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S01.E07: The Immigration Lawyer

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How is Jessica going to help Nick? At least Jessica was smarter in this episode and got to the truth about Tony Deal's murder. I liked seeing former union boss again. I did feel sorry for Nick when he was talking to Jessica. He seems devastated by what he did.

McGann is annoying as hell. I haven't wanted a character to get what he has coming as much as him in a while. I was glad that the Asian guy dumped him. I can't wait for the FBI to lock him up.

I really felt for Yoli. The lawyer stealing her money was terrible. I didn't that coming at all. I like Derrick supporting her. He was right that she should ask Jessica for help and before it is too late to save her mother.

Keri, gawd, get some freaking pride. I hope she takes Jessica advice before her career blows up in her face. She needs to just end it with Bobby before she is dragged publicly.

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Yoli, by now you should realize that the honest world doesn't run on cash payments.  Get a receipt and a contract for petes sake.  

I think Jessica is digging herself into a deep hole in the corner, promising everyone she meets that she can help them, or get it done, or whatever.  She's still the new kid on the block, and there's nothing to stop the Mayor from dumping her off on to some busy work project.

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On 8/29/2019 at 9:17 PM, MrsRafaelBarba said:

I enjoyed watching McGann get dem hands from Nick.

Especially since he started it.  I don't know how he thought that would go.  

On 8/29/2019 at 9:43 PM, Dowel Jones said:

I think Jessica is digging herself into a deep hole in the corner, promising everyone she meets that she can help them, or get it done, or whatever.  She's still the new kid on the block, and there's nothing to stop the Mayor from dumping her off on to some busy work project.

I'm still not sure how the deal with that union guy wasn't fraud. Or at the very least, questionable ethics.  But hey, I'm not a lawyer. And I liked the Mia character, hope we see her again. 

That said, I do see what she's trying to do with getting the mayor out of McGann's grip.  The problem is that the mayor is too prideful or cowardly to let her be the "dirty" person he says she is. Same with Nick.  Still wanted to give Nick a hug, though.  He's a murderer, and he can't deal.  

Poor Derrick. He seems like a smart, capable man.  If I were him, I'd leverage the experience in the mayor's office into something else more lucrative and with less of an asshole of a boss.  I don't think we've seen Bobby respect anything he's had to say to date.  

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Countdown to when Derrick and Yoli hit the sheets.

So is this Tommy Diehl guy supposed to be = Jimmy Hoffa? I always thought the East Coast mob did that one, not some random cop in Chicago. Whatever, the least of Nick's worries should be going to jail. The mafia has both a long memory and a long reach.

I love Jessica but I'm getting tired of hearing people tell her what a reputation as a badass fixer she has. Geez, tell her something she doesn't already know. And why try to insult someone with what for them is actually a complement? But I guess perhaps that's supposed to serve as exposition for the viewers who didn't already watch her on Suits.

Holy crap, Jessica can just hand someone a check for $800K? I knew she was rich but not that rich.

Can't a lawyer get disbarred for ghosting on a client like that guy did to Yoli? Or can he say she hadn't paid him his fee so he was within his rights? Seems like a bad move to make on a municipal employee, especially in Chicago.

I'm thinking McGann is going to be the object of a hit. In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't already been taken down. Maybe the fear of whatever dead man's switch he's got set up is what's been protecting him?

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47 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Can't a lawyer get disbarred for ghosting on a client like that guy did to Yoli?

The problem is that she has no proof of what he did.  She handed him $1500 in cash, no receipt, no contract, and he said he would handle it.  All he has to do is deny the meeting ever took place.  She blew it.  Her only choice is to go to the "fixer".  Which, of course, Jessica will do with her own bag of tricks.

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On 9/2/2019 at 12:15 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Holy crap, Jessica can just hand someone a check for $800K? I knew she was rich but not that rich.

Can't a lawyer get disbarred for ghosting on a client like that guy did to Yoli? Or can he say she hadn't paid him his fee so he was within his rights? Seems like a bad move to make on a municipal employee, especially in Chicago.

