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Season 10 Spoilers, Speculation, and Stabs in the Dark!

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Did you see Paget's tweet to the ladies of CM about this "exciting" new spin off? Is it possible they have been building up AJC to head this one up? The only thing I would love for this spin off is if it took EM and AJC on board and if CM continues into Season 11 the main characters such as Reid and Hotch get some proper focus.

  • Love 8

It might could work with your scenario, Old Dog, but remember how much more capable people failed with this six years ago? With an oscar winner?


And the Fight is my least favorite CM episode hands down, even over 200 and Proof.


I thought maybe they would shut down CM and spin this one with whoever is EM's darlings, but I've been told elsewhere that CM would have to be up and going next season for the to actually spin it off.


It just sounds snakebit, to coin a phrase!

  • Love 2

I want to see them do a spinoff, and send JJ to the spinoff.   Let Messer prove that her special Mary Sue can carry a series all on her own, without the begrudging support of the fans who hate JJ's guts and want to put a stake through her chest.   AJ is reaping the benefit of fans who like the characters that have been pushed into the background all for JJ's benefit, because Messer is under the delusion that AJ is the star of the show.  Let's see Blondie-Blonde carry a show all by herself without the support of the other fans.  If she's as special as Messer thinks, it shouldn't be hard, right?     

Edited by spinner33
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Not excited about a spinoff. I wonder if Paget's remark was sarcastic. The earlier spinoff was the reason Paget and AJ were sacked in the first place. How much you want to bet they are going to try to make this more like a superspy thing and have explosions, very loud supposedly covert meetings, and lots of action/chase scenes?


I have heard that the BAU does consult with law enforcement overseas, but I bet the team will be like some major action group going in guns drawn all the time.


I don't think Paget would agree to come back to work for CBS ever again, so that is probably one of the reasons she wouldn't be in it.


Unless they can really do something to make me like JJ again, it might be best if they ship her off to the other show. Although, I'm suspecting they are just about done with this one so maybe it is this show's swan song and they are passing the torch.

  • Love 4



CRIMINAL MINDS (9:00-10:00 PM)

“The Forever People” – When frozen bodies are found in Nevada floating in water, the BAU’s investigation leads them to suspect that the victims were part of a cult that could be behind the deaths. Also, JJ (A.J. Cook) confronts old demons from her abduction and torture last year. Grant Show guest stars. Faran Tahir returns as Tivon Askari, who abducted JJ last year.


Spotted this posted on one of the other boards. What do you all think? 200 raises its ugly head! I am disgusted that Messer has backtracked on her previous statement that 200 was behind us.

  • Love 5
I have heard that the BAU does consult with law enforcement overseas, but I bet the team will be like some major action group going in guns drawn all the time.



I would have no problem with the BAU offering consulting to other countries that we are on friendly terms with. There's at least six of those, right? But I have no doubt that they wouldn't limit the show to anything remotely realistic. It would be BAU: International Ninjas running around with their guns, kicking in doors, and executing people right and left. While proving that the poor innocent American was in the right, of course. All within 42 minutes!


On a side note I am so done with procedurals. One and done, as they say.

  • Love 2

Gahhh! Why does this episode have to be set in Nevada?? There are 50 states to choose from. To go there and not acknowledge Diana would be ridiculous.

I never understood how they could let details like that slide. Like in 52 Pickup, the crimes were in Atlanta. Would it have killed them to add ,"So, Reid, how do you feel being back in Georgia?"

  • Love 4

I'm glad I'm not the only one who wonders how Reid feels about going back to Atlanta!  Or how going back to Chicago must always be very bittersweet for Morgan.   Or how Hotch must just break out in a cold sweat over the idea of going anywhere near Boston.   Maybe the FBI wipes their memories when they come back from difficult cases? 

