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  1. I've just started rewatching it with my 22yo granddaughter, and she loves it as much as I do.
  2. Btw, you can search this site for the exact times to see the eclipse in your town (if you can.) https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2024-april-8
  3. Oh wow! I have some grape vines that took years to start to produce fruit, but once they did, I was so excited, and then so,so disappointed when *just* when they were ripe enough to pick..they all disappeared too! Guess what I have living in my back yard? Opossums! Here I've been blaming the lil butthead squirrels in my yard, who eat all my expensive bird seed, for stealing all my grapes. I didn't know opossums ate fruit too.😁 Ps I found this on Google: "What should I do if I have opossums on my property? Welcome them! Opossums are an incredible asset to a garden. They eat a multitude of pests, from snails and insects to rodents and venomous snakes. They also have a tremendous appetite for ticks. One study found a single opossum can kill more than 5,000 ticks a week."
  4. April showers (rain or snow) bring May flowers, to be followed by many, many Cicadas (in my area, at least.) Not looking forward to the coming invasion of the crunchy critters.
  5. It is pouring outside rn, and it's supposed to last for many more days. Oh well, could be worse, it could all be snow. 😁
  6. Please DM me if I sent you a (now) invalid invite.
  7. OK, I *think* I DMed everyone who asked for a list. Please DM me if I missed you. (I hope it was all for nothing)ðŸĪŠ
  8. I'm sending DMs to everyone who asked. But I'm being told I have to take more time between each message I send. So, I'll get to everyone little by little.
  9. Ok, am I the only one who wants to know who is sharing new places by dm? I see the above posts and I'm not sure if someone else already DMed the above posters already, and I'm not even sure if I'd be sharing all the correct places anyway. I guess I'll just volunteer to do it,if that's ok with everyone? And then you guys could share the places with other posters if you want. (Ugh my brain hurts)ðŸĪŠ Ps dm me if you want if know of other places, and I'll make a list to DM to people who are asking. Ps why are they (possibly) ruining this place?😭
  10. If anyone wants to try a Royals discord chat I just set up, dm me and I'll invite you. (Who knows if I even did it right) 😂
  11. I'm grateful for the CONVIVIAL friends I've made here.. especially the COMPASSIONATE ones who made me feel like this a place for shy Chi (me) to get up the courage to post my thoughts and feelings. I never once was made to not feel welcome here. PS if anyone is shy and afraid to post like I was, take a deep breath and say hello! 💕
  12. Ditto for me...the more places DMed to me the better! Please and Thank you!
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