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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. I didn't mind the Ezria scene for one reason. They screwed to "every breath you take." You can not tell me that this show does not know this couple is creepy and wrong. I was so glad to see Caleb back. The haircut is not the best. But he just gets Hanna. "You changed your hair because Allison is back?" No judging or anything..he just knows her. Also..I've always been team Emison. Sasha is so brilliant. She plays Alison in a way that the audience really can't tell whether Ali is really trying to make amends or an actual psychopath that is trying to manipulate people. That house that blew up...was it Toby's? If so..isn't this a few times where A has targeted Jenna. And I don't think it's in the "Mona" way, because you know..she keeps almost dying. Speaking of A..I was happier to see her/him than I was to see Caleb (which I was really excited about.) Are we dealing with big bad yet? Those other A's seem like child play when you go and blow up a house/car.. I'm really glad because the show was beginning to feel..too high school. We need the crazy of A to keep this show going. But I love Mona. I'm really starting to think that Mona's reason for getting rid of Ali is to try and get Hanna back as a friend. (or more..) And I love how she was all "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested." Jenna knows how to whip the girls, doesn't she. Interesting twist. She should watch it though..girlfriends of the hot lesbians end up dead. I'm wondering who Bethany Young is related too. And how she ended up in Ali's clothes. And in Ali's grave.. It really shouldn't be surprising that the 100th episode asked 10000 more questions, and answered one question in a way that means little too it's audience.
  2. Um, no. No one who isn't a psychopath could handle killing someone. In fact, if Aria wasn't having a bad reaction to this. The "Aria is A" crowd starts looking right. It is unfortunate that it seems to be a tool to get her right back with Ezra. I'm surprised they'd do that though, with the crap people gave the show. (It had to be bigger than the audience that still likes Ezria.)
  3. Yes. That part of the storyline is gross. Like I said, I'm just going to live in denial and keep noticing "Ezra is still evil" clues. Big reveal at the end! (Black Widow is his mother!) But I think things like Aria being paranoid and thinking Mona knows (although, that's not paranoid, that's likely accurate.) Her watching the funeral over and over again. Bonding with Emily. Feeling guilt. That's a good storyline and it is long overdue for Aria to have some major stress. It would be nice though, if it didn't go back to Ezra. Also, I thought the clues quite obviously build up to Melissa being the one to kill Mrs. D. She came home early. She's dating Wren (access to pills). She's the one who has a secret. I mean, this could be a complete red herring, but that's what the show has shown us so far. (And typically, when they are about to make a reveal, they make it obvious.)
  4. I'm more sympathetic to Aria's breakdown than I was to the last few Spencer breakdowns or Hanna's recent breakdown. ("OMG I look like Alison. That's just horrible.") She killed someone. Despite the fact that it was in protection of her friend's, she still did it. And it wasn't even in defense of herself like Emily's was. That's more traumatizing than "my boyfriend of three months who has a total right to hate me and my friends is the one torturing us." Or "My family thinks my crazy ass is crazy." or "OMG I look like every high school Queen Bee that has ever existed. After I wanted to be a Queen Bee." I was actually a little disappointed with the show for not going into it as far as they should have with Emily. It actually says a lot about the show that fans are like "oh Aria..all you did was kill something. It's Rosewood that's normal. Get over it." And the irony is..paranoid Aria is about the only smart liar we've had in a while. "Mona knows" "You're being stupid Aria." Really? Because it isn't like Mona spent the better part of the year stalking them, video taping them, and bugging them...and thus knowing everything about them. It's not like she has uber spy powers. "Maybe there's clues in this old book from Shana." "No Aria..we shouldn't examine objects from the girl who took over stalking us." "Someone is still stalking us." "Nah..it's totes over..despite the fact that Shana couldn't possibly be the top A."Really ladies?
  5. It was funny how the girls were talking about monsters and then the next shot is of Ezra. Either one of the directors is not too keen on him and Aria getting back together, or they are still hinting that Ezra's a bad guy. (Probably the second. Not because he might actually be bad. But because the show likes to keep it's options open.) I'll give Ezra this...he treats Aria better than Toby treats Spencer. Yes, he was a creep borderline abusive boyfriend but definitely controlling boyfriend. However, at least he's groveling and trying to make it up to Aria and admits he was wrong. Toby was such a dick and continued to blame Spencer and never apologized for what he did. They are both awful excuses for boyfriends, but Ezra one ups him. (At this point, I'm really just Team Sparia. Just drop the guys. Also go team Emison. And Haleb. Because Caleb's the only man that any girl should ever let within a 20 feet radius in that town. )
  6. Yup, and another layer was added to that. Is mona obsessed with Hanna..or obsessed with Ali..and made herself her own Ali doll (Hanna.)
  7. I'm not sure Ali really manipulated her. She made an "Ali like" nasty comment, but other than that, this whole "Hanna turned into Ali" thing was completely in Hanna's head.
