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Blackadder Mafia

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11 minutes ago, CuriousParker said:

3 to DL Dougal (SilverStormm, HM, CP) 2 to suffer the Queen's justice

1 to DL Lisin (Drogo) 4 to do the thing with things

1 to DL SilverStormm (Dougal) 4 to stand up to bullies


So with your vote OB it now stands at:

4 to DL Dougal (SilverStormm, HM, CP, Oinky) 1 to suffer the Queen's justice

1 to DL Lisin (Drogo) 4 to do the thing with things

1 to DL SilverStormm (Dougal) 4 to stand up to bullies

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Curse you, Ludwig, you oddly handsome fellow!

I'm pretty sure the DL of @Dougal is gonna fail. When I was a villain in the Futurama round, we protected the two-kill, then drew attention to him. The kill failed the first time because of the protection, then his power saved him the second, then he was protected the third time. Looks like the same thing happened this time 'round. I really wish I'd gotten here in time to try to switch the vote over to @Drogo....

Investigate me if you will but it really is a waste. I pretty clearly told everyone I was Percy right from the beginning.

I know I have been quieter for a few reasons:

Yappy gets me dead

This site no longer works on my phone. I get 'tab has crashed' over and over.

4 days of golf out of the last five

Pokémon Go. I am at trainer level 21

I have.,when I am able to get on been reading and rereading the stories and trying to piece it together with other small information I have.

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Night 5

Pitt the Even Younger was back at the Pitt family mansion, mourning the loss of this brother.  They had been so close!  Almost like they were the same person living 2 lives.   He sighed and resolved that he would do everything in his power to honor his brother’s last wishes. 

Defeating Napoleon Bonaparte was easy—he’d get that shouty man on the case—the Duke of...Wellington, was it?  He was always pretty crap at current events at school.   Speaking of which, he would make sure to really give that geography nobbo, Switchanks, a right kicking in the backside.  Maybe he’d throw in a good bollocking his hated maths teacher while he was at it.   She’d regret the day she rapped his knuckles and called him a “thicky”!

But most importantly, he would made sure that fat head Prince George was rousted from his home and paraded through the streets while being pelted with rocks and garbage!  If Pitt the Slightly Older (as PtEY preferred to think of him) had not been so upset by his run in with George, he never would have met with that horrible sweets-based demise.  In fact, Pitt would go back over there right now and tell that George that he wasn’t afraid!  No matter how cunning George may be, Pitt was even cunning-er! 


As Pitt was walking out his front door full of righteous indignation, by (extremely) unlikely coincidence, the Duke of Wellington was passing by.  In an eerie instance of déjà vu, he shoved young Pitt out of his way as he bustled down the side of the road.  An assassin’s arrow thumped into the wall right where Pitt had been standing.  “Whew!” thought Pitt.  “That was a close one. Good thing that rude man was around to save me!”

Meanwhile, over in Elizabethan times

Nursie and Melchett had discovered Queenie’s body, which Prince Ludwig had carelessly hidden behind the throne.  (He was a Master of Disguise, but not a Master of Body Disposal.)  They were furious at the death of their beloved monarch and vowed revenge against the perpetrator.   

They quickly concluded that the responsible party must be the dreaded Baby Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells, who had been spending a lot of time at court recently being *extremely* impertinent to everyone. The absolute last straw had been when he stole one of Queenie’s fanciest party frocks and pranced around saying, “Look at me! I’m a pretty, pretty princess!”

Melchett and Nursie knew just where to find the Bishop.  Everyone knew he had a standing weekly appointment at Mistress Patara Stone’s House of Naughty Punishment.  They waited in hiding while he dressed in his favorite sexy French maid outfit (minus the knickers of course).  After the Mistress finished securing him to the Spanking Table, Nursie and Melchett ran in and stabbed him repeatedly. 


“This is for Queenie, you pervert!” screamed Melchett as the Bishop breathed his last breath.

There is 1 clue in the above story.  

Night has begun.  The dead may speak.   You have 48 hours to get your Night actions in.  

