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Pure: "Based" on a true story of Mennonite families involved in the creation and distribution of Meth from Mexico to Canada.  Season 1 was very good and we are about to roll into Season 2, premiering May 28th.  

Creating a topic for the show hoping others are watching (or will be inspired to watch) and want to discuss.

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Apparently I am the only one who watches this.  Season 2 just dropped its first episode in the US and ZOIE PALMER!!!! People Zoie Palmer!!!! That should be enough to get people to watch season 2.   Plus the show is fairly interest.  

THE Mennonite are kinda like US Version Of the Amish (kinda so don’t get annoyed).  What if the Amish in the US became major drug traffickers?   It is based on a true story so it is kinda fascinating especially the story of Noah’s wife Anna.  

Zoie Palmer played a forensic accountant    who in no way should be investigating a bunch of drug dealing Mennonites but then what fun would that be?

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Well, I'm here too, and I had to watch the premiere twice to figure out what was going on.  The networks' predilection for skipping long periods of time between seasons (taking a gap year, to borrow the phrase) really irritates me.  I have to relearn all the characters, and the 'previously on' segment doesn't even come close to refreshing my memory of events. 

That being said, it looks like the same sort of plot since last year.  Reclusive, isolated Mennonites are forced into laboring for a cocaine cartel.  Noah and Abel are  going to have to come out of hiding to save his family, I guess.  They have no other hopes.

Detective Gates was supremely stupid to go over to that car.  You're investigating a ruthless drug cartel and you walk right up to some guy's car at nighttime, bend over to read the paper, and completely expose yourself to the killer behind you.  Let's hope the two forensic detectives can convince the higher ups that he was murdered instead of dying a natural death.

One of the difficulties of this show is that the majority of viewers, me included, have very little knowledge of the Mennonite culture or religion.  Thus, it is harder to figure out why they are acting as they do.  I spend part of the episode wondering aloud "Why did you do that?"

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Loved Season 1 but after watching S2 premier not sure what I think.  Losing Novak/AJ Buckley's hurts then to have us invest in Det. Gates and kill him off too that's a big ask.  Plus no O'Rielly/Rosie Perez.  Now we have the "new" Novak and Perez or so it seems with the two new Detectives Valerie and Octavio.  But it was too much, we're supposed to be immediately invested in Valerie's life and kid and divorce drama and how the suicide/murder they're following will (eventually) mesh with Anna and Noah's story.  One big win, Christopher Heyerdahl, who I love watching and I do want to see how he's going to fit into all of this.   Also Able is alive; the story of how is a little thin but I really liked him in S1 and was pretty mad when I thought he'd been killed so even if it seems a little convenient I'm happy he's back.

Anyway that seemed like a lot of complaining and really the premier wasn't that bad but it did seem a bit long, a LOT of introductions, a lot of past and current plot explanations being thrown at us.  Maybe it's just that the time jump and the need to set up the coming season made them force too much story into too short a time.  Still going to watch and see where this leads but as @Dowel Jones said right now they seem to be repeating last years plot just with a new bad guy and new police investigating it.  Hopefully they have a few twists that avoid a full rinse and repeat from S1 to S2.  One twist they could do that would make it really interesting (to me at least) is to have Anna fully embrace her new role.  Last season she was with Noah trying to take down the cartel to save her community and family.  Now that same community has ditched her and at the same time taken in and helped Mrs Lapp who really screwed her over and humiliated her.  There's the idea she could go into full on revenge mode and that would be pretty interesting.

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7 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

One big win, Christopher Heyerdahl,

That's right!  The Swede! (But I'm Norwegian...)  If anyone needs to be murdered on this show, he's the go to guy for the deed. 

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Finished the first season on Hulu, missed ep #1 of season 2. Very impressive acting especially the language work. The guy who plays Noah (Ryan Robbins?) is fantastic as is the woman who plays his wife. Had enough guns and violence for my husband while still keeping my interest. I wonder where I can catch the season 2 opener....maybe youtube.

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Noah need the new boss.

The true irony is that Anna makes a better drug lord then she does a maid.   

I feel sorry for Isaak who is being told half truths and having his mind twisted.

I keep forgetting the characters name but Zoie Palmer is a great addition to the show but that is pretty much a given.

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I wonder if the community knows just what is in store for them down the line.  Either they stand up to the cartel and all get killed, or so many of them go to jail for major drug offenses.  There's no way any judge/jury is going to buy into a story about how they were forced into it.  They are going to be destroyed.

What happens when the equipment salesman gets home and his wife says "I didn't call the motel about you"?  Yeah, Anna is no Corleone.

That Colombian soldado needs to get a serious headache.

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Episode 1 didn't grab me and I wondered if they lost their way but the second episode was better and set up some interesting ways paths could cross.  I thought Christopher Heyerdahl/Augustus was just being set up as a possible love interest for Anna but rolling his business into the drug smuggling was a good twist and I want to see where that goes.   I'm suspicious of his "church" though, there was something just a little off about them and how they greeted Anna and Tina.  Something more to them or red herring?  Then there's Noah and Abel and how the furniture company factors in to all of this.  And will Isaac allow himself to be made into a gangster and how far can they push him.  nd And for network TV they pushed the nudity boundaries; I'm sure he had some coverage for him on set but Dylan Everett still had to feel pretty vulnerable and he did a great job.

