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Everything posted by mercfan3

  1. Taylor Swift didn't lip sync. The track would have been completely in pitch if she had.. She did rely a lot on the background singers, but as others have said, singers that move around a lot do that.
  2. Yea, Reagan and Anita were two of my favorites..but Ryan absolutely killed them. Although, I may not have put Anita in the B3 this week (I probably would have thrown luke or Damien in there..)
  3. Yea. I think he gives Damien those types of songs because Damien is that type of singer. It's not like he could give him "Fix You" or the one Chris sang, and have it work. (There are some Bruno songs that Damien could do.) He's had plenty of AA contestants that didn't sing in that style. Although, I do agree that Damien is the contestant that Adam is least excited about, sometimes that works in their favor (Will, for example.) But that's all right as well. Adam is allowed to make connections with some contestants over others, just like all the other coaches. I never think Adam tries to sabotage anyone. I think he just...out smarts himself sometimes. IMO, that's why the worst choices actually tend to be for his favorites.
  4. Not every teenage girl is like Danielle Bradbery and Jacquie Lee. Their composure was probably the most impressive thing about them. Bria Kelly struggled with that aspect too, IMO. Reagan is a confident girl, but I'm not sure she's ready for the big stage.
  5. Why is it okay for a country artist to sing country every week, but not okay for a Reggae artist to sing a Reggae song every week? According to Chamuel, Kelly, and Carrington..contestants are never forced to sing a song. They may not get what is on their list, but they don't have to sing something they don't want to sing. (Unless, it's different from other coaches besides Usher and Adam...but I doubt it. Former contestants would complain.) I do question how easy some contestants can say no to the coaches. Michelle even talked about how difficult it was to say no to Usher for a few of his suggestions because of who he is, and I'd imagine she was one of the more stubborn (in a good way) contestants the show has had. I think a big problem for Reagan is Blake really doesn't know how to help her. She's not anywhere close to him musically...so he wouldn't been able to help her arrange "Fancy" in a way that would do well. He is not a performer, more of a sit down and strum the guitar type..so her breath control issues are probably tough for him to help fix too, because that's just not part of who he is. I think she might have been better off with Gwen, who is much more similar to her musically. (Or in past seasons, Xtina, Usher, or Shakira...)
  6. I thought Chris, Craig, and Danica were fantastic. Reagan was terrible. And I like her a lot, but she was. Everyone else was somewhere between good and meh.
  7. See, I don't agree that it's a big enough sample size. We see that Adam only advances 50% of his four chair turns. But everyone else hasn't had enough to where you can say what they'd do or not. In fact, everyone else added together only has one more four chair turn than Adam does. How can we say what Gwen does with her four chair turns when she's only had one. But I think this four chair turn thing is being taken very literally. My point is, Adam consistently gets the most talent. You can see that, data wise, through four chair turns (and I suspect he gets the most three chair turns too). But really, sometimes a person who only got one or two chairs to turn actually ends up being one of the most talented individuals (Amber Carrington.) So yes, who cares about four chair turns. What I care about, is that everyone knows that Adam is going to have the best team. So when you are Caroline Glazer, and you know that three of Adam's three top 12 spots are more than likely filled, and one of Usher's three playoff spots are more than likely filled..why pick Adam? And she's not the only example of that situation. Now, fit is obviously important. And I really think that's why the producers tell them to go with their gut, because a lot of it is an emotional connection thing. But strategically, it doesn't make any sense. Everyone knows Adam has the most talent. Until top 12, teammates compete against each other. Why make it harder on yourself?
  8. Conitnuing fro the playoffs thread. Of course there is a disadvantage of choosing Adam. We lose early favorites because half of them are on Team Adam and only a set number of people can make it through. You can't just look at numbers. You have to look at individual cases. For example, Taylor Phelan. Any doubt he beats Reagan/Craig/ and at least one of Anita/TJW? Okay, I guess there is some doubt..but it's certainly better odds then Adam's team. Caroline Glazer? She could have chosen Usher..and really..the only guarantee for the top 12 was Michelle? (Meanwhile, Adam had Amber, Sasha and Judith.) So yes, he does take the most four chair turns. He gets the most four chair turns..so duh. I'm not saying he picks people incorrectly. I'm saying, strategically, it does not make sense to join the team you know is stacked. Adam's team is always stacked. How is that even a question? And my point, even further, is that...okay..I can almost excuse it in the blinds. (Almost, at this point, people ought to know Adam's teams get stacked. They always are stacked. ) But even if you knew very little of the show. By the time steals come into play...you KNOW Adam's team is stacked. So why make it difficult on yourself? Yes, Adam isn't biased against his steals. (Amanada, for instance..) But that's besides the point. The point is, the competition is harder on Adam's team.