  • Love 4

Well, JJ did ask Reid if he ever heard from Lila in "The Performer,"  And judging by Reid's reaction, I'd say the answer was no. Of course, that was about the only bit of a character continuity in that episode that often mischaracterized Reid. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 3

In fairness, Reid's trauma occurred on a farm outside of Atlanta, not in the city itself. Plus, I think last year they had an episode in Chicago (unrelated to Morgan's troubles) and there was a line where Morgan was on the phone apologizing to his mother that he never had time to see her, so it's not like they forget all the time. Plus, I could buy team members not being fazed about going back to a city- they do so many cases, eventually every city will have its “difficulties” so they need to be able to get past that. Furthermore, unless they go back to the neighbourhood that gave them the creeps, it shouldn't be too hard to avoid thinking of the issue.

When it comes to “The Forever People”, my only hope is that if Reid is somewhere near Las Vegas they at least have a line where he's talking to his mother or that he at least says something about her. Because it wouldn't seem right if he just “forgot” he had family in the area.

  • Love 6

Well, the flashbacks of Gideon and Rossi back in the day certainly won't come from Reid's mind, no matter how smart he is! We speculated that it could be that Reid is contacted by Gideon's son Steven, but it's just that, speculation. I don't think they would have Reid flashing back, because they can't use old Gideon footage, or MP's voice or anything like that.

Maybe it's a diary (a birding diary?) that is found and given to Reid, kept by Gideon back in the early days.

Edited by normasm

Yes indeed this bit of news gives me some hope. And what ever emotional crisis Reid will be going through, I'd really like for Hotch to be the one there for him.

Unfortunately due to what Messer said recently about wanting to bring back the so called Reid/JJ friendship,my fear is that it'll be that bleeping Mary Sue.

  • Love 1

If Reid's arc involves Gideon in any way (and I think that is likely since young Gideon figures strongly in episode 13), I can't see it being  a happy emotional arc for him. Reid might have resolved any angst he had toward GIdeon, but I can't see any revived Reid/Gideon story ending happily. Plus since Mandy most certainly isn't coming back, anything involving Reid and Gideon would be an offscreen Gideon, since Reid wouldn't have known the younger Gideon. What's fascinating is that whatever happens to Reid in episode 13 should have some carryover into episode 14, and I can only imagine how that plays out. As long as JJ stays far, far away from Reid, I'll be happy to see more of him on screen (even though I don't think whatever his arc will be a happy one). 

  • Love 8

Not a spoiler, but it will be interesting to see if this bit of news affects Criminal Minds in any way.




Jennifer Love Hewitt Pregnant, Expecting Second Child With Husband Brian Hallisay -- And They Are "Thrilled!"


Baby No. 2! Jennifer Love Hewitt is pregnant and expecting her second child with her husband Brian Hallisay, the Criminal Minds star’s rep confirms exclusively to Us Weekly.
“Jennifer and Brian are thrilled to be expecting their second child later this year,” her rep tells Us.
The couple, who are parents to daughter Autumn James, 12 months, secretly wed in 2013.

  • Love 1

I could be totally wrong, but I'm guessing that either the episode will end with Reid going to Gideon's cabin or it will be a dream or it will start with him going to Gideon's cabin bc he heard some news about Gideon (possibly offscreen death) or maybe Gideon (again offscreen) gave the cabin to Reid. Then Rossi would tell a story about a case he worked with Gideon and maybe in the next episode Reid has one line where he mentions Gideon. I'm guessing it will mostly be handled in bookends and that the Reid portions will not take up much time. Reid did have a bit of hero worship involving Gideon. I have to agree with Solitude that I don't think happy news would make Reid continue thinking about Gideon in to the next episode. But, I also don't expect it to be a "great emotional arc".


Anyway, given what has happened almost every time we had some sort of "spoiler" about Reid's screentime, I won't believe any of it until I see it. I'm hoping they will prove me wrong.

Edited by zannej
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On the JLH announcement:  I read somewhere that Kate is abducted in the season finale.  Maybe the kidnapper will keep her for nine months. 