  8. The funny thing for me...even if the show is trying to make Ezra look like a good guy..he's coming off as a creep. Last season, he was creepy because he was obsessed with two teenage girls. The things he did showed that. He was stalking one because she was his muse, and now he's trying to "help" the other because he "loves" (is obsessed with) her. I agree with Ali, I don't think he's like Mona in that he was never trying to hurt the girls. But he's still creepy as hell..and everything he does..even the nice things..aren creepy. Also..his whole "If I have parts of the book, I'd use it to help Aria.." Look, the worst thing Alison ever did to him was lie about her age (which...he doesn't seem to mind teens anyway..) and she's looking through that book to find something to help her not stay killed. If Ezra was such a nice great guy he would have helped her. Not sure why Aria/Ezra is Ali's OTP though. But like I said earlier, I find the Aria and Allison relationship fascinating because Allison and Aria actually appear to have a decent friendship. (I mean, for Ali..) Ali would do things for the benefit of Aria (Try and help her get Noel Kahn, for example.). It's just a really different dynamic. (Granted..considering the men that Ali has been linked too, Ezra probably does seem like a great guy.)
  9. Nah, the first few episodes set the plots for the season..the next bunch (Until two episodes before the finale) are red herrings, then two episodes before the finale they start getting obvious about what the "twist" is.
  10. Yea, it seemed like time filler to me. But I actually think it was just backbones to the story this season. (Ali trying to figure out who tried to kill her. Who killed Mrs. D., Ezra/Aria, Paige/Emily/new girl/Ali, Hanna's insecurities.) I want to know whatever Melissa has to tell, but I expect it'll be disappointing. The girls relationship with Mona confuses me. Sometimes they hate each other. Sometimes they are friendly. (This is post figuring out she's A.) I suppose they mean little to her now that Ali is back, but still it's weird. I want Paige to tell Emily about the meeting and Melissa. Hanna..all queen B's look the same. I love that Ali returned to form. Her little bitchy comment to Hanna, trying to figure out who tried to kill her. I like that. I wish I knew why she actually acts like a friend to Aria though. To me, that's one of the most fascinating relationships.
  11. Ali played Spencer against her sister quite often. I'm not saying she didn't use blackmail against the rest of them, she just didn't have too. The only time we ever saw Ali manipulate Aria was with blackmail.
  12. I dunno, from what we've seen, Aria was the most difficult for Allison to manipulate. She resorted to blackmail (something she didn't have to do with the others). Although, when Aria gets on her "burn the world down" mentality, Allison looks like a proud mama. Not sure if any of the girls, other than Emily, would go for Allison's crap anymore. Perhaps Hanna, because I still think there is a net of insecurity there. Spencer, wasn't difficult for Allison to manipulate...but she was also the one most likely to strike out against Allison. Still, I think Alli needs all four of them, and I doubt she'll try and break them a part. I'm not sure whether she's acting or genuine. On the one hand, anyone who has been through what Allison has been through would come back a little more appreciative of those people she cared about. And I do think she cared about the girls. (Like a child cares about her toys..). There also might be some lessons learned. She went through a traumatic event..and someone who tried to kill her is still out there. I also don't think Ali played games for no reason. Those reasons for why Ali was the way she was, I think are still the biggest and best mysteries of the shows. (We've been hinted at abuse, perhaps her knowing too much information..etc..). So my impression of Ali was never that she was some psychopath..but rather..yes..she's a Regina George..but when she was especially cruel..it was out of fear.
  13. Yea, and I also don't buy Adam gifting contestants to other coaches. He's far too competitive for that. The problem with Adam is that he gets a lot of talent..meaning he's got to put two really talented people together. At that point in time, I believe all the coaches thought Delvin was the better pick in the lives..(If you watch Usher during that performance, you could tell he actually really wanted Delvin.) And Josh's pimp spots didn't help him at all. They don't matter unless it's a live round. He got one pimp spot performance before the lives, and actually competed in the first hour of the show at least twice (I would say three times)..and still dominated itunes. He's not one of my favorites, but like Tessanne..he was simply the best contestant there..and it showed during The Lives. I do think the show was going for an Usher win. But they weren't going for Josh, they were going for Bria. And then she just choked in the live rounds.