Still alive in Elizabethan times and eras beyond:

  • CuriousParker
  • SilverStormm
  • HM
  • Lisin
  • TCS
  • Oinky Boinky
  • Dougal
  • Jesse

Another new freckle on the nose of the giant pixie

Drogo  You are Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells, a Villain Role Blocker.  As chief debt collector for the Bank fo the Black Monks of St Herod, you have a real passion for your work.  Nothing gives you greater pleasure than the pain and torture involved in the “revenge” portion of the Bank’s motto “Repayment or Revenge”.  Except possibly satisfying your montrous appetite for sexual perversity—animal,    vegetable or mineral -- you'll do anything to anything.  You have never forgiven Blackadder for that unfortunate blackmail incident involving the feathers, the oil, the sleeping draught and the fastest portrait painter in England.  Your fierce reputation for inflicting pain on the bottoms of saints and sinners alike allows you to render your enemies powerless with fear.  Once each Day and Night cycle, you may block the power of another player.  You may not block the same player two cycles in a row.

egavasc  You are Queenie, a Hero Protector.  You are Queen Elizabeth I, and you are an insane, capricious, badass bitch.   You have the heart of a petulent schoolgirl and a fondness for threatening to execute anyone who you feel is being insufficiently appreciative of your grace and charm.  You have some naughty feelings for Lord Blackadder that have remained unconsummated.   As a Protector, you hold the power of life and death in your hands. Each Night, you may protect one player from being killed.  You may not protect the same person for 2 Nights in a row.

SVNBob You are Lord Flashheart, a Hero Jack of All Trades.   You are Flash by name, flash by nature! (“Hooray!”)  You are well known as the best sword, the best shot, the best sailor and the best kisser in the Kingdom.   Though nominally friends with your old pal “Eddie” Blackadder, you are not above stealing his bride at the altar. As a Jack of All Trades, you have the Nightime powers of Seer, Protector and Vigilante.  Each power may be used only ONCE and may not be used on the same Night. 

Caprice You are Baldrick, a Hero Weak Seer.  You are a devoted dogsbody/companion to Edmund Blackadder in all his incarnations.  Unfortunately, you also have deplorable hygiene, an inability to grasp the simplest of concepts and an bizarre fondness for turnips  You frequently proclaim to have a “cunning plan” to get your pal Blackadder out of a jam, proving that you don’t understand the meaning of the word “cunning”.  Or “plan” for that matter.  As a Weak Seer, you may investigate one player per Night.  However, because your cunning plans rarely ever benefit anyone involved, you will only return a result 1/3 of the time (based on a random role of the dice).

Edited by MuuMuuChainsmoker
Forgot to include picture of Pitt the Even Younger
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Day 5

The disembodied ghost of the Bishop of Bath and Wells was grumpy.  How could he get his freak on without a proper body?  It was quite inconvenient.  He decided to fly over to Blackadder’s house to see if he was up to any sexy shenanigans.  

As luck would have it, Blackadder was busy enjoying the amorous attentions of Bob, the manservant he hired to replace Baldrick.   He and Bob had fallen for each other, despite the strong hetero-normative traditions of the era.   Much to Edmund’s surprise, when he and Bob started to explore the contents of each other’s tights, “Bob” turned out to be “Kate,” a poor girl who had disguised herself as a boy to get a job as a manservant.  (Her father become a prostitute as it “was a steady job and you’d be working from home” but Kate had bigger plans.)

Just things were really starting to get interesting between Bob and Kate, Queenie turned up at Blackadder’s house (which he had recently repurchased after the demise of the Bishop threw the whole Black Monk accounting department into disarray).  “Hot damn, a threesome!” thought the Ghost of the BEBoB&W when he saw Queenie show up.  “Now this was worthy dying for.  Hot man on girl-pretending-to-be-a-boy on mad-despotic-royal action.  I never thought those letters to the editor of ‘Sleazy Times’ were real until now!”

“Errrr…your majesty.  Not really the best time for a visit,” stammered Edmund as he pushed Bob/Kate behind a door and quickly tucked in his tunic.

“Edmund, I had to see you!  My burning loins can wait no longer!  Take me, now!” replied Queenie as she pushed her way into the house and flung herself at Blackadder.  As she embraced him passionately, she slid a dagger between his ribs. 

“Unnngh,” said Blackadder.  “Why would you do that, M’Lady?”

Prince Ludwig tore off his Queenie disguise, “We meet again, Herr Blackadder.”

“I don't believe I had the pleasure,” said Edmund as he clutched the knife in his side.

“Oh, on the contrary. We have met many times, although you knew me by  another name. Do you recall a mysterious black marketeer and smuggler called Otto with whom you used to dine and plot and play the biscuit game at the Old Pizzle in Dover?”