I actually don't mind the character, but wish we knew more about her.  I've seen the comments on the CM Facebook site, and often wonder what show some of them are watching, as I think we've seen very little of Kate.  That said, I can't miss who I don't know, so it would be fine with me if she were written off.  But I have enjoyed the little bit of humor she's brought to the show.  Doesn't matter to me one way or the other if they write the pregnancy into the show.  At least they don't have to invent a husband for her.


On the Reid 'emotional arc':  I find the phrasing interesting, since so many of the writers do their best to write him devoid of emotion (and then MGG thwarts it with a look on his face).  So I haven't a clue what they might think is an 'emotional arc', and find it strangely disturbing.  On the other hand, there's this priceless reaction to it (not mine):





  • Love 6

The press release for Nelson's Sparrow was just published. I have to say, whoever it was that speculated that Stephen Gideon would make an appearance in this episode needs to reward themselves with cookies and wine, because they were dead right. Knowing this, it makes me even more sure that Reid's emotional arc is tied to the present day Gideon. Like maybe Gideon really is going to die offscreen and Stephen will come for Reid or something to give him something Gideon left him or whatever. I mean, why else have Stephen make an appearance for the first time (when he was barely mentioned when Gideon was actually on the show), because I doubt he has any knowledge of the old case they are using for flashbacks.

  • Love 4

I personally think, at best, we might get bookend scenes or just a scene at the end where Reid and Stephen interact (since that is what I think will happen). I don't think this is going to be like Zugzwang and Magnum Opus at all. 

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I'll be surprised if Reid gets more than 10 minutes of screentime in the episode.

  • Love 1

So is this supposed to imply that JJ goes into some sort of PTSD fueled meltdown and she does something reckless to put her life in danger and then needs to be rescued by the team? Because that certainly is what that implies. *sighs*

...and it's totally random too. I know she doesn't get much in the way of real characterization, but it's jarring to go from “Mary Sue” to kidnap victim in one episode. Makes her idiocy feel...convenient.

On the other hand, if he had known better Hotch might fire JJ...she does have a proclivity of being kidnapped lately.

  • Love 2

So is this supposed to imply that JJ goes into some sort of PTSD fueled meltdown and she does something reckless to put her life in danger and then needs to be rescued by the team? Because that certainly is what that implies. *sighs*

Hahaha, meltdown, frozen bodies, ahahahahaha….ha….uh….oh…...


Yes, I'll still watch, although I wish there was a shock buzzer connected to CBS' Collective Ass that I could press every time something stupid happens. Right off the bat this has stolen elements of The Internet Is Forever, Magnificent Light, Risky Business and Epilogue, and it was a 20 second promo.

  • Love 1

I am actually dreading this episode as I just know it will invoke the red mist before my eyes! At this stage it is impossible for me not to pre-judge it and I am expecting the worst. Of course I will watch if only because Reid looks yummy at least - but that alone is so not why I want to watch Criminal Minds. If it is as bad as I fear I will be on every forum and feedback site I can find because just as surely as I know it will be bad, I know the JJ fangirlies will be squeeing all over the internet and I want them to hopefully see comments from a grown up!

  • Love 4

Again, the medical research people appear to have smoked a little too much fantasy while laying this one out. They are actually showing people being frozen solid and then being revived? That's what it appears to me they are implying. When the water inside our cells freezes it explodes the cell walls (when it thaws). All they would have is a gooey mess if these people were truly frozen. Even deep hypothermia can't be reversed by shocking the heart, if the heart has stopped due to being frozen, then the blood soon freezes in the vessels, just shocking the heart ain't gonna get the circulation going again. Someone who is nearly frozen to the point of the heart/circulation  almost stopping would have to be slowly carefully warmed and given saline IVs, even abdominal lavage, over a period of hours. You don't just shock a heart back to life!

Edited by normasm
  • Love 6

It's Clear that EM and these writers stopped caring long ago just how ridiculous and implausible or even impossible some of the story lines were that they have been coming up with.

...and just like the junk about Morgellon's and Yellowknife, the show will stick the misinformation in Reid's mouth just to mislead people into thinking it's true.

  • Love 4

Thanks for the link FA.

