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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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Just leaving this here because I really like this picture for some reason. 



I like JLH's outfit and I like how Matthew is working on Shemar's shoulders. I also like the color of the police car. This little picture just shows some of the "family" bond between the cast that I want to see come across on screen.

Zannej, I also like the way JLH is dressed.And I liked the other outfit she was wearing.I'm encouraged by the fact that they don't seem to be dressing her like a mini Morgan,the way they do JJ.  And yeah I'd really like to see the family bond come across on screen too.

Edited by missmycat
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Just leaving this here because I really like this picture for some reason. 



I like JLH's outfit and I like how Matthew is working on Shemar's shoulders. I also like the color of the police car. This little picture just shows some of the "family" bond between the cast that I want to see come across on screen.

I believe this is a scene from the Garcia episode. So it looks like while she is in Texas the team will be in Seattle Washington. I'm a bit leery as to how they will balance the two stories. I'm really hoping her story doesn't take precedence. However, if it does, I won't be the least bit surprised.

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That outfit does look too warm for that weather. I wish they would incorporate some of the physical affection among the cast in to the episodes because they are real people and real people are affectionate with each other. They used to be more physically affectionate and it was natural and not forced. There is still a bit of a bias on tv I think about characters being physically affectionate-- that if they show that affection it is somehow "weak" or "gay". I get that Hotch is not written as a very "huggy" character, although he hugged Rossi, hugs Jack, and used to put his hand on people's arms and shoulders.

True, and as much as I think Harry means well, I think he is not a good judge of whether something is or is not centric around a certain character. I mean, he thought the team got equal time in 200 didn't he? I could be wrong.


Oh man, the scene where Reid supposedly took a bullet for Blake... It was so badly filmed. He was up way too high. If he'd been crouched down at her level so that his neck was at her head level it would have worked, but noooo. They had him way up high. And Matthew can squat low-- just look at him on the Mexican TV show thing. 

That's like Lucky when Garcia gets shot. The hole is clearly in her chest but when she recovers in Penelope she keeps clutching her abdomen. I know they say that the bullet ricocheted off a rib and lodged in her abdomen and her surgery scar would be there, but you have to think that the bullet entry wound would be just as painful for her. I also don't know if a bullet could actually move that way, especially one shot at such close range.

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Well the writers did say they didn't want to mess up Penelope's cleavage or mar it with bullet scars. But they couldn't have had the unsub shoot Penelope in the abdomen, because he was trying to kill her. The writers seemed more concerned about dressing Penelope in her low cut shirts than a more realistic depiction of the afternath of being shot in the chest.

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For those who want spoilers

according to the casting call its a crashed plane and the co-pilot survived.

I can't remember if it said the motive of the unsub.


Also, this was cute from on set.



Matthew and AJ look happy. I like the purple shirt and tie and that blue looks good on AJ.

TBH, that is not the most flattering picture I've seen of either of them,particularly Matthew. He looks like he's tired or bothered by allergies. Perhaps it's both.Also that picture makes it look like AJ has gone back to being a brunette. I really hope that isn't the case.

Edited by missmycat
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Interesting title. And I like more of Breen's episodes than not, and he's writing the Reid-centric episode. I have high hopes for this one. :)


Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS 7m
CM episode #10-04 Title "Itch". Written by Breen Frasier. Directed by Larry Teng




...or not. 


Noreen ‏@WheresReenie  18m
@LLPOS And it's Reid-centric. Interesting... looking forward to it. Love Breen's writing.


Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  16m
@WheresReenie It's not Reid-Centric any more. Sorry.



WTF happened??? *sighs*

Edited by ForeverAlone

Interesting title. And I like more of Breen's episodes than not, and he's writing the Reid-centric episode. I have high hopes for this one. :)


Harry Bring ‏@LLPOS 7m

CM episode #10-04 Title "Itch". Written by Breen Frasier. Directed by Larry Teng




...or not. 


Noreen ‏@WheresReenie  18m

@LLPOS And it's Reid-centric. Interesting... looking forward to it. Love Breen's writing.


Harry Bring @LLPOS  ·  16m

@WheresReenie It's not Reid-Centric any more. Sorry.



WTF happened??? *sighs*

I know. Could he just be jerking us around again? Or could it be, like another fan said, that 10.3 is a Reid epi? I'm pissed off.

Well, if Harry is jerking Reid fans around, my dislike for his trolling ways will go up even more. But if he is being serious, I have to think there was a serious change of heart in the storyline and it might have been scrapped entirely. I mean, if it had just moved to another episode, you would hope Harry would have said so, like he told a fan that episode 6 is Halloween themed when asked if any of the episodes will be about Halloween.

  • Love 1

Harry's not jerking us around as far as I can tell. I asked him if Matthew was okay, if he had gotten sick or injured for them to scrap that part of the story and he said all was fine, that it was just decided that Reid's story didn't work with that particular episode so they will move it to a different ep later on. He added that things change up like that all the time. He also promised at least two Reidisodes this season. I'm hoping for more. 

