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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. I was three math classes ahead of the SAT's when I took them (because I had always been in advanced classes) and actually felt a bit disadvantaged for that when I went to take the SAT's. I didn't actually remember all of it. Not only that, but Hanna could have done average on the math and done really well on the reading portion. I do think this will actually be somewhat of a thing for Spencer. Like when Emily could charm her way into getting what she wanted, and Spencer couldn't and got jealous over it. I don't know that it'll be a big conflict, but I bet we'll see some of Spencer's insecurities show up there.
  2. I've actually wondered if they haven't shown what Bethany looks like because they haven't picked out an actress for her yet. (Perhaps not knowing if there will be flashbacks or what not.) But more likely, she's someone's twin. I'm still going with Jason.
  3. I like Sydney too. Another unpopular opinion, I didn't mind Maya either. And I really liked Samara. I just liked that there was one normal person that one of the girls was involved with.
  4. Yea, early acceptance is just a time period of when you send out your applications. Usually October-mid november. It's called early acceptance because colleges review those applications first and you find out early if you have been accepted. (I found out before my friends had sent their college applications out, for instance.) You are free to say no to those schools. Seems like the show has had Spencer and Mona worried about early acceptance. Hanna's list wasn't an acceptance list, but rather a "my SAT scores might allow me to go here.." list. Probably a "dream school" list. Also, I wanted to say that I loved having Caleb back as the fifth liar. He was one of my favorite characters because he was, part of the helpful crew. And I always enjoyed his interactions with the other girls as much as his interactions with Hanna.
  5. So here's a picture of Ali's killer https://38.media.tumblr.com/d83df9345003b8aa19a4cd4ffa8b6d97/tumblr_naxz5ktoH31s5u88so2_1280.png And here's a picture of Mona (look at her neck) https://38.media.tumblr.com/6b41aef0760902fa8216c6e1c0c400e3/tumblr_nay080baqS1shdbazo7_250.gif Maybe Mona is the one with the twin?
  6. No, Aria and Spencer correcting Hanna for things she's said has been a running joke on the show. We had Emily struggling with her grades, we never saw Hanna struggle with her grades. It's done because there tends to be an equivalence of girly with stupid. Hanna isn't Aria or Spencer. She doesn't care about her grades, and she doesn't feel the need to correct people or be perfect all the time. That doesn't make her stupid. Of all the things that we've had to swallow from this show, Hanna acing an intelligence test isn't one that's too difficult to explain.
  7. Not really. There's a reason that people study for the SAT's in completely different ways than they do for school work. And there's actually a lot of common sense questions on the SAT's (you find that in a lot of studies with race on the SAT's.) And, there are plenty of instances of people doing extremely well on SAT's and not being fantastic with their grades. (Which is why they say your high school grades, not your SAT score is more indicative of your college grades.) Not only that, but Hanna has never been shown to not be book smart. And she's been shown to be a reader. She can be ditzy and girly, but that doesn't make her automatically stupid. Hanna has a "saying things before she thinks them through" problem. But she's never been stupid or a bimbo. We've seen her making the smartest decisions of all of the liars more often than not.
  8. I don't think it's shocking at all that Hanna is smart. In the pilot, it was Hanna that was the reader (and Mona pretending she didn't know what Hanna was talking about.) We've also seen she has a pretty large vocabulary at times, even if she doesn't have Spencer's vocabulary. She's proven herself to be the smartest, common sense wise, towards all of the girls. Also, don't forget..queen bee types often conform to that "blonde ditz" stereotype. She has shown that if she doesn't care she doesn't apply herself too much. (Not even remembering the SAT name, for instance..) I'm pretty sure the only liar we ever saw struggling with her grades was Emily. Spencer and Aria were a given with good grades, and likely A students. But if Hanna was a B student and did well on the SAT's, she could get into a very good school.
  9. yea, "compassionate" doesn't even make sense in the way that it was said. Ali wasn't jealous of Aria's ability to be sympathetic with others, she's jealous of Aria's ability to feel strongly. Plus, in the few times we've seen Aria been manipulated/blackmailed by Ali, Ali has used Aria's feelings.