Still, I won't read it. That tv fanatic guy, Douglas Wolfe, happens to be an AJ Cook fan that do not appreciate when people comment negatively on JJ in his reviews and actually takes time to reply to them. His interview will surely be biased to glorify that less than average actress.

  • Love 2

Lots of "toeing the party line" there, but I did find one quote interesting:

I say good for her, because she's not a super-hero. The fact that she's even suppressed it for this long and pretended like she was a super-hero and that she wasn't affected for this long is ridiculous to me. It's nice to see that she's human and that she struggles and is having a hard time dealing with things, like anyone else would. It's kind of refreshing.

She's pretty blunt there...Cook could have easily just have stated that JJ suppressed it for so long and now it pops back out, but she just had to add that she thought JJ suppressing things was "ridiculous", which seems to be a pretty serious jab at the writers. I know Erica Messer admitted the mistake, but it's refreshing to see that the actress won't mince her words calling her out on it- it seems not even Cook is happy with what they did with the character.

So maybe there is some hope after all.

Edited by Danielg342
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First Matthew said "oh, hell no" to a return of Reid's addiction issues, and now AJ is expressing relief that JJ is FINALLY going to show some emotional aftereffects from being tortured because it was "ridiculous" that she hadn't, because she's not a super hero. It is fascinating, and does hint at some dissatisfaction toward the characterization pushed from Erica and the other writers. It's sort of subtle, but it is there. 

  • Love 3

Matthew refuses to rehash the drug addiction storyline.  Consequentially, he gets nothing to do this season.  He's barely even there.  Fans who haven't seen the earlier seasons cannot fathom why this dude is even on the team. 


JJ is getting the bulk of the episode time even if she's not center stage officially.  She is in literally every scene.  She participates in almost every major plot point of every episode (search, interrogation, take-down, yadda yadda).   AJ complains that JJ needs to show some "human emotion" over being kidnapped and tortured a year ago (in the worst episode of the series).  Messer immediately gives her yet another JJ-centric episode.  The show is practically unwatchable because it's become so ridiculously focused on JJ.  So what do we get?  More JJ!  


Considering the fact that AJ is the one who pushed for JJ to be such a bad-ass superhero tough broad (as opposed to kind and compassionate JJ), she's got no room to complain that her character isn't realistic any more.  Messer's terrible writing plus AJ's piss-poor acting are what have made JJ so one-dimensional and unbelievable.  Considering AJ has reaped the most benefits from Messer being in charge, she should shut up and thank her lucky stars each and every day.  I don't want to hear even the smallest complaint out of her.

Edited by thewhiteowl
removed misogynistic slur
  • Love 9

Matthew refuses to rehash the drug addiction storyline.  Consequentially, he gets nothing to do this season.  He's barely even there.  Fans who haven't seen the earlier seasons cannot fathom why this dude is even on the team. 


JJ is getting the bulk of the episode time even if she's not center stage officially.  She is in literally every scene.  She participates in almost every major plot point of every episode (search, interrogation, take-down, yadda yadda).   AJ complains that JJ needs to show some "human emotion" over being kidnapped and tortured a year ago (in the worst episode of the series).  Messer immediately gives her yet another JJ-centric episode.  The show is practically unwatchable because it's become so ridiculously focused on JJ.  So what do we get?  More JJ!  


Considering the fact that AJ is the one who pushed for JJ to be such a bad-ass superhero tough broad (as opposed to kind and compassionate JJ), she's got no room to complain that her character isn't realistic any more.  Messer's terrible writing plus AJ's piss-poor acting are what have made JJ so one-dimensional and unbelievable.  Considering AJ has reaped the most benefits from Messer being in charge, she should shut up and thank her lucky stars each and every day.  I don't want to hear even the smallest complaint out of her

You've made some very good points there. Indeed I wish AJ Cook would also recognize that so many of us now see her as this obnoxious Mary Sue constantly being shoved down our throat at the expense of many of the other characters.

Edited by thewhiteowl
edited quote
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