“No!?” gasped Edmund with shock.

“Yes.  I was Big Sally, the alluring waitress who used to serve you pie!” said Ludwig

“But we went to bed together, didn’t we?” said Edmund.  “I must have been drunk beyond comprehension!”

“Indeed you were, ‘Mr Floppy’.  And now, I will have my rewen-ge for that nasty social disease!”  said Ludwig as he prepared to go out into the city to finish his evil plans.

“Ah hell.  Fortune vomits on my bedclothes yet again,”  said Edmund as he took one last gasp and died.

There are no clues in the above story.  

Day has begun.  The dead must now rest.   You have 48 hours of Day.    

Still alive in Elizabethan times and eras beyond:

  • SilverStormm
  • HM
  • Lisin
  • TCS
  • Oinky Boinky
  • Dougal
  • Jesse

Another new freckle on the nose of the giant pixie

You are Edmund Blackadder, a Hero Seer.  Throughout history you have been a Prince, a Lord, a butler and a WWI army captain.  You are generally the only person you know with more than 2 brain cells to rub together, yet you are frequently at the mercies of fate and/or the British monarchy.   As a result, you lash out with sarcasm.  Delicious, delicious sarcasm.  As a Seer, you can investigate the role and alignment of one player per Night. 

Drogo  You are Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells, a Villain Role Blocker.  As chief debt collector for the Bank fo the Black Monks of St Herod, you have a real passion for your work.  Nothing gives you greater pleasure than the pain and torture involved in the “revenge” portion of the Bank’s motto “Repayment or Revenge”.  Except possibly satisfying your montrous appetite for sexual perversity—animal,    vegetable or mineral -- you'll do anything to anything.  You have never forgiven Blackadder for that unfortunate blackmail incident involving the feathers, the oil, the sleeping draught and the fastest portrait painter in England.  Your fierce reputation for inflicting pain on the bottoms of saints and sinners alike allows you to render your enemies powerless with fear.  Once each Day and Night cycle, you may block the power of another player.  You may not block the same player two cycles in a row.

egavasc  You are Queenie, a Hero Protector.  You are Queen Elizabeth I, and you are an insane, capricious, badass bitch.   You have the heart of a petulent schoolgirl and a fondness for threatening to execute anyone who you feel is being insufficiently appreciative of your grace and charm.  You have some naughty feelings for Lord Blackadder that have remained unconsummated.   As a Protector, you hold the power of life and death in your hands. Each Night, you may protect one player from being killed.  You may not protect the same person for 2 Nights in a row.

SVNBob You are Lord Flashheart, a Hero Jack of All Trades.   You are Flash by name, flash by nature! (“Hooray!”)  You are well known as the best sword, the best shot, the best sailor and the best kisser in the Kingdom.   Though nominally friends with your old pal “Eddie” Blackadder, you are not above stealing his bride at the altar. As a Jack of All Trades, you have the Nightime powers of Seer, Protector and Vigilante.  Each power may be used only ONCE and may not be used on the same Night. 

Caprice You are Baldrick, a Hero Weak Seer.  You are a devoted dogsbody/companion to Edmund Blackadder in all his incarnations.  Unfortunately, you also have deplorable hygiene, an inability to grasp the simplest of concepts and an bizarre fondness for turnips  You frequently proclaim to have a “cunning plan” to get your pal Blackadder out of a jam, proving that you don’t understand the meaning of the word “cunning”.  Or “plan” for that matter.  As a Weak Seer, you may investigate one player per Night.  However, because your cunning plans rarely ever benefit anyone involved, you will only return a result 1/3 of the time (based on a random role of the dice).

  • Love 1

Noooooooo!! My beloved Edmund <sobs> I shall avenge you my dearest love!

But wait, I have news...having suggested that CP investigate Oinky last Night...I used my one and only Watcher ability (as per the story) to keep an eye on who visited her, and the information I received was she had only one visitor: Oinky. Now she's dead...do the math people...

We need to kill both Dougal AND Oinky but I want to avenge my beloved Edmund first so:

1 to DL Oinky (Silverstormm) 3 to send Prince Earwig to the gallows!

umm wow.... Sorry there is a lot to digest in the last 2 stories...