  10. They didn't say aria was "compassionate" they said Aria was "passionate." Which I think is completely true. She spent the first few seasons stupidly trying to be with her high school teacher. Because "love." She's all artsy. And when she's mad she'll burn the world down. Plus, she's been labeled "vegan" despite the leather and feathers. "Passionate" is an adjective that fits Aria. But I'm still more interested in Aria as a parallel to Ali, particularly with the Vivian Darkbloom thing. I wish they'd go back to that. Unfortunately, killer can't be Ezra. He was with Aria. Hanna, Ezra, Aria, Spencer and Emily are the only characters who couldn't have done it. (I'd say that Caleb because he's Caleb, didn't do it. And Ali, because it seems like it was Ali..didn't do it. And Toby because Wheelchair. ) On a totally different note..loved the scene where Caleb and Hanna were talking about colleges. Caleb's little proud smirk just says enough about the two of them. Maybe this goes back further...maybe this game isn't Mona vs. Ali..maybe it was Paige vs. Ali.
  11. A is a socio path, Mona's body is probably a collectors item. I thought the whole episode it was obvious we were going to lose Mona (especially with her "I have to survive through high school line) and then we had the Toby fakeout and I had a few seconds of hope. Damnit. I'll hold out hope that Mona has a twin. Ali has been built up as A, so she's obviously not A. I'm suspicious of the twin thing, but the blonde hair looked like a wig. Mrs. D was sleeping with Bethany's father. That woman got around. Unless Bethany's father is Spencer's father...Perhaps Jason has a twin.. So..here's my crack theory. Jason is A. He's the one with the twin. He's crazy.
  12. Can i Just say, I love that the advertising for this finale has been hyping up someone's death. Only PLL.
  13. I like Aria. I like Ezra much more since his reveal. (As an interesting character..like Jenna. I still can't stand them together. Because gross and because boring. But that's not unpopular.) Troian's acting is overrated. She's fantastic when she's supposed to be over dramatic..but when she's not, she's way over the top. Benson and Hale are stronger actresses all around, and Sasha's significantly better than all of them. (that's not to say she's bad, but she's not amazing. I actually think the acting from the main cast is pretty decent.) I give the PLL writers/directors the benefit of the doubt. I could be wrong, and this ends up being really stupid, but the writers and directors do a lot of "smart" things throughout episodes (like with camera angles and such)..that I"m willing to see where the whole story goes before judging the mystery element.
  14. Which is why it's likely not a lie. It could be "not the whole story" but it's not a lie.
  15. There's this picture of Shay Mitchell at a gas station. Her hair looks just as perfect. She's in sweats and is completely casual otherwise, but her face/hair...she looked like she was modeling.
  16. Troian also said "one of our previous cast members" when talking about Mona. This cast has a habit of spilling the beans (Sasha and Tammin with the twin thing, Ian saying he's still alive, Lucy saying Ali is still alive. ) But also, as someone said, Troian is a troll..so take everything she says with a grain of salt.
  17. I usually like the way Emily is dressed. but I also wonder if it's just that I think Shay Mitchell is gorgeous and don't particularly care how she's dressed.
  18. I love that Aria's a vegan, but she wears leather, fur and feathers.
  19. We've had a lot of twin theories. For a while I've wondered if CeCe is actually a twin, and Jason didn't see CeCe that night, he saw Bethany. Three identical outfits is ridiculous. And/or intentional. (Or it'll come out that CeCe is the one who bashed Bethany's head in.)
  20. Ah, I didn't remember hearing "the others" She still also said "Ali underestimated you." Still think Mona is deader than Melissa.
  21. Another interesting thing about the Mona/Aria said. Mona said two cryptic things to Aria. 1. "Alison Underestimated you" 2. "When she's done with me, She'll come after you." The first was just cryptic.. The second though..really..Ali would come after Aria next? After Emily's blowout, Aria is actually the most loyal to Ali. Spencer wants to turn her in to the cops, Hanna wants to chase her out of town, Emily's pissed because she's heart broken. Aria though...she's never had an issue with Aria, and Aria hasn't planned to go against her. (Now she's going with the other girls, but she's clearly the follower over the leader.) Or at least from what we've been shown. So..what does Mona know about Aria? Also...just saying..there's a third person that wouldn't want the girls to go to the cops. 1. A...2. Ali...3. Aria
  22. That's why I think it's Mona. No one but Hanna is upset. I don't think Marlene is that horrible to get rid of Caleb again. We lost him once. Just let him and Hanna get married in a few years. Any of the other love interests are free to die though.
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