanbase, it won't matter. I'm thinking of a few of Derek's partners like Bethany and Nastia.
  16. I see that Nyle had some posture issues, but overall it was strong and made a real impact. Including that silent solo for him was obviously the highlight. I'm still digging this partnership. And yes, part of me is worried that Steeler Nation is going to get Antonio farther than he should, possibly a win. I'm remembering Hines Ward and I think that season he had it wrapped up since in the beginning. I'm hoping that Nyle or Wayna voters can pool their votes together and combat that huge fanbase Antonio presumably has.
  17. I'm going to agree here. I think it's awkward to criticize each other. They shouldn't even have it scored. Just let it be for fun. I was impressed with Bruno's concept. I think it was fresh and original. I'm still waiting for Ginger to find her hip action. Wayna carried that solo they did.
  18. Yeah, it's the dreamboat in the glasses. Some damn good genes in that family. I like watching his reactions to Bruno, because Bruno is.....Bruno.
  19. Shallow moment: Peta's brother is sitting behind Bruno and damn, is he dreamy.
  20. I've been a big fan of Peta since she was paired with Donald. Her partnership with Tommy was great, too. I see a similarity with Nyle and it's this protective factor that feels so genuine. They're probably my favorite partnership along with Wanya and Lindsay.
  21. I would hope so considering her dance background. It gets tricky comparing dancers on this show, because everyone has a different starting point. I think Nyle has a natural talent for dance and moves quite well. Wanya has that too, but brings a different energy. Looking at the list of past winners its a mix of experienced dancers, large fanbases (athletes), and those with a combination of improvement and energy (Alfonso and JR come to mind). When talking about Nyle, of course his deafness is a factor to consider. He's not always technically sound, but I think he dances well and avoids that awkward/stilted dancing that can plague a lot of celebrities. I am impressed that despite his deafness, he's improving every week. Mileage varies, of course.
  22. I think it's unfair to discredit what Nyle has done and is doing. Paige is a superior dancing because she has a lot of dance experience. Wanya is a different type of dancer. I think he has more natural rhythm than Nyle for sure. The show has never been about the best dancer and they don't always win. Some years yes, but some no. Sometimes it's about progressive and growth. Nyle isn't just the "deaf guy" on this show. Obviously, that appears to be a majority of the focus, but I find that to be producer driven. That doesn't discount the work he's put in and the talent he's put out. I'm more offended when the show has celebrities with obvious dance experience, but to each his own.
  23. I can see that the women had more complex choreography, but they didn't pull it off. They were obviously out of sync and there was also an obvious, at least to me, talent disparity when they danced. The men's team were smart to keep it simple and play up to all their strengths. I know that some people like it when team Beyoncé used that slow song in the middle, but I think it dragged the whole thing down. The men's team had a good energy about them. I realize I feel about Paige the way I have past contestants like Nicole or even Bindi. They're technically sound, but I'm left feeling flat when they dance. I never get that extra "wow" factor. I sound like Carrie Ann, but I'm having a hard time putting it into words.
  24. That Team James Brown dance...wow. Honestly, it was so clean and fun. Total testament to Peta, Sharna, Lindsay, and Witney for putting together a very cohesive group dance. I think the right teams went home. It would have been devasting to lose Wanya. Besides Antonio, I think the best teams are left.
  25. Nyle is also signing through an interpreter so I think a lot can get lost in translation like tone. Both Nyle and Ramon laughed so I don't think it was supposed to be that serious. Plus his track record and reputation for being an all-around nice guy, I'm going to chalk this up as an anomaly. I believe his explanation that he uses Val as inspiration. His competition isn't others, but himself. I truly think it was a small incident that was blown out of proportion, especially by Len who completely misinterpreted what Nyle's said. I hope it didn't cost him votes.
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