  9. That surprises me too. I remember they had a preview like that last season, but then it was taken down.
  10. But you can't really put data on talent. Not only that, but Adam gets most of the four chair turns, so it's hard to really make data on that anyway. Not that it matters. I think Adam has a tendency to advance the best singers - who tend to be the four chair turns - anyway. And I think he'd do that if it was a steal too. But that's besides the point..if you aren't the elite of the competition..and you have an option for the steal..why would you go with Adam? Strategically, you know he's most likely to get the majority of the best contestants, and he's more likely to advance the best contestants. You can't tell me that by the time the steals come around, people don't know who the best contestants are. So why put yourself at a disadvantage? now, I agree that most of the time it's more about fit and they pick who they feel would be the best coach for them..and a lot of time thats guts (and strategy goes right out the window..) but it just amazes me that contestants continue to pick him knowing what they do.
  11. I think Jacquie has more potential, but Matthew was definitely better on the show. He is an incredible all around package. Honestly, I thought Christina could have had first and second place that season. (I thought she was going to. I thought Matt would finish first, and Jacquie second.)
  12. Well, I think when it comes to four chair turns, it just means you are likely more talented. 3 chair turns are also more of the talented contestants. (And sometimes, those contestants audition when a coach's team is filled up.) And I think, unless you are up against his favorite (which is true for any coach. There's no way any contestant was going to beat Michelle or Bria from Team Usher, or Jacquie from Team Christina, or Danielle from team Blake - in fact, Blake cleared out his talent to make sure she got an easy path..) Adam is one of the most fair coaches. Because, and I've said this before, I think he likes going into the top 12 with the best singers. My point is simply...why pick what you know is going to be the strongest team? This isn't a knock on Adam in anyway. In fact, good for him for convincing these people to choose him. But, IMO, without question..Taylor P. gets voted in by the audience in the top 12 on Team Gwen and Team Blake. I happen to prefer Anita and Taylor three names to Adam's Damien and Matt..but I know darn well Taylor P. would have beaten one of them. Reagan and Craig..Taylor P. probably beats both. There's just a lack of strategy on the contestants part to continuously pick the coach with the strongest team. And I'm not sure if it's because contestants think they are better than what they actually are, or because Adam puts up such a good sales pitch. But if their goal is to get as far as possible (and I'd assume that's a huge goal..) then choosing the coach with the strongest team seems..not so smart. The only probably I ever have with Adam is his song choice. Every once in a while, I think he picks his favorite over the more deserving contestant, but everyone does except Shakira. And that's part of the show too..if a coach thinks they can work better with one person over another, why wouldn't they choose that person? But song choice..sooner or later he gets all of his contestants with a bad one. And I think it's more noticeable with Adam, because when he picks right..he really picks right. (Take Me To Church for instance..) And even then, I'd much rather watch Adam's contestants than Blake. In fact, Reagan has the potential to be a really cool contestant, but I'm nervous she's going to get really boring safe songs the entire show and not improve at all.
  13. Adam's song choices are hit or miss..and I can see how that can be appealing to contestants because they do get pushed out of their comfort zone. It's just when he misses..it's a huge miss. But that's not why I question people who consistently pick him. And I don't think it's stupid if they prefer the way Adam thinks and want to be coached by them because of it. That's fine. I think it's dumb though, if your goal is to get as far in this competition as possible, to pick the coach who historically gets the most four chair turns. Seriously, the guy gets so much talent that last season he let the winner go. And you couldn't even fault him for the decision because it was certainly a valid opinion that Delvin beat Josh. And I think it's even dumber to pick him for a steal. Because he's already bonded with his other talent..and you know his talent is quite good. BTW: I don't think these artists do research. According to most that audition (Matthew Schuler, Jacquie Lee, Michelle Chamuel, Bria Kelly all have said this..) The producers tell them to go with their gut. That's why you get so many "I'm thinking I'm going to go with...X" and then they go with someone else. I don't think people are star struck, but I do think Adam's self deprecation, humor and eagerness convinces people to go with him over some of the others. He's also got a few tactics that work pretty well. (Telling people where he can help them, for one.) Adam is by far the best salesman on the show.