  • Love 1

Harry's not jerking us around as far as I can tell. I asked him if Matthew was okay, if he had gotten sick or injured for them to scrap that part of the story and he said all was fine, that it was just decided that Reid's story didn't work with that particular episode so they will move it to a different ep later on. He added that things change up like that all the time. He also promised at least two Reidisodes this season. I'm hoping for more. 

Two Reidisodes! OMG be still my heart, that might be too much for me to hope for. In any case Reid and his fans deserve it since we were cheated out of one last year.

Now that I know the reasoning behind this no longer being a Reid centric episode. I am actually ok with it. Just so long as he gets one,two would be even better.But for the love of all that is sane,let us all hope Reid's episode(s) doesn't end up in the hands of either Rick Dunkle or even worse Kim Harrison.

Edited by missmycat
  • Love 3

I wonder what they had planned for Reid's story for that episode. Oh well. I'd rather have it be something that fits with the episode than be something that just got jammed in and doesn't work.

I won't be surprised if they don't find any episodes to work it into. I can't ever take the writers seriously when they say what will be happening in the season because things change a lot and things get dropped.


Anyway, I do hope that they have Reid playing piano again at some point. I really hope they don't drop Reid stuff to have stuff for JLH or Garcia.

  • Love 1

OK, please tell me if I'm stupid or do these 2 statements made by Erica Messer directly contradict one another?


Callahan, an eight-year FBI vet, is also an old pal of the BAU team and fits right in — just like Hewitt does on set. "The rapport feels like friends catching up," Messer says. "If feels like she's always been here."


What's Next: Jennifer Love Hewitt joins the show as Kate Callahan, Blake's replacement. Unlike Blake, who has transferred to Boston, Kate has no history with anyone on the team. "The idea is that they've been down an agent all summer [and] they've been interviewing a lot of people, and Hotch meets with her and says, 'You got the gig,'" executive producer Erica Messer tells us. "You're going to get to know her from the ground up and … she won't remain a mystery."


Granted, this could be a misinterpretation by one or both of the interviewers, but they put both articles up on the feed, so I'm totally confused now.

Edited by normasm
  • Love 1

OK, please tell me if I'm stupid or do these 2 statements made by Erica Messer directly contradict one another?


Callahan, an eight-year FBI vet, is also an old pal of the BAU team and fits right in — just like Hewitt does on set. "The rapport feels like friends catching up," Messer says. "If feels like she's always been here."


What's Next: Jennifer Love Hewitt joins the show as Kate Callahan, Blake's replacement. Unlike Blake, who has transferred to Boston, Kate has no history with anyone on the team. "The idea is that they've been down an agent all summer [and] they've been interviewing a lot of people, and Hotch meets with her and says, 'You got the gig,'" executive producer Erica Messer tells us. "You're going to get to know her from the ground up and … she won't remain a mystery."


Granted, this could be a misinterpretation by one or both of the interviewers, but they put both articles up on the feed, so I'm totally confused now.

So am I. Those 2 scenarios Erica has given us concerning the new agent do appear to contradict each other. I really hope that isn't the case and that there's a logical explanation to this apparent contradiction on her part.

Edited by missmycat
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Ok, I can't believe I'm defending Messer on this one... LOL.. But the "old pal" thing is the interviewer's phrase-- not Messer's. I think its already been said before that the way Kate met the team was that she was at the bar the night it was closing and they had their karaoke session. 


I think what Erica was saying was that Kate doesn't have ties to one particular team member-- she just casually met all of them one night so they are acquainted. So they sort of know her but weren't exactly best buds before.


Does that make sense?


Also, its entirely possible that its more waffling on the part of the writers and changing things up a bit when realizing something didn't work or wasn't the way they wanted.


On a side note, I got an apology from Harry for supposedly being snippy with me because I forgot that he answered a question last week that I asked again. He answered me but his reply did not seem snippy.


I wonder how he would react if I planted the idea of Tyne Daly playing someone's grandmother on the show..

Edited by zannej
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Got any details On Jennifer Love Hewitt's character on Criminal Mindscaitlyn

Kate Callahan, who's deep undercover when we first meet her, and the BAU have crossed path before-just not professionally.

By the end of the premiere, we'll get a big reveal about her personal life that invites even more questions.But don't worry:

"The few things that are sort of mysterious in the beginning [about her] will be answered pretty quickly on in the season", executive producer Erica Messer promises.




Good luck to those who are hoping JLH's character won't be taking over.


Here's a spoiler.




in fact, many of them are in awe of her credentials. Specifically, she pairs up with Rossi for her first case, which involves an acrotomophiliac (gross!). Look for her to take charge, especially during the final showdown with the unsub. Although she may regret that decision later...

  • Love 1

Good luck to those who are hoping JLH's character won't be taking over.


Here's a spoiler.




in fact, many of them are in awe of her credentials. Specifically, she pairs up with Rossi for her first case, which involves an acrotomophiliac (gross!). Look for her to take charge, especially during the final showdown with the unsub. Although she may regret that decision later...