The only thing I find weird is even though they were going for the obvious joke when people kept thinking that Noah and Able were a "couple" I wonder how Noah has been away for a year traveling all over but is still either ignorant of or slow on the uptake about things like gay partners, James Bond etc.  He obviously kept to his religion but he hasn't been living in a Mennonite cave either, he should have at least a passing knowledge of the basics of the "English" world.

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22 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

What happens when the equipment salesman gets home and his wife says "I didn't call the motel about you"?  Yeah, Anna is no Corleone.

You are assuming he’ll ask if she called him.  Even if he does ask and she does tell him she didn’t call him he is more likely to think that Anna was looking for a passive way to avoid having sex with him.  Which was what she was doing anyway.   

Unless you watch movies I don’t think James Bond would be something Noah would know about.  The joke about Noah and Able being a couple was kinda funny  because they were playing two ex-Mennonites living together telling everyone they cousins.   I am guessing gays left the colony frequently for that reason not used the excuse to stay nearby and keep contact with family.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I thought Anna was a bit more bad ass this episode, she's no criminal genius but she doesn't shy away from getting tough either, the whole "break his neck" thing with "how many  minutes" was good.  She might be hitting a good combination of tough when she has to be but doesn't mean she has to enjoy it so you see the vulnerable moments and hesitations along with the orders to harm.

Justine Epp is totally playing Tina.  I think Tina sees it now or is at least suspicious because it seems like Justina overplayed her hand a bit with the questions this week.  I'm looking forward to how this plays out especially a moment that was in the previews for the season; hasn't aired yet so I'll spoiler tag it but ....


 Anna and Justina are in what looks like a barn and, not going to do the whole quote but Anna seriously threatens Justine with bodily harm and/or death.

Is it wrong that despite her mistakes and the fact that, as @Dowel Jones said Anna is no Corleone and, most important, technically she's a criminal and the "bad guy" I'm somehow rooting for Anna even more than I'm rooting for Noah and Able to take the cartel down?  

I'd say it's getting more interesting than what I thought when watching the first two episodes but I still can't help but feel like this is a rehash of S1 with different cop characters instead of a totally new story.  Right down to the "there must be a mole in the PD" hints.  I think if it were a longer season I'd be more tempted to bail but with 3 episodes to go I do want to see how it plays out.  

Also am I missing Alyson Hannigan or are the credits off because she's listed for every single episode and I would swear she hasn't been in one yet?

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On 6/17/2019 at 4:31 AM, sigmaforce86 said:

Alyson Hannigan

She's identified as 'Esther Dunkel'.  I can't remember the character by name. 

Poor Noah.  His timing is as bad as a third rate drummer.  He walks in on Anna in the warehouse, he walks up to Isaac in a drug deal, and he walks up to Anna again as she's being hit on by Augustus.  That'll drive a man to drink, I tell you.

Speaking of Isaac, that poor kid.  He is in so deep...I hope he has better luck with a Patty Hearst style defense than she actually did.  That is, if he even makes it to a trial.

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This latest episode could have been called “Well, isn’t this awkward”.  

Not quite the happy reunion everyone was hoping for between Noah and Anna.  And Isaak is going full on mobster but still is clear headed enough not to put his father.  

Poor Augustus the fake boyfriend who thinks he is a real boyfriend.  Yeah that got real awkward real fast.

Even Detective Zoie Palmer has a really bad couple of days and probably lost custody of her kid.

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Wow I post twice in a row for two different episodes.  It is sad that this show doesn’t generate a larger audience because it is very good.  It has a strong premise and a strong female cast that got stronger in the second season.   Plus all the fangirling thst should be going on now that Allison Hannigan has joined the cast with Zoie Palmer.  Both  in guest rolls.   Anyway this show us awesome.

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I'm more than a bit confused here.  The bicycle courier, having been beaten up by Noah, just disappears from the scene?  He doesn't go and tell his boss that someone just assaulted him and took the satchel of money?  Very curious. 

Augustus has to be the most dense person in Ontario. He seems to have this child-like mentality of 'What I am doing is right, so keep on with it.'  At least until the last five minutes of the episode, anyway.  Noah isn't far behind with his 'I am nobody. He will say whatever I want him to say' idea of getting Mackay on the wire.

Why the questions about the building that Julius owned?  I would think it obvious that it was purchased with, and maintained with, drug money.  What am I missing here?

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I've been a week behind on this show, last night I watched the 6/18 episode "Proposal" and I have to say it's getting better and better as it goes on.  Definitely holding my interest far more than the first two episodes when I had doubts it could deliver a story at all.  @Chaos Theory is sooo right, "Well isn't this awkward" would have been a perfect episode title:   Noah and Anna in the garage, Issac and Noah in the alley, Noah walking around the corner just as Augustus gets down on one knee, even that ladies comment to Justina about Johan marrying a Funk  (trigger Justinas spidey sense that her suspicion that Anna isn't on the up and up is right after all).

