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  1. Angie is just so embarrassingly bad at executing a “gotcha.” And Meredith, oh my god, it’s not like you said you were thinking of creating something super out of the ordinary — jewelry and bath products are pretty run-of-the-mill stuff. And Whitney’s hair in the THs is confusing me. As is her new kitchen — I feel like it’s the same as the old one. Why are these people seemingly never cold?!
  2. Looks like Dr. Lume has responded to all the calls to "just take a shower!!!" There's some kind of shower-product package now.
  3. Unfortunately named -- and real. And actually pretty good for the mass-market brands (and probably not likely to have a commercial where people have to say its name, hahahaha!).
  4. Well, that's not about being vegan; it's more about being kind of a dick. I consider myself more or less "serious about being a vegan" but mistakes can still happen here and there as far as label (and grill/fryer) assumptions go. Honestly, I am probably more "militant" about onions being kept far from my food.
  5. Maybe. They all mean different things, but they probably hope that people don't know that and that they all will buy whatever it is without checking.
  6. What is the commercial with the headphone girl walking and singing? I know we’ve talked about it in here but I forget what it’s for, some kind of drug? Anyway, she so totally overacts with her face, especially for the “O” words — she really exaggeratedly pushes out her lips!
  7. OH MY GOODNESS, it was the damn title?! I can picture the cover of this album! I'm gonna listen to it and feel old!
  8. Hahhahhaaaaa, I snorted at this! Some deep Grape Nuts feelings -- as deep as a gravel pit...where the Grape Nuts come from! Yes. But "plant based" isn't a synonym for vegan. It just means that some certain percentage of the food is plants. I would assume most people don't need to be told that a salad is plant based. But that was just an example that I used (maybe because I kind of miss Caesar salad). Maybe applesauce or something would be a better example!
  9. My BF just told me that long before Rails was built on that spot, there used to be a filthy frat house that he used to have to go to a few times a week, back when he delivered pizza. For some reason, this has made me laugh for about 10 minutes.
  10. You just reminded me of some early '90s grunge-ish song that says "tastes just like chicken" in it and I can't remember what it is and I so don't want to Google -- I want to get it on my own! And just to bring it back to commercials, I am not sure if I even hear the word "vegan" in them. I know that the term "plant based" has become popular (and often used stupidly, like you don't have to tell me that a Caesar salad is plant based). I bet "vegan" is not a good buzzword because people get so oddly aggro about it. OH! I do hear "vegan" in commercials for meal subscriptions. But not really anywhere else that I can recall.
  11. I have always lived near there as well. But it's not really the type of place that one would suddenly decide to pull over and eat at simply just passing by (in my opinion, at least, based on price and style). But people, like you and me, who live nearby could indeed learn of its existence simply by driving past. But there are other ways of knowing something is there besides encountering it in passing, including whatever notoriety it may achieve from the show. My point was that it's not in the middle of nowhere or far from highways.
  12. It's not unlikely; someone above mentioned as an example "crab" legs that are not made of crab. Some fake meat is made with eggs and/or dairy, which would make them not vegan. There are also things like turkey bacon that seem to confuse people. "Soy chicken" would only work if it was made of soy (and the people who are bothered by the word "chicken" being used at all would still be bothered). Also, there's soy in lots of nonvegan processed foods. Seems like "vegan chicken" is the easiest way to convey this. As an aside, I think it will forever remain a mystery to me as to why people who aren't vegan care what vegan food is called. I mean, does anyone other than trite comedians care that Grape Nuts cereal is called that? We had these fabulous veggie burgers way back when in my college cafeteria. Not a fake meat kind of thing, but just a burger shape made with vegetables. I found them recently and, boo -- eggs! The Morningstar Farm brand is also not across-the-board vegan.
  13. "Fake chicken" doesn't tell people that it's vegan.
  14. It's not very far from highways or in the middle of nowhere. It's about 2 minutes from 287, and maybe 5 to 10 from Rt. 23, Rt. 46, and Rt. 80. But yeah, that place is enormous -- they could probably have a full, normal, everyday dinner service in one part with people barely knowing that this was going on somewhere else. My BF is a musician and has played there a few times. When I walked with him through the back of the place to the spot where the band was set up, I felt like I was in that Goodfellas scene. Yes. I am long overdue to spend all my money to look older and worse than I do now!
  15. They're not all in the same town now, not that it matters. But it seems like it is getting a reboot, at least based on what podcasters are saying.
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