 I really wanted to give this character a chance,but they are making harder and harder for me to do with these spoilers they've been releasing about her,particularly this latest one.Way to go Erica and Co. shove this character down our throat's before the fandom has a chance to get use to her after all that will certainly endure her to the fans. For crying out loud isn't one Mary Sue type character on this show enough

That's my point. Seaver being more of a freshman is believable than JLH's character having such stellar resume and the team is in awe of her? Unbelievable!

But it wasn't believable that a rookie/cadet would have been allowed on an elite team such as the BAU,especially in light of  what Hotch told Emily when she first wanted to join the BAU.

  • Love 3

We've just been given a line here and there about her character, and some of them seem to contradict others. Just chill out and wait until you've seen the episodes. I can guarantee if you go in dreading this character, you will not like her. Just give her the benefit of the doubt, and remember what they did to Blake. Also remember, no matter what she's like or what they give her to do, somebody will be pissed off. I'm saying, just give her a chance. I'm more worried about the writing in general than just what the writers will come up for this character. I go in hoping for the best. Maybe they'll surprise us this season. I'm not naïve enough to look forward to it, but I'm also not going in certain that it will suck. Just trying to keep an open mind here. Believe me, you'll be the first to know if I hate it.

  • Love 3

I don't disagree with you, @SSAHotchner, but at the same time what they did to Blake is IMO kind of part of the problem. I think maybe Messer realizes in hindsight that she had an opportunity to let Tripplehorn actually act, and she didn't make use of it. You can decide for yourself what her reasons for that were, and I'm not saying Alex 'deserved' fans and didn't get them, but I do kinda-sorta think they're over-correcting with Callahan in advance. It could be not as bad as the spoilers are making it seem, but I got burned when the suits made EM hire Jeanne, who was then shoved resolutely into the background after a brief time in the spotlight. If Erica tries to fix her previous mistake by giving Callahan the focus she didn't give Blake, I reserve the right to be annoyed.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 4

Thanks, ForeverAlone. Also, I believe MMC mentioned that Harry said episode 6 is called "Boxed In".

I am a bit worried about the suggestion that JLH's character is going to try to take charge-- but if she does try to take charge and it doesn't work out for her, I'd like to see Hotch actually getting to show why he is the team leader. They just shove him in the background so often and let other characters take charge while he just twiddles his thumbs. 


I actually think it would be funny if they mentioned something about Reid having to take long bathroom breaks or something to explain why he's missing. Which reminds me...


  • Love 3

What i have a problem is EM's tendency to glorify the new characters with such by having such over glossed resumes. Look at what they did with Blake and now JLH. With Blake I can understand because of her age but with JLH, really? That is why I like what EB did with Prentiss. She was trying to find her place on the team. She was insecure and not so sure of how and where she would fit in. 


Instead , we have JLH's character and the team is in awe of her. Really? What is she Rossi's age? LOL

  • Love 3

Thanks, ForeverAlone. Also, I believe MMC mentioned that Harry said episode 6 is called "Boxed In".

I am a bit worried about the suggestion that JLH's character is going to try to take charge-- but if she does try to take charge and it doesn't work out for her, I'd like to see Hotch actually getting to show why he is the team leader. They just shove him in the background so often and let other characters take charge while he just twiddles his thumbs. 


I actually think it would be funny if they mentioned something about Reid having to take long bathroom breaks or something to explain why he's missing. Which reminds me...





  • Love 4

I don't disagree with you, @SSAHotchner, but at the same time what they did to Blake is IMO kind of part of the problem. I think maybe Messer realizes in hindsight that she had an opportunity to let Tripplehorn actually act, and she didn't make use of it. You can decide for yourself what her reasons for that were, and I'm not saying Alex 'deserved' fans and didn't get them, but I do kinda-sorta think they're over-correcting with Callahan in advance. It could be not as bad as the spoilers are making it seem, but I got burned when the suits made EM hire Jeanne, who was then shoved resolutely into the background after a brief time in the spotlight. If Erica tries to fix her previous mistake by giving Callahan the focus she didn't give Blake, I reserve the right to be annoyed.

Oh, sure, Cobalt, I know it's more than likely that they will screw up and write horrible stuff. I'm just not going to sweat it until I see the episodes. No point in ruining what's left of my summer. I didn't want JT on the show. I never liked her much. But I grew to like her, maybe partly out of sympathy for how the writers treated her, but mostly because her character treated Reid respectfully. I'm also not keen on JLH, but I'm just taking a wait and see approach. I'm really only watching new episodes of CM out of habit these days. I pretty much didn't care for most of seasons 6-9. Not every episode sucked, but there were many more misses than hits for me.

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I have to say, the fact that she said the team will be in awe of the new character just screams Mary Sue and I hope that EM is just exaggerating on that part. And my cat Captain Fluffy wants me to appreciate her awesomeness and just jumped on my arms as I was typing. Now she's digging claws in and headbutting my chin.


I wonder if we'll find out if Morgan still has Clooney or if any of the other team members have pets. I could actually see Garcia getting a pet dog trained as a service dog and bringing it to work. For some reason I think it would be hilarious to see Hotch playing with a dog and being all silly like he can get with Jack and then straightening up when someone walks in. Of course, dealing with animals can be a real pain for continuity since they move so much.


I think I would rather have moments with pets than children though.

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