... Well CP cleared you, @Silverstormm so I know you are good, but I would be inclined to DL Dougal the one I know is a villain.  However I really don't want to split votes and get nothing accomplished. I am not positive about this

2 to DL Oinky (Silverstormm, HM) 2 to send Prince Earwig to the gallows!

Season finale

Lord Percy Percy was anxious.  He hadn't seen his friend Edmund for a while and was worried that the Baby Eating Bishop may have caught up to him.  After checking Edmund's home and some of his regular haunts like the Naughty Hellfire Club and Mrs Miggins Pie Shop, Percy headed over to the royal residence.  When he got there, Nursie and Melchett were in full mourning.  

"Errrr, have you by any chance seen Edmund lately?" stammered Percy.

"Were your parents siblings, you silly git?!" shrieked Melchett.  "Why are you talking about Blackadder when your Queen is dead?!"  Nursie let out a loud sob and fell to the floor crying. 

"What? How?" said Percy with his usual eloquence.

"You know damn well how!" announced Edmund Blackadder, as he suddenly walked in the room.  "You killed her, you fiend!"

 Nursie and Melchett howled with fury, shouting "Traitor! Murderer!" at the baffled Percy.   They beat and kicked at him mercilessly.  As Percy lay dying on the floor, Edmund revealed himself as Prince Ludwig.  He and Melchett have a very funny exchange in which Ludwig reveals that he once disguised himself as Flossie the sheep, a romantic paramour of Melchett's.  I encourage you to view it here starting at 10:40. 

Anyway, after the big reveal, Ludwig kills both Melchett and Nursie, disguises himself as Queen Elizabeth and rules Britain for the next 50 years. 

Meanwhile, over in the other timeline, the Duke of Wellington kills Prince George in a duel.  Pitt the Even Younger passes his Latin exams and his family is very proud of him. 

The villains have won.  The end.   The full recap of the game will be up shortly.

The Heroes

Curious Parker You are Edmund Blackadder, a Hero Seer.  Throughout history you have been a Prince, a Lord, a butler and a WWI army captain.  You are generally the only person you know with more than 2 brain cells to rub together, yet you are frequently at the mercies of fate and/or the British monarchy.   As a result, you lash out with sarcasm.  Delicious, delicious sarcasm. As a Seer, you can investigate the role and alignment of one player per Night. 

SVNBob You are Lord Flashheart, a Hero Jack of All Trades.  You are Flash by name, flash by nature! (“Hooray!”)  You are well known as the best sword, the best shot, the best sailor and the best kisser in the Kingdom.   Though nominally friends with your old pal “Eddie” Blackadder, you are not above stealing his bride at the altar.  As a Jack of All Trades, you have the Nightime powers of Seer, Protector and Vigilante.  Each power may be used only ONCE and may not be used on the same Night. 

The Crazed Spruce You are Prince George IV, a Hero Two Shot Kill  You are the Prince Regent of Great Britain. You are “thick as a whale omelette” and rely entirely on your butler, Mr E Blackadder to manage your life and (even more unwisely) your financial affairs.  You consider yourself to be “ a gay bachelor-- a roarer, a rogerer, a gorger and a puker!“  You are fond of hanging out at the Naughty Hellfire Club and playing this new game called “cards” which involves giving away all your money as quickly as possible. As a Two Shot Kill, any attempt to kill you will initially bounce of the cigarette case you actually didn’t forget to put in your breast pocket that very morning.

egavasc You are Queenie, a Hero Protector.  You are Queen Elizabeth I, and you are an insane, capricious, badass bitch.   You have the heart of a petulent schoolgirl and a fondness for threatening to execute anyone who you feel is being insufficiently appreciative of your grace and charm.  You have some naughty feelings for Lord Blackadder that have remained unconsummated.     As a Protector, you hold the power of life and death in your hands. Each Night, you may protect one player from being killed.  You may not protect the same person for 2 Nights in a row.