  14. There's honestly not a coach on this show that I don't like. (Except CeeLo, now...for off show reasons..). I'm probably one of the very few that don't want Adam or Blake to take a break. (The show wouldn't be the same for me.) And I pretty much like all of the music from every coach as well (Other than Blake. Because I'm not a fan of bro country.). But I'll criticize any of their decisions that I think are stupid. I mean, Shakira and Pharrell are easily my favorite personalities on the show, but in terms of overall coaching ability, they are certainly in the bottom, IMO. And I don't blame Adam a bit for saying what he needs to say to get the best talent. That's part of the game. Seven seasons in, contestants know that Adam is going to have the strongest team..and yet they pick him anyway. It's especially annoying when contestants choose him later in the season. Taylor P. knew Adam was going to have the strongest team. He would have been in the top 12 had he chose Gwen or Blake. Not Adam's fault because you can't blame him for wanting the best people..but Taylor should have picked wiser. Not only that, but I think Adam gets genuinely excited when he hears really great people. It's not his fault all the best people pick him.
  15. I don't know if she'll ever be huge in the business industry..but Jacquie Lee's improvement is huge. She's going to be unbelievable in a few years.
  16. I think part of it is song choice. She was connected to "Big White Room" imo. But it's hard to make a connection to "Creep" when your coach turned it into a pepply jazz song.
  17. From what I understand, it's a combined effort from the coaches/contestants/producers. The contestant is never forced to sing anything he or she does not want to sing. How they come up with songs depends on the coach, I think. From what Jacquie Lee said, often times contestants get to make lists of songs they'd like to do, but it really depends on the coach and contestant. For Danica..it's likely she said she wanted to sing Creep and the Producers and Coach approved it.
  18. The fact that she had so many contestants stolen is remarkable though. Shows she did a good job, especially since she was, in general, the contestants fourth choices. It shows she's either got a good ear or she's helping her contestants. And it's not that shocking that 3 of her contestants would be in the bottom. the other contestants that aren't on her team were likely to be the weaker members of the team (because they are only there because they lost). Unless you are Pharrell, you keep your own strongest contestants, meaning your stolen contestants would automatically be the weakest of the bunch.
  19. I honestly blame Pharrell for a lot of that. He made some awful decisions and we lost a lot of the talent from this year because of that. Sure, everyone has to get rid of some good people. I would have preferred Troy or Bryana over Ryan, or Mia over Damien. (I don't blame Adam for choosing Chris over Taylor P. because at that point, bonds are formed and so Taylor had to be voted in if he wanted to beat one of Adam's favorites.) But Pharrell..sheesh..
  20. Sugar's going to be the first big star off the voice, isn't she. Oh Pharrell..
  21. I thought Shakira's was worse last time. But I also wonder if the coaches do that to try to limit the stress of having to learn another song, as pretty much every coach other than Blake and Usher do that. (Although Christina's performance with Matthew and Jacquie was awesome. But it was a little later in the show too..) One of the funniest was Usher/Michelle/Josiah simply because Josiah became a backup singer to the two of them quickly...and they even tried to include him. But it turned into a Michelle/Usher duet with a pretty background singer. I think Blake being an understated performer..and also..typically taking the harmony parts when he sings with other people (in general, not just on the show) helps him there.
  22. Sugar is really sharp any time she leaves her lower register, except for one note (I think it might be Eb5, but I'm not sure..). And it's extremely noticeable. I actually wonder if Pharrell is so used to working with singers more like Sugar (with vocal issues)..and therefore..her look and genre of choice was simply appealing to him.
  23. She's the first new coach to have her whole team in tact after the first eliminations.
  24. Also butchering the song probably got him too. I think Gwen will keep Anita and TJW for a little while (at least another round) but Pharrell could lose another next week. (or both. It could be both.)
  25. I picked on Adam in the song thread last week, so I'll just say..Matt's song choice was how you pick a song. All he had to be was mediocre..and look at the itunes sales roll in. I still wasn't happy about Chris' song choice, but he sang it extremely well. He's such a talented singer, I hope he gets the chance to have a real moment on the show. Damien gave one of his best vocals, IMO. But he still misses notes in ways that are really glaring when you sing that style. For Gwen's team, I love Redemption song, and it meant a lot to Anita. I thought she did a beautiful job with it. TJW was pretty good himself. Another beautiful song, but I can see where people might think it's boring. Ryan..lol. Goodbye. I can't with Pharrell's decisions. Danica sang her song well. Luke kind of sang his song well. Sugar..lol..goodbye. With Blake's team, there is just something about Reagan. My ears tell me she's off pitch, has poor breath control, and really isn't ready for this yet. But still..I like her, and she's an exciting contestant. Craig's song choice was boring. It'll probably do well and rake in the votes. And Jessie started off so great but then it went downhill fast.
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