I figure Jessica must be worth well in the range of $20-30 million, conservatively. She was managing partner at Pearson etc. for, let's say 6 years. I'd guesstimate that she would have been pulling down like $3 mill a year during that time. Add to that like 4 years as a senior partner at $2 mil. Add to that let's say another 10 years as a partner at $1 mill a year, and another 5 or so years as an big law associate for another mil or two. Plus she had an ex-husband who I think was a genius entrepreneur or something.

In the real world, lawyers betraying their clients absolutely leads to disbarment and it's about the only thing where a more lenient punishment is not likely to be considered. In the Suitsverse, relatively minor offenses can lead to disbarment and the big ones can not, when the plot calls for it. 

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I figure Jessica must be worth well in the range of $20-30 million, conservatively.

Whaaaa? If Jessica's got it like that why is she even working? Why put up with all the crap that is Chicago politics if you don't have to or don't have higher goals like political office? I wish the show would give us a definitive clue of how wealthy she truly is because now my belief in the premise of this show is shaky.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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19 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Holy crap, Jessica can just hand someone a check for $800K? I knew she was rich but not that rich.

What Mr. Ctlady and I were absolutely astounded over was not that Jessica just handed her a check to buy out Frank's 51% of the business without so much as having her sign any sort of document that she received said money and what to use it for.   THIS from a former managing partner of a law firm!!

And how did Jessica know how much the buyout would be?  How much research did she do to determine the worth of the 51% ownership?  All this without even discussing it with said business owner.  That would NEVER go over in real world business negotiations/acquisitions. 

I feel for Yoli, but I'm super-tired of her busy-body, hyper-sensitive, spastic attitude and demeanor. If she's supposed to come across as a strong-minded woman not afraid to speak her mind, then the actress is failing.  She comes across as whiny and complaining, not to mention a complete idiot for handing over her mother's bond in cash If Derrick begins for pine for her I'll be seriously disappointed in him. 

Okay, enough Angela - we get it.  You don't want anyone to think you're above anyone else because you're living with your rich cousin while the rest of her neighbors are living in tents.  I get you feel bad and maybe a bit guilty, but just....stop.  Your children have a safe ride to school and don't have to sleep on the street so  just be thankful

I'm glad Bobby is finding his spine against McGann. 

Keri's character needs to be written off.  I can't see BJL as anything but Hayley James from OTH and it's ruining my viewing.  Oh, and there's her sleeping with a man married to a woman with a life-threatening illness crap.  Yeah, it takes 2 to tango, but someone has to be the bigger wo(man) and break it off.  Their clandestine office romance is boringly cliche

Nick is right - someone needs to tip McGann off the roof of one of his buildings - STAT .  No one would miss him.

Can Jeff NOT come back?

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On 9/3/2019 at 4:45 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Whaaaa? If Jessica's got it like that why is she even working? Why put up with all the crap that is Chicago politics if you don't have to or don't have higher goals like political office? I wish the show would give us a definitive clue of how wealthy she truly is because now my belief in the premise of this show is shaky.

I'm guessing that she's still working for the same reasons super-rich people in the real world continue to work:  ego, Type-A personality, love of challenges, love of power, interest in making a difference.

The show hasn't put an actual dollar figure on Jessica's wealth, but it's shown she can write a $800k check without batting a fabulous eyelash and she can straight up offer to purchase a home in Evanston (a pretty expensive Chicago suburb) suitable for four. 

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On 9/4/2019 at 12:36 PM, ctlady said:

What Mr. Ctlady and I were absolutely astounded over was not that Jessica just handed her a check to buy out Frank's 51% of the business without so much as having her sign any sort of document that she received said money and what to use it for.   THIS from a former managing partner of a law firm!!

I kind of assumed she didn't want it traced back to her, but that doesn't make sense, either.  That whole scenario was quite sketchy. 

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11 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

The show hasn't put an actual dollar figure on Jessica's wealth, but it's shown she can write a $800k check without batting a fabulous eyelash and she can straight up offer to purchase a home in Evanston (a pretty expensive Chicago suburb) suitable for four. 

Sort of like some other Pearsons I could name.

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