Oinky Boinky You are Lord Percy Percy, a Hero Watcher.  You are a loyal friend of Lord Edmund Blackadder and you do not let your obvious stupidity prevent you from trying to help get him out of jams.  In service of helping your pal, you have unsuccessfully tried to master alchemy, sexually taken one for the team in a scheme to blackmail the Baby Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells and gone on an ill-fated sea voyage to France which resulted in urine drinking.    As a Watcher, you are able to observe one player per Night and determine whether that person performed a Night action.  However, you are too stupid to understand what that action was or who was targeted.

caprice You are Baldrick, a Hero Weak Seer.  You are a devoted dogsbody/companion to Edmund Blackadder in all his incarnations.  Unfortunately, you also have deplorable hygiene, an inability to grasp the simplest of concepts and an bizarre fondness for turnips  You frequently proclaim to have a “cunning plan” to get your pal Blackadder out of a jam, proving that you don’t understand the meaning of the word “cunning”.  Or “plan” for that matter.  As a Weak Seer, you may investigate one player per Night.  However, because your cunning plans rarely ever benefit anyone involved, you will only return a result 1/3 of the time (based on a random role of the dice).

Jesse You are Nursie, a Hero Mason.  You are Queen Elizabeth I’s former childhood nurse.   You have inexplicably remained the Queen’s constant companion despite your frequent embarrassing anecdotes about her time as a naughty little princess.   Despite Blackadder’s view of you as a “sad, insane old woman with an udder fixation” you remain eternally cheerful.   As a Mason and close companion to the Queen, you are constantly in the presence of Lord Melchett, the Queen’s personal advisor (aka Lisin).  The two of you may converse throughout the game (even after one or both of you are dead).  [Mod's note: on the death of Queen Elizabeth, her loyal consorts will be so overcome with grief, they will get a one shot vigilante power which may be used at Twilight or Night.]

Lisin You are Lord Melchett a Hero Mason.  You are Lord Chamberlain to Queen Elizabeth 1.  You are constantly looking for ways to suck up to the Queen and to prevent anyone else from usurping your influence.  You enjoy making life difficult for your frenemy and rival Edmund Blackadder.  As a Mason and close companion to the Queen, you are constantly in the presence of Nursie, the Queen’s former childhood nurse (aka Jesse).  The two of you may converse throughout the game (even after one or both of you are dead). [Mod's note: on the death of Queen Elizabeth, her loyal consorts will be so overcome with grief, they will get a one shot vigilante power which may be used at Twilight or Night.]

The Villains

SilverStormm You are Prince Ludwig the Indestwuctible, a Villain and a Master of Disguise.  You have assumed many identities that have touched the lives (and genitals) of Blackadder and his companions, including Big Sal the Barmaid and Flossie the Sheep.  You endured a difficult childhood as a “Shorty Greasy Spot Spot” a stableboy in the court of Henry the VIII. Ever since then, you have vowed to wreak your rewen-ge on the British monarachy. As a Master of Disguise, any investigation of you will return a report that you are Bob (aka “Kate”), Edmund Blackadder’s cross dressing manservant/finance.

HangedMan You are the Duke of Wellington, a Villain Protector.  You are a loud, violent military man who abuses servants and has a healthy contempt for the English monarchy.  You have vowed to kill the Prince Regent in an duel after the Prince dishonoured the Duke’s two nieces one sexy night at the Naughty Hellfire Club. Your fierce protectiveness of your family name also extends to your villain family.  You may protect one villain for each Day and Night, but may not protect the same person two cycles in a row. 

Drogo  You are the Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath and Wells, a Villain Role Blocker.  As chief debt collector for the Bank fo the Black Monks of St Herod, you have a real passion for your work.  Nothing gives you greater pleasure than the pain and torture involved in the “revenge” portion of the Bank’s motto “Repayment or Revenge”.  Except possibly satisfying your montrous appetite for sexual perversity—animal,    vegetable or mineral -- you'll do anything to anything.  You have never forgiven Blackadder for that unfortunate blackmail incident involving the feathers, the oil, the sleeping draught and the fastest portrait painter in England. Your fierce reputation for inflicting pain on the bottoms of saints and sinners alike allows you to render your enemies powerless with fear.  Once each Day and Night cycle, you may block the power of another player.  You may not block the same player two cycles in a row.

Dougal  You are Pitt the Younger, a 2 shot Villain.   As  are Britain’s youngest Prime Minister, you have big ideas for the future of the Realm.  Your three main policy priorities are: 1) War with France;  2) Tougher sentences for geography teachers; and 3) A right royal kick of the Prince's backside.  No longer will your cheeks burn with the shame of the memory of upperclass schoolboys like the Prince using your buttocks as a toast rack!  As a two shot villain, if you are killed, your brother, Pitt the Even Younger, will rise up to take your place.

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