The only one who has a chance to escape from this and live a normal Mennonite life is Tina and I'm rooting for her.  And maybe Abel, other than showing up when Noah meets with Valerie neither the police or the cartel have anything on him.  And damn but Anna is smart and quick and ruthless, buying her old farm, conspiring with Johan's father to give it to the kids, knowing when to lie and when to keep quiet, knowing when to threaten and not shying away from it and coming up with ideas on the fly like the drug smuggling in the tires and the story spin when Augustus caught her sleeping.  Noah stumbled his way through being a double agent but if Anna really wanted  she could be the cartel and run the whole show.  Not saying she likes it, she still shows that vulnerable horror in her face when she's alone but she sure does do a good job at it.

I'm really looking forward to the last few episodes, can Tina both stay in the dark and marry Johan committing fully to the Mennonite life and giving up her art besides?  Who lives and dies?  If the cartel is taken down does Noah, Anna, Isaac or Abel go down with them and does that mean jail or death for any of them?  Best case scenario is Anna takes more money from Estrada, he's killed by the police and she along with Noah and Isaac borrow Johan's plan and use that money to slip off to Paraguay to hide and farm in peace.  I didn't throw Augustus into that happy little ending because I have a strong feeling (no spoilers just a feeling) that he's going to be a casualty at some point, either killed accidentally or as a "warning" to Anna or considering how ruthless Anna can be she frames him for some or all of what she's been doing.     Of course the whole scenario of the family getting away would mean that Noah and Anna could reconcile, that Isaac could give forget what Estrada made him do and that all three could pretend none of it happened so super, super long shot.  Honestly though - can't wait to see how this all plays out.

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Well if this is the end it at least is a good one.  The tag line could literally be “If you are going to hell you might as well be boss.”

Dn Isaak that was an unexpected development.  I was also surprised Zoie Palmer survived (especially since there was an entire storyline with her losing custody of her kid). but then again she is Zoie Palmer.   

Anna may not have been the boss but she was boss thought season 2 even more then Noah.  I felt really bad for Augustus who really loved Anna but realized he had been used.  

This definitely goes on the list of HIGHLY underrated shows that not enough people watched in large part because it was a Canadian show on an underrated network.

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I think where Zoie met the gunslinger in the woods, she was surprised that she survived too.

So Allyson likes the white wine, eh? Better lower your standards a bit, because prison wine isn't quite so smooth.  I wonder if she was a fallen Mennonite, because she spoke the language quite well.

Poor Joey and his father.  They're going to come back to the colony and find Justina dead, after she's been mourning their deaths all this time.  So Romeo and Juliet. 

And Justina goes out in a blaze of, well, not quite glory. That was a shitload of money.  How did Anna not notice that she grabbed her truck and ran off in the middle of the wedding? And that wedding is going to be some gossip material for a long, long time.  Hopefully Tina and Johan can settle down and get to farming, because I think it's likely that they will be semi-shunned by the community just because of guilt by association.  I could never live like that.

One quibble, though.  Where are they going to go in that helicopter?  It can be tracked by any radar and the cops would certainly start that immediately.  It's not like they can cross the border to the US and be safe, like in American cop shows. 

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If that's the end it was a pretty good end.  Not enough loose ends tied for me but that's not the show's fault (I want to know what happens to Isaac, does Anna go to jail, does Tina get a happy life in the community, I just want to know).  Still the final was good and definitely multiple twists I didn't see coming.  And damn Anna is cold, calculating and quick right to the end, turning that drug money back on Justina and her husband and even coming off an arrest she can still play the innocent in front of everyone.

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Finally saw the last episode, still haven’t seen season 2, ep 1. (Excommunication). I can’t find it anywhere that I have access. Anyhoo, I was very pleased with the series. The leads were all fantastic. If it is over, well, I think the ending serves. I do hope it comes back, I’d love to see more.

Edited by Quickbeam
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Two years ago at CrimeCon I saw the first episode (season 1) and thought I'd have to look out for this show.  Imagine my dismay when I went looking and saw the entire first season already aired, but was not available to me on any of the methods I had (Netflix, On Demand, Prime...) so it faded from memory.  Then at some point I saw it on WGN but season 1 was still not available.  And it's no longer OnDemand at all for any season.  Fast forward to last night when I remembered to search for it on my newly available Hulu and I binged season 1.  Looking forward to season 2 today.

All that said, I don't understand the end when Noah wouldn't go into the church walked away from Anna.  Was he leaving the community?  I guess I'll find out soon enough. 🙂 

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5 hours ago, aquarian1 said:


All that said, I don't understand the end when Noah wouldn't go into the church walked away from Anna.  Was he leaving the community?  I guess I'll find out soon enough. 🙂 

Someone had to pay the price and it ended up being him.  The community turned a blind eye to all the drugs being sold because it benefited them so they were all kinda pissed at Noah and his family.   But Noah worked it so his family could stay.....if he left.     

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