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Supernatural & Vampire Diaries Mash Up Mafia

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Also...still angry at Big Brother, so death to ALL.


I'm hoping this isn't still the case, ...


So, day is over and there's another (gulp) David Lynch on the table...


I'm standing there, singing La Marseillaise at the top of my lungs, guys. (so yeah, I was a history major with a soft spot for old movies. I think many of you have figured that out by now...)

Don't worry Mark, no spoilers on my end. Although I am still angry, but I think the lot of you are safe for the night. I'll get the story up sometime today, whenever inspiration hits.

Thanks for no BB spoilers, but you do realize that we (or, rather, the living) are waiting on the Day story (result of the @egavasc David Lynch), right?  #ModLosesIt #TooMuchBloodOnHerHands #OutOutDamnSpot  #HashtagHell

  • Love 2

What exactly is there to discuss?  If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck ... well you know, right?  ::giggle::


6 egavasc (stacey, TMunz, Dougal, JayKay, SVNBob, BizBuzz) 0 to throw her in the water to see if she floats.

Wait, was this a subtle Monty Python reference, and I missed it?? Awesome!


Don't worry Mark, no spoilers on my end. Although I am still angry, but I think the lot of you are safe for the night. I'll get the story up sometime today, whenever inspiration hits.

*attempts to motivate * YOU are the special.

Is it daytime or nighttime? All I see out there is a blood red sky.

OH NO!  We're trapped in a Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover!


It's night, but the Night (or as I like to call it, Nightfall) story hasn't been posted yet, so those with Night actions can't really do anything.  So, the rest of us (except for the mod) can all drink.

  • Love 3

Night 3: Death Takes a Holiday


Things were silent that afternoon as everyone sat in silence around the house. Elena was locked up in her room, not even letting Damon come to comfort her; Bonnie was sitting in the bedroom, staring out the window in silence as Ellen sat in the other bedroom, curled up on her bed. The rest of them were gathered in the living room, only making small talk to break the uncomfortable silence that kept appearing. "This sucks," Kevin murmured, bringing his knees up to his chest. "Four of us are dead, three of which happened this morning. We need to do something about it." John nodded in silence, his hand tracing the gun he had on his lap. Bobby just pursed his own lips, leaning forward slightly. "Well, what do you think we should do? Because I got nothing. Not a damned idea," he said. Cas stood by the door, seemingly in thought before he turned to the group. "There might be something. There is a spell that could detect evil in a room," he suggested. All eyes turned to the questionable angel. "Seriously?" Bobby muttered, almost unsurprised by the revelation. Of course there was. "A witch must perform the spell, but yes," he confirmed.


"So, we just have to convince the witch upstairs to do it and we might get our man?" John asked. At Cas' nod, he muttered a few things under his breath. "Cool. Let's convince the grieving girlfriend. It should be simple enough. She'll want to help catch Jeremy's killer," Bobby said as he got up but a voice interrupted. "Give the girl a bit more time, Bobby." Ellen appeared, teary eyed but standing, looking at the group. "Whoever these guys are, they'll still be here when we cast the spell. They're clearly out to get us anyway." "But we can't waste ti-" John started before Ellen stepped forward, continuing to speak. "She is upset and needs just a little more time, alright? This isn't easy for any of us, and I would expect you, of all people, to understand that." John clenched his jaw but said nothing. Ellen nodded as she turned and walked toward the kitchen. "I'm going to make some tea. Once we sit and have some tea, we'll go talk to that poor girl upstairs."




Approaching Bonnie and asking for her help was easier than Bobby thought it would be. Although the girl was still devastated, she agreed quite quickly to performing the spell. He stood downstairs with Ellen, Bobby, Kevin, Cas and Bonnie. Damon was upstairs, still trying to coax Elena out of her room so the basement wasn't as crowded. Bonnie stood in the centre of the circle, candles all around her with the page with the spell on the ground. She was on her knees, listening to Cas explain the details of the spell. Bobby glanced at the young witch, who was reading over the spell. "You guys should wait outside. I...need some space to concentrate," Bonnie admitted, turning to the group. Bobby followed the others outside as the door closed behind Cas. "Do you think this will work?" Kevin asked. Bobby glanced at the young prophet before shrugging his shoulders. "It better," he murmured as they stood in silence, waiting for the inevitability of the situation at hand. If this spell worked, evil would be drawn to the basement. Either it was the evil that was killing them or it wasn't; either way, they'd be dead.


A few minutes later, after listening to low chanting, Bonnie finally opened the door. "It's done," she told them before leaving the room, walking back up the stairs, walking past Damon and Elena. Elena frowned, glancing at Bonnie. "What's going on?" she asked. Ellen just smiled a bit as Damon peered into the room. "The witch was performing a spell," he noted. Elena frowned as she walked into the room. "What kind of spell?" She glanced around the room, seeing the candles all around. "To trap evil. Now we just need to figure out a way to lure them into the basement. Bonnie, is there a spell that can maybe draw evil here?" John asked. Elena turned toward the door. "And we're just going to put more people in danger because of it? No, I don't approve. So many things could go wrong! I am not losing another person," she said. Damon went to place a hand on her shoulder, but she backed away. "No, Damon, I'm not going to stay here, waiting for something to go wrong, as it always does!" Except that when Elena tried to leave, she found that she couldn't.


