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Everything posted by ASign

  1. Mannequin Billy Madison Happy Gilmore Coming to America High School Musical
  2. Movies growing dark is one of my biggest issues as well This also translates into TV programming in which seasons work like sequels. Make it bigger. Make it darker. More explosions. More angst! Part of my exuberance for the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy is how jazzy and fun it looks. Like I'm sure the story will have brooding angst at some point, but a thread of silliness is a welcome. My problem with Cumberbatch has little to do with his looks. I find him attractive and unattractive as his looks/roles change. But I don't find him the second coming in terms of acting and in fact his work for years now has come across as forced, unnatural. I feel frustrated when I try to point this out because he's always praised for his talent. To me, his Sherlock is a menagerie of ticks; I think he lost all attachment to a real character back in season 2. I also don't find him to be a particularly nice guy as I think he comes across as very full of himself in interviews and has said some annoying things in the past. He's not overly atrocious or anything, and can back peddle pretty well. I will never forget an NPR interview with Moffatt he gave back when doing press for Sherlock Season 1. There were obvious comparisons made to the RDJ movie. He effectively said that while RDJ was a fun character, he was not playing Sherlock Holmes. At the time I secretly agreed. Now I laugh at the irony, because while his character is a fun Bond-like sociopathic detective, he's *not* Sherlock Holmes.
  3. Love all of those guys as well. I'm somewhat ashamed to say this one. Bruce Willis. Pulp Fiction came on yesterday and I'd forgotten how mesmerizing he can be in a role. I don't like him in real life but hot damn if he wasn't built and hot as hell, with a great comedic flare, back in his day.
  4. Clue is one of my all-time favorites. There isn't a single line in there that isn't memorable. I find myself breaking out into the most random ones at time. "This is war Peacock!"
  5. I am. I have to say his performance in playing so anti-Saul really makes me respect him ten times more as an actor. Plus, it might be good practice for him, playing a far more innocent character. Not to say Saul will ever be anything like Bill but I'm wondering if they won't have Saul start off as less manipulative, less smarmy.
  6. I will give a hell yeah if they have Stannis coming to the wall this season. His character needs so quality action pronto.
  7. Life on Mars UK edition was brilliant and subversive with both of their finales. Will always be a favorite of mine.
  8. Foley broke my heart. The idea that poor kitty suffered from whatever kitty thoughts made him have debilitating night terrors hurts my heart to think about. I know that cats don't think like humans and probably don't dream like humans but his fear was *palpable* . Poor thing.
  9. I caught a marathon on Saturday of this show and fell in love. I think Brandon the firefighter and kitten-saver and cat-keeper should leave Tawny and marry me.
  10. Glad to hear it'll be filmed in not-LA. Watching Odenkirk kill all his scenes and playing against type in Fargo, has me salivating for this show. I wonder if they're going to update his website? http://www.bettercallsaul.com/
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