  14. I don't think people gave Jacquie and Danielle as much credit as they deserved on this show. They were labeled frontrunners and performed as such pretty much every week. The maturity for a high school student to do that when competing against people who are as experienced and essentially semi-pros is incredible. I thought, more than anything, that was Bria Kelly's downfall. (The tears were a pretty good indication.) And I often wonder if that was part of Matt's problem too. (His weak performances started after Blake labeled him as the front runner. It was like he felt pressure to live up to "Hallelujah" every week.) And because of that maturity (anyone ever read any of Jacquie's interviews..she's got a little bit of an edge to her that I like. With her sweet face you just sort of expect her to be girly and giggly, but she's clearly got some bite too her and showed herself to be very intelligent.) I wouldn't be surprised if they end up being the two most commercially successful contestants from The Voice. Now..seeing as Michelle is my girl..I'll list some of her music. She released an Album under the name "The Reverb Junkie" which was really interesting. I've never quite heard music like this before, but I really enjoyed it. (She called it "experimental.") It's catchy like pop music but it's mostly electronic..people can listen to it here. http://thereverbjunkie.bandcamp.com/album/all-i-want She also has released two EPs, one under The Reverb Junkie and one under her own name called "The Drift." All of this music was primarily worked on before the show, but released after. (I'm not going to get into the Ella Riot/My Dear Disco/ or S/HE..which is all awesome music that people should check out but was released way prior to the show.) Her "Michelle Chamuel" album should be released in the fall. She's working with Usher on it. (In fact, she's recently changed her tune a bit from "I want to remain independent" to "I want to establish myself before I partner up with anyone" so maybe she'll be working with him in the business sense too..but I dunno. Michelle seems to really like her autonomy.) I got to go to a live listening party and hear some of her new music. Her voice is unbelievable live, and I love the new songs. My favorite is "Golden" both the acoustic and the more album ready version. Here's a link to the youtube playlist.. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjj32dujwSZQY0LpOx1lFDJqjt4-vQ3FU She's actually done a lot of really cool things after The Voice. (She recently did a Pride event with Blake Lewis from AI. She went through a little tour of Ireland. The club in NYC is a lot of fun. She's done a Tedx talk. And she's released a lot of music..) I'm not sure how much of it is because of her connections with the UMich crowd and how much of it is because of The Voice, but her career has certainly been fun to follow so far.
  15. Did not know those little tid bits about Ian Harding. Good for him. All the more reasons for Marlene to make him happy and keep him creepy and evil.
  16. That's what it was..he suddenly had a ton of muscle tone..plus a better haircut. Still felt a little ezra-ish for noticing.
  17. Holbrook knows they were in New York, so I doubt he buys it. Or, he could buy it..and given what he knows (Ezra was shot, Ali was in the fitzgerald's theatre) he could suspect Ezra as the kidnapper. The show did set that up.
  18. If I remember correctly, Emily wasn't a sweetheart after she killed someone either. And I do think it was a little different. Emily was in a life or death situation herself, and she meant to kill Nate. Aria didn't wack Shauna with the intent to kill her, nor was SHE the one in danger. Obviously they are going to use this as a way to torture Aria and for bonding between them..but I don't see any issue with the way Aria is behaving. Most people wouldn't be comforted with "Hey, I killed someone too.."
  19. When did Mike get hot? How old is that actor? Should I feel like Ezra? I really liked the episode. I liked the twist that Ali lied on the assumption that she was protecting Aria. And that she didn't keep it from the girls. Turns out, it was just Mona protecting Mona. I totally get why A left Aria alone for the most part. We got an episode of Aria torture and she had to be talked out of going to the cops. As much as she's the best at lying, when someone really gets after her she's all "F this, imma talk to some cops." I also like the Em and Aria bonding. Hanna's "I have to change my underwear" was awesome. Why was Ali dressed like A? I love Mona. And I thought they were already hinting at Jason's innocence.
  20. Caleb..the only good guy in Rosewood (because Emily's father is hardly ever there.) So of course Marlene sent him off to be eternally cursed.
  21. Honestly, I never saw Ali as a sociopath. She liked to keep her status on top. She was a bully. But I think her more "evil" doings were all powerplays. Because she was a little girl who got too deep into something and was trying to protect herself using blackmail. She's a flawed person and character..but there was always room for growth (assuming she hadn't died.)
  22. Did Toby's mom die before or after Ali got buried? I think it would be interesting to make her Ali's mom's sister and have it be a sister she's protecting rather than a child.
  23. I like others don't understand that whole scene where Shana was forced out of town. No one knew she was after Ali, so either she made up the stuff about falling love with Jenna or someone on Ali's side did that to her. I really didn't like this reveal. I didn't realize she was around for so long...but she's just such an irrelevant character. Granted, she's obviously a minion. I'm still not sure if A acts alone and simply takes credit for all the people who torment the girls..or if it's a big conspiracy. Another thing is, I thought Jenna made it clear she didn't want the girls dead. She doesn't like them. But Jenna warned Emily to stay away from Cousin Nate. That's not something you do to someone you want dead. So where Jenna and Melissa fall in this whole mess is a whole other question. So..straightening this out..Mona is original A..and "big A" is a copy cat? With minions? I'm glad at least the Marlene has the ending planned. She just needs to stop teasing and answer some real questions..and to stop making things so messy. Also..I feel bad for Ian Harding.
  24. I can buy that Shauna is an A minion. But her reveal is anti-climactic. So for big Questions we've got 1. Who tried to kill Ali 2. Who is big A? Or maybe the question is really is there a big A, or is this like the books where new As keep taking over.
  25. "All this testosterone and not a sheep in site." - Allison, from the first Halloween episode.
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