She grimaced as she threw her hands at the invisible barrier as the group looked confused before it dawned on Damon. "Katherine. Damnit, you're back," he muttered. Elena's entire demeanour changed and she just smirked as she shifted on her feet. "Took you long enough, Damon. You're really not the smartest guy out there," she said. Bobby frowned, unsure of who Katherine was but they really didn't need answers because Damon had his hand on her neck. "What happened to Elena?" he demanded. Katherine just let out a laugh as her gaze bore deep into his skull. "She's not here anymore. It's not hard taking over her body anymore. In fact, it's quite fun," she said. Damon tossed Katherine to the side, his anger growing inside of him. “You’re dead,” he growled but Katherine suddenly had him pinned up against the wall, her fangs protruding. “You think you can without consequences?” she asked. Suddenly, she felt a sharp piercing in her back and she fell forward into Damon, who caught her. Ellen stood behind her, a stake in her hand as she pulled it out. “No, but you are going to die,” Ellen said lowly. Katherine gasped as she looked up at Damon, who took the stake and held it over her body. Katherine just smirked weakly. "Do it and see what happens," she whispered. Without another word, Damon plunged the stake into her chest. "Bitch, this is for lying about being in the tomb," he muttered.



The Deceased:
MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.
The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.
TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive.
Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love?
Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not.

Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well.

The Living:


Well, there you go. There's probably one clue in the story somewhere. I really wanted the story to be perfect, so there you go. Sorry it's up late. I'll give some time to get your night actions in. 

  • Love 2

LOLOL, I just reread what I wrote @MarkHB. I know, I know! I was actually busy all day, and I have company over at the moment, so the story's a bit more delayed. I'll whip one up sometime later tonight, or tomorrow morning. Sorry guys! My mom just came back from Florida and I've had to do some things with her the past couple of days.

Day 4: TNT


Lucifer sat in a chair, staring at a beige, empty wall as demons conversed around him. He was incredibly annoyed that Sam's friends had bolted to Mystic Falls, and he was annoyed someone was doing the killing that he should have been. Mystic Falls was such a boring place to begin with; he really disliked the energy around him. All the demons seemed to be happy, but Lucifer wasn't. The one person he wanted alive was dead, thanks to some dumb cocky Original hybrid who thought he was the most powerful person in the world, and his plan to follow the angel and kill him and his friends was thwarted. He felt very frustrated, like he wasn't doing enough to destroy the lives of Cas and whoever was with him. He needed more death, more destruction. And so that was what he was going to do.


"Cirus," he called out for one of his demon minions, who came almost immediately. "Yes, sir?" he asked, bowing down in front of him. Lucifer stood up, walking to the window as he glanced out. A small smile appeared on his face. "Fetch Dean Winchester. We have some work to do."




Damon grunted as he put the last shovel of dirt on top of his ex girlfriend's body. He was thinking of just burning her, but he knew he couldn't do it. At least she would be buried in the backyard, beside his brother. Ellen stood by him, a shovel in her own hand as the others crowded around. "Sorry you had to do this," Bobby murmured quietly to him. Damon just nodded as he threw the shovel down and walking inside silently. The others kind of glanced at his retreating back. Ellen glanced down at the two mounds of dirt sadly. "It sucks that he had to bury the two closest people that he had in this world," she murmured. Kevin nodded along, although he hadn't really had the same experiences as this. He didn't even know if his mom was still alive after all this time. Bobby was thinking differently, though. He had people die in his life, but he had hunter funerals for many of them, which means they just torched the bodies, so nothing quite as powerful as this. Cas stood off to the side, not being able to completely understand, although Sam's death and Dean's descent into the dark side was certainly something that was reminding him of all the crap he had to deal with in the past few years. He was an angel, he experienced loss, but nothing as powerful as this. He usually would have a quip but he was staying silent around everyone. Honestly, his time as a human made him appreciate the somber moments more.


John sighed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and trudged inside slowly, Kevin following suit. The others took a moment outside before entering in the house.


Seconds later, a loud explosion was heard as the Salvatore house came crashing down.


The Deceased:
MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO.
You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good.
The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains.
TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive.
Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love?
Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not.
Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well.

Stacey: Kevin Tran- Hero and Reader. You can send one name of a player to find out who they are.


The Living:


Ok, so that was actually supposed to go differently but then my laptop decides to freeze just as I'm about to copy and paste the deceased/living part. Also, really sorry for the super late update. I've been a bit busy, and I've had no ideas of what to write for this until yesterday. There are two clues in this story.

Edited by jessied112
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