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30 Helens

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  1. Same here. I had no idea Carmen began as a short story and wracked my brain trying to think of a well known Spanish literary heroine. Yes, or as I have always known it, the SWAG-- silly (or stupid) wild-assed guess. I SWAG my way through a lot of Jeopardy clues. Stunning amount of missed clues today. I did not keep count, but I would swear Ken answered more clues than the contestants. Also, was it just me or were the contestant stories unusually long? Half way through her monologue, I yelled at Alison to "stop listing countries!" She didn't listen, and I don't think she left any out. I can't believe nobody knew the Lizard King.
  2. I say yes, since that was also one of my guesses. I would also accept “Pope Guards” and “Pope Posse”.
  3. 1/5. Adolescent stealthy turtles. I'm just slooowly working my way back from the TOC desert. So, how about some homemade turtle candies?
  4. I managed a record store (RIP Camelot!) in the early 90's, so there was no way I was going to miss Friday's FJ. Except I did. For which my only excuse is I was out of that business before 1996 and as far as I knew the lyrics were "Macarena macarena macarena macarena, macarena macarena macarena macarena. Macarena macarena macarena macarena, HEYYY macarena." And repeat. No need to apologize. We'll just chalk it up to memory muddle, cognitive paralysis's equally vexing cousin. I know them both very well.
  5. Oops, I meant Tevin. He also left with a pocket idol, right? If not, never mind. All these idols, can't keep 'em straight.
  6. Too bad nobody smuggled their uneaten burger down their shorts for Liz. Mmmm... Shorts burger. Just like Bourbon burger, but shorts-ier. I might have felt sorry for Liz if she hadn't spent all season feeling entitled and whining about how nobody follows her lead. She must be a joy to work for. Who wants to bet that Liz's daughter never wants to show her face at an Applebee's ever again? I laughed when Soda turned and whispered excitedly to Jem about Tiff leaving with an idol. The look on his face, like "yeah, well..." I wonder if they amuse themselves at Ponderosa by trading idols and/or playing hide and seek with them. I mean, they have plenty.
  7. Consider yourself lucky. GO GET THAT JACKASS, VICTORIA!!!!!!
  8. Reminds me of a story about how David Letterman gifted his ties to Jimmy Kimmel when he retired. Maybe Ken inherited some of Alex's ties? Not directly from Alex, of course, but maybe from the studio? Or Jean Trebek? (I know she gave him a pair of Alex's cuff links.) In any case, I'm sure Ken has plenty of J!$ to buy as many ties as he wants. I had no idea for today's FJ. I've never heard of Asterix, aside from the one on my keyboard. At least I know about ninja turtles, so I won't end up with a zero week.
  9. And since I hate to ruin a good streak... 0/5 again!!! Blame it on a combination of cognitive paralysis and advanced ignorance. (Really, I just want more donuts.)
  10. Be careful what you put out there. Violet was cute once, too…
  11. "Bullies"? Really, Anna? If a group of ethical, anti-criminal police officers want to take a second before embracing your mobster recruit, that doesn't make them bullies. It makes them smarter than you, apparently. Same here. Normally, I would find the idea of a Soap Miracle Cure problematic, but I'd be fine with it in this case. If Jason can come back from the dead, why can't Gonzo also get a second life? Of the two, I know who I'd rather see on my screen.
  12. Maybe we need a cue for which is which. Like, when he's just growling and snarling, that's lack of meds. When he's throwing barware, that's all Sonny. I would look sideways at any cops who DID accept Dex into their orbit right away. He's barely rinsed off the mobster dust. Lois was dressed like a cartoon, but her happy face will never not light up a room. Gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, Tracy. How 'bout that twerking? And I loved seeing her hair in a ponytail rather than the usual bun. With the trademark Tracy side braids, yay! It feels like Jane Elliot is having more fun lately. Or maybe I'm just projecting because I am. Willow had a different energy today-- more lively, less clingy. Turns out all she has to do is get away from Michael for me to not hate her. Joss was Joss. Shut up and stop trying to ruin someone else's party with your sanctimonious badgering. Kristina can't even enjoy a cocktail, she doesn't need to endure your crap, too. Was I terrible for hoping an ax would land just a leeetle closer to Drew?
  13. I forgot about this thread, so I am just now seeing everyone's comments. Count me among those who were disappointed with the Amy selection. Not because I don't like Amy (I do! A lot!) but because it was so predictable and repetitive. Sam's played a lot, too, but I am feeling much less Sam fatigue. I was hoping they'd pick him. Or Larissa Kelly. Or Brad. Especially Brad. Or someone else from the past. It was fun when Chuck Forrest came back for the Invitational. I get tired of seeing the same faces all the time and would like to see some old favorites return. What's Bob Harris doing these days? I was a big fan of his back when. Since Jeopardy has tournament fever, maybe they need to do a Veterans Tournament. With players who haven't appeared in a tournament for at least a decade. Not a Mattea fan, but I could become one if they take out Yogesh. I may be the only James fan here, and I'm hoping he goes far because he amuses me. I don't want him to win, though-- I want that honor to go to Victoria.
  14. I guess co-opting Marko's exclamation point did the trick. Took a little zip out of Marko's, perhaps. Next person needs to add two of them, for extra power. I noticed Marko's adam's apple on Friday, only because the stage lights were hitting it in such a way that it appeared to have distinct angles, like a sideways pyramid. I'm glad I didn't envision any creatures poking through, though. (This is not a dis on Marko's appearance, just the unfortunate lighting. I liked and will miss him.) I'm mad at myself because Zora Neale Hurston flitted through my mind, but I rejected her. I'm not very familiar with her writing and thought she was mostly known for poetry. I really have to start getting out of my own Jeopardy way.
  15. Having just finished the season and searched for a reunion episode, I can confidently say that it is NOT available on Peacock. Would love it if someone who has seen it could give a recap? I am particularly interested to know if anyone got salty about the Harry reveal, since they were so unshakably faithful (pun intended) to him. I can't say Harry didn't deserve the win, but I was not rooting for him. He just came off a little too cocky and smug. Much like Paul before him. I was hoping Jaz and Mollie would take it, because Jaz was the smartest and most deserving of the Faithfuls, and Mollie seemed sweet. Just a little too trusting for this type of game, though. I also would have been fine with an Andrew win, even though his play was too reactive and emotional. He just seemed like a decent guy, and I felt like the money would have meant more to him. I never understood why nobody ever questioned Harry's shield story. Yes it made sense, but only if a killing was attempted. We all know that a recruitment happened instead of a killing, but why did no one ever consider this as a possibility? They all knew that could happen, right? Even Jaz, with all his suspicions of Harry, never floated this theory. I was also disappointed in Jaz at the final banishment. He was the only one who asked for another vote, and why would he do that if he were a traitor? I was literally yelling at him to make that point to Mollie, and he didn't. So maybe Harry was the only one who deserved to win, after all. He was the only one who didn't make any mistakes, as far as I can recall. Still not thrilled with the outcome, but this was a damn good season with a worthy winner, my preference aside. Why are the UK versions of game shows always